TheMindBlownZone 3 points ago +3 / -0

3X? That low? I'm not sure what you're referring to as a "deposit certificate" exactly. Who is the "depositor", individual? And who is issuing the certificate? Some government agency?

The only place individuals can "deposit" their PMs is with private companies like Brinks as far as I'm aware. I do know Texas state has a sovereign depository as well.

I've heard estimates that owners of precious metal ETFs (GLD / SLV) are possibly closer to 50-100x "shares" for every actual ounce of metal they have in their coffers. But reading their contract terms and services closely, they aren't worried as they "have the option" to settle shareholder holdings in FedBux under virtually any scenario they deem "unavoidable" or "unpredictable" based on "shifting market dynamics".

Anyway, whatever you were referring to, I think 3X is a highly optimistic estimate possibly off by a few orders of magnitude. Net-Net, if you don't hold it, you likely don't own it!

TheMindBlownZone 4 points ago +4 / -0

Glad you found some value in it. Dr. Hamer's findings have been suppressed for 44 years now. Should you choose to continue to learn more, it's worth noting that the establishment/mainstream narrative is that "Dr. Hamer's theories have never been proven to be true". Notice nobody says his theories were "disproven", although I'm sure the establishment could conjure up some false pseudo-study to maintain their lies.

i put ChatGPT to the test several years ago when diving into this subject and finally asked "Has anybody ever tried to disprove Dr. Hamer's theories"...I've never seen ChatGPT spin/delay for that long (almost 5 minutes). Eventually, ChatGPT reluctantly responded "At this time, I was unable to find any information suggesting Dr. Hamer's theories have ever been tested for accuracy".

And there ya have it. This is the #1 way the establishment/mainstream suppresses truth. They simply ignore it!

If you resonate with what you read, this is what I like to tell people nowadays. All of Dr. Hamer's "conflict shocks" relate to some form or fear or judgment. But it's not the "conflict shock" that produces the major dis-ease. This is so important to understand. It's the SUSTAINING of the fear or judgment, over lengthy periods of time that cause the big problems. I like to reduce "fear and judgment" to one simple word -> RESISTANCE. Thus, when someone remains in SUSTAINED RESISTANCE to something that happened or is happening in their lives, this eventually leads to any and all "dis-eases" we have. The alternative is of course, to ALLOW/ACCEPT "what is", when there's nothing you can do to change it. To "move on" or "Forgive or Forget" in essence.

Good luck on your reading and let me know if you have any questions...

TheMindBlownZone 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bone cancer is caused by a "self-devaluation conflict" and the associated discordant feelings that are a result of it.

The best "treatment" for any dis-ease is the RELIEF someone finally FEELS when they understand what's going on --- that there's nothing "wrong with them", that their "body isn't malfunctioning", that the both the cause and cure are related to what someone is thinking, and therefore how they are feeling.

Here's some more specifics on bone cancer for your consideration:


Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.

TheMindBlownZone 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter." Our true essence is spiritual/light, not earthly/body - 5:5?

This is quite correct, but so few accept or acknowledge, let alone realize this is the case. Which is the product of societal brainwashing and multi-generational, multi-lifetime karmic load, all of which leads to the cabal's "liberal agenda", which is Victim Consciousness.

TheMindBlownZone 1 point ago +1 / -0

And he could be alive on a remote island partying it up with McNoName, Ken Lay, GWB, etc....

We simply don't know what we don't know. The one thing we know for sure is, they take care of their own.

TheMindBlownZone 2 points ago +2 / -0

What makes you so sure he's dead?

What makes you so sure he was alive when all the drama broke out? The last legit video of him was a deposition he did in 2010.

Where are the - should be thousands - of pictures and videos of him traveling back and forth between court hearings and jail during all the hoopla? Could there really be none? Only court artist drawings exist?

Could the whole affair have been nothing more than a theatrical media production merely as a warm-up round of "soft disclosure"?

