That's why they were frantic trying to inject everyone. Free doughnuts, free beer, free time off to go and get jabbed. It was ridiculous, but it made me dig in my heels even harder. Never have they given things away trying to entice people to get the vaxx.
With surgery you can't stop the loss of weight. Pompeo is in the balancing phase. Not sure where on the spectrum he will stabilize. Its dangerous, his body will be screaming for calories. All the time, liquid food cannot maintain your weight.
Inflation is destroying our way of life. Wife priced out a Florida vacation. 10 000. Las Vegas was a 6,000 vacation. Local vacation 3,000. Deep sigh, our Florida vacation from 3 years ago was our beast and most memorable. We loved it and want to go again. I hate fish, but the fish in Florida are fresh. I loved all the fish and have never tasted fresh fish before. In my state all the fish is frozen and tastes old. The food in Florida was fresh and amazing. Imagine living your whole life not knowing how fish should taste. Long story short, I love Florida and hope to travel their again someday.
Don't forget the vaxx bottles??? Running 24/7 they could not make enough to vaxx into the hundres of millions. It would take years to stock up this much poison. Discernment.