TheMindBlownZone 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are no markets, only manipulations since 8/16/71. That there is the "appearance" otherwise, notwithstanding.

Hundreds of trillions of FedBux (printed out of thin air) have been used to pump all the markets - stock, bond, real estate - providing the illusion that our "investments" are gaining in value -- the purpose of which, is to mask the constantly rising prices of basic goods and services.

There is perhaps no better example than a bottle of Coca Cola costing a nickel from its inception in 1886 to 1959 - for nearly 75 years - under at least the guise of a "gold standard". Since then, it's effectively risen a nickel per year - 100% per anum based on its natural cost.

Or real estate, which should depreciate year over year as per all other standard "property", not of the "rare" or "collectible" variety. The older the home, the more repairs it requires, the less it should be worth. Common sense.

I'm not suggesting that aren't ALSO natural forces at work in the markets, when good or bad news is released about a company, causing people to buy or sell en masse. But this is a tiny aspect of the greater "market" as a whole.

Jack Vogel, founder of Vanguard, taught for nearly 80 years that a stock was overvalued with a P/E above 13. Which is effectively still true today when it comes to selling a company. The sellers are willing to part ways with their company for 10-15x annual run rate, the buyers want to pay 5-10X, The usually meet in the middle when there are multiple buyers interested - 12/13X which is effectively how Vogel's P/E ratio was calculated.

But good luck finding any "Big Name" stock today anywhere near these rational levels. You'd be hard pressed to find any under 20 nowadays - Double what Vogel suggested was a 'good buy" (P/E = 11). And it's worth noting that almost everybody agreed with Vogel in his heyday.

How did this change? Are these "tech/information/media" companies that dominate the DOW (Industrial Average???) really worth 20/30/50/100 times their annual run rate? Is the value of a tech company really worth 2/3/5/10x an "industrial" company, or any other for that matter? Or was the shift in perception due to immense, inorganic, unnatural "market forces" that propped up the "winners" at all costs - where the "winners" were the stocks dominating American retirement funds?

Nvidia - P/E 68? Tesla P/E 183? Apple-Microsoft-Amazon-Alphabet P/E's 30-45? Really?

Over one-hundreds years of financial wisdom - really basic Common Sense - just flies right out the window in the "information age"?

When you buy a stock with say a P/E of 35, what you're basically saying is, if you had enough money, you'd be willing to buy the company for 35X what the present owner earned in the previous fiscal year. That would be an offer almost no current company owner could refuse...

The markets are all boosted with hundreds of trillions of "out of thin air" FedBux to maintain the illusion that the same people aren't stealing away our purchasing power on the daily with their "inflation" (theft) propaganda that "is totally natural and manageable" by the benevolent owners of the Fed.

But hey, I'll close with this. Thus far, picking winners on the stock market can be far more lucrative than any other investment...as long as you choose wisely - Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft,Tesla, Nvidia, Walmart, Netflix etc. amongst the best picks of the last 20-odd years. The companies propped up by endless "cabal bucks" no less? And combined, make up likely 50% of the average American's stock/fund portfolios.

I know many people who have made enormous returns with some of these picks. But to what end? Infusing the very organizations with our hard-earned money that are turning around and carry out the cabal's agenda?

I'm of the opinion that everything is going to work out for everybody in the end. The inevitable crash of the markets - when the manipulators pull the plug - is not going to happen as they had planned. They have lost. It's going to be fascinating to see how the "white hats" balance everything out however. The only logical conclusion I can draw is that they're going to unearth the kajillion dollar coffers of the "black hats" and redistribute these funds equitably in some, as yet, inconceivable way to my reckoning.

All this to say, the P/E ratio should be in-line with what a rational corporate buyout would look like (10-15x run rate). They're effectively one and the same number. Any P/E that stays above 15 for any length of time is inorganic and points to nefarious, irrational market forces at work because no sane buyer would pay 20/30/40/50 times what a company earns in a year. That's just too far out - impossible to forecast that far ahead - impossible to anticipate changing market forces - competitors - supply and demand trends that far into the future. See "CompuServe", "AOL", "MySpace", "Buy.com", "WorldCom", "Enron" for just a few more recent examples.

TheMindBlownZone 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great article. Tip of the iceberg, but will wake up some more sleepers for sure...

TheMindBlownZone 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. It's all pretty simple. A "dollar" is defined in the 1792 "Currency Act" as 370-ish grains of silver. If everybody realized this, it would be game over for the manipulators. And this is basically the whole deception -> Perception. You can throw ratios, historical standards, technical analysis and logical reasoning out the window. None of it really matters if the masses perceive FedBux as "dollars' or "money".

BTW - the attribute that differentiates "currency" from "money" is that the latter is a "store of value"...which you did demonstrate in your examples.

Thanks for the informative post!

TheMindBlownZone 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a great observation OP. Well done!

Now imagine how people are going to react when the truth is finally revealed that the cause of all dis-ease is Sustained Discordant Feelings which are generated by Inharmonious thoughts. Neither the cause nor cure is "material". This wisdom has been around for centuries and Scientifically Proven 44 years ago.

We were all profoundly indoctrinated into the peak of "The Age of Materialism", which began around 1500, heavily accelerated in 1888. And in terms of health/medicine, exponentially accelerated in 1972, when our "healthcare" (really "dis-ease-management") system was added to the national GDP and mandated to grow by 5% annually.

I've studied several dozen claimed "cancer cures" over the years. They all have their success stories and radical adherents. But none have ever "worked for everyone". The reason for this is simple once you understand the cause. The people who "beat cancer", with whatever remedy-of-the-day they used, had both hope as well as a single-minded focus on "beating cancer". The combination of these two energies, coupled with the releasing of the specific "inharmonious thoughts" brings about the "spontaneous remission" or "Remedy-X cure".

The path to understanding this begins with first understanding that there was a reason and purpose for the excess temporary tissue. That your body isn't "malfunctioning". That there's "nothing wrong with you". None of which our "licensed medical experts", indoctrinated into "dis-ease materialism", will tell you. In fact, they've been trained to tell us the EXACT OPPOSITE of what is true. Which of course, thusly generates an entirely new level of intensity and severity of "disharmonious thoughts" that generate more "discordant feelings".

Anthony Fauci is but the tip of the tip of the iceberg.

Our bodies are perfectly functioning, profoundly intelligent machines that remain harmonious in the absence of sustained discordance. Our bodies are a perfect symphonic orchestra, designed to thrive and survive until 120 years of age in the presence of easeful-peaceful-happy-harmonious feelings. But when we emanate negativity and resistance, via fear, worry, guilt, shame, anger, hatred, criticism, complaining, blame, etc. we've introduced an out-of-tune, out-of-time instrument into the orchestra. And when these resistance energies dominate our day-to-day awareness in both duration and intensity, it's like introducing an entire out-of-tune orchestral section into the mix. And this is what produces what we call "dis-ease".

TheMindBlownZone 4 points ago +4 / -0

The silver:gold ratio "fix" was based upon the amount of time-money-effort expended to mine and process an ounce of each metal. It was around 12:1 for centuries. There were also varying estimates about how much actual gold and silver existed in the earth's crust - reachable - mine-able. The estimates ranged from 10:1 (liberal estimate) to 15:1 (conservative estimate) by and large.

Thus, unlike the old "London fix", which was entirely inorganic, artificial and man-made in order to facilitate manipulation and control, the Silver:Gold ratio of 15:1 essentially reflects REALITY.

And yes, the modern day PM gurus are all counting on a "return to reality" one day when the manipulation finally ends. As such, they recommend "buying the ratio", which is, as of today - roughly 88:1 - as a hedging strategy. For every ounce of gold you buy, you buy 88 ounces of silver. Their thinking is, while gold always "rises first", they can take advantage of those early gains until such time as silver starts catching up, after which they trade their gold for silver and ride its inevitable bounce back to the natural 15:1 ratio.

All that being said, the PM gurus have effectively been wrong about the invetiable balancing of the ratio, in terms of timing of course. This, thanks to a seemingly endless "bag of tricks" the manipulators can deploy to uphold the PERCEPTION that their fedbux and artificial "negotiable instruments" remain dominant. The September 2019 new "overnight repo facility" being the most recent egregious example...

TheMindBlownZone 6 points ago +6 / -0

I suspect the answer to your question would generate quite a few downvotes here.

As I see it, there are two opposing factions in play - white hats and black hats if you like. They're in a persistent tug-o-war, neither having a distinct advantage historically. These factions effectively "agree" on what matters-topics-subjects are "in play" at any given moment in time, versus those that are "off the table" and can't be touched. There are innumerable examples.

One such obvious recent example is income taxes and the IRS. While Trump talked about using tariffs for leverage in trade negotiations and imbalances in the first term, he never hinted at it replacing income taxes, like he certainly has now. It's going to take time for the mass consciousness to even accept this is a legitimate possibility. Suggesting such too soon would literally cause tens/hundreds of millions of Americans to really "lose their minds" as it would be inconceivable to them. We'd have a legitimate mental health pandemic on our hands.

Now imagine Trump coming out and telling the "whole truth", which he should be aware of (certainly some advisors are), that virtually none of the collected income tax goes toward what we have been told they go toward - entitlements, military, infrastructure, etc. They simply print this up out of thin air. And that the lion's share of this money goes to the people/groups that created the whole system of financial slavery. We'd have a mental health meltdown of epic proportions on our hands. I'd even go so far as to suggest that the majority of people on this board reject this as a possibility, and they're way ahead of the mass consciousness permeating society.

All this to say, what we're witnessing is a slow burn, highly controlled demolition of what has stood as 'apparent truth" to the brainwashed masses for ~150-odd years now (since the Civil War coup). It can't all be unwound in a day/week/month/year/term and maybe not even a decade. It's impossible to know.

Thus, the USAID scandal is what's "on the menu" this week. Really, an appetizer in the grand scheme as compared to the IRS, Fed, etc. as well as the notion that USAID wasn't actually "using taxpayer money", but was instead just printing it out of thin air in fact. It's too soon for that revelation.

If what I'm suggesting is true, then in reality, shutting down USAID, or limiting its powers is a mere bump in the road as the people who control the printing presses can simply use an existing, or an invent a new "funding avenue", either on or "off the books" with ease. We'd be none the wiser either way and the whole public drama would engender the appearance of a "big win" for Trump, but would in reality be a minor, temporary annoyance for the opposition.

I believe this whole money laundering idea behind foreign aid is largely just another theatrical production designed to "wake people up". A production the white and black hats have collectively agreed to participate in as a "slow burn" tactic. Occam's Razor suggests that the people who pull the levers on the printing presses can distribute funds to whomever they wish, whenever they wish through hundreds of different avenues - USAID being just a single one.

All this to say, why didn't Trump expose the Fed in his first term, or this term for that matter? The Fed is the wellspring, the source that finances the corruption. Without it in play, the vast institutional corruption as we know it would collapse so quickly, to the detriment of the psychological health of hundreds of millions most likely. Hard to imagine the norm being "collective cognitive dissonance" out there, eh?

As such, the white and black hats have agreed this whole USAID production is an acceptable "soft disclosure" story that assists with controlling the demolition of our current "matrix".

Also, it's worth noting that both sides have hundreds of 'retaliatory measures" in place, should one or the other side break their agreements, e.g. "The Samson Option".

It's quite clear that the black hats "have lost" their seemingly unopposed grip over the world, but "righting the ship" by ripping the band-aid off would cause far more harm than good in the grand scheme.

Thus, the Trump administration, just like the Biden/Obama/Bush/Clinton etc. administrations have always been a mixture of white and black hat operatives in various positions. It has always been a push and pull, give and take affair. There are numerous examples of - questionable on GA - dubious in other forums - "Trump appointments" as we speak. Case in point, anybody trying to justify selecting Marco Rubio as Secretary of State (the most powerful cabinet position by far) doesn't see the bigger picture. The white hats conceded Rubio for, say placing RFK Jr. or Patel in their positions.

One day the masses will realize we don't need any "leaders" in the first place. We're a long way off from that day of course. But you can effectively boil all of humanity's problems down to one single issue -> the violation of free will. By BELIEVING there is somebody else that can tell others what they can and can't freely do (as long as they aren't violating somebody else's free will), humanity will continue emitting these destructive energies of resistance that lie at the core of all our issues.

The founding fathers created the Unites States of America as a Republic. The "federal government" wasn't "in charge" of the Republic, it was only created to manage the duties it was assigned and had no say with its employers (us). The supreme court, congress, senate, POTUS were to make and uphold "corporate by-laws" (statutes) for federal employees alone. So too, the state governors in the beginning. The county sheriff was the "highest authority" of the land. And the sheriff couldn't make rules (statutory laws) that violated the principles of the state constitutions that protected "individual rights" above all else.

We're a long way from all of that thanks to our collective brainwashing since the civil war coup. It will be a remarkable feat if 160 years of this can be erased in five or ten in my estimation. We shall see...

TheMindBlownZone 5 points ago +5 / -0

Secretary of State is the most powerful public office holder (more powerful then POTUS) being the direct link between US gubmint and the private, international groups that control USA Inc.

TheMindBlownZone 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's been fraudulent from its inception.

A "taxpayer" is a legal construct - an "artificial person" - a corp-oration (talking corpse). A "non-filer" is a legal construct. A "resident of a two-letter abbreviated state with zip code" unwittingly agrees they live within another legal construct - the "District of Columbia"...which is one of the ill-defined "the several states". along with Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands. None of the 50 "actual states" are part of that definition for the record.

And "income" is defined as Corporate Profits

But nobody taught us this, right?

Good old Harry Reid said on an open mic that "income taxes are voluntary". And then later when asked said "taxpayers will be thrown in jail for not paying their income taxes". Huh?

See the trick yet?

Not a word about any men or women owing any taxes. Men and women don't "earn an income", and thus can't be taxed for earning a living.

See the trick now?

And the Constitution is also still being honored for those who learn the tricks. They don't pay any "income taxes".

Nobody was ever forced to admit, "by penalties of perjury" that they ARE a "taxpayer", and therefore also admit they "earn an income". Everybody just volunteered to do it.

And what prevents almost everybody from learning and applying these things? Fear and worry. Just where the cabal wants you!

It's really this simple. You are a man or woman that earns a living. As long as you don't agree to BE any of their legalese constructs, you aren't required to pay any "income taxes".

One day everybody is going to learn that none of our "income taxes" went toward any functions of the government. They have a printing press that takes care of that. Your collected taxes go to the entity/person/party that owns the primary bond on your birth certificate. Oh yeah, and a "certificate" is a financial instrument.

The pen is mightier than the sword. Tally ho!

TheMindBlownZone 5 points ago +5 / -0

You've fallen for the establishment deception. You haven't asked the right question.

The right question is: -> Why hasn't the establishment attempted to prove or disprove Hamer's theories that have been available to them for over 50 years?

They'd be the least expensive "trials" conceivable. Right? All they need to do is interview people with specific dis-eases and see if there's a correlation between what he suggests are the causes and the dis-ease.

This is one of the most basic deceptive strategies. When they know they can't disprove something, they suppress, bury and ignore it. And then turnaround and say "none of your licenses, bonded (and bought and paid for) 'experts' have confirmed this yet. What they don't tell you is, that none of their 'experts" have even TRIED to confirm it. I can assure you quite confidently that they have not...and will not....as long as the same people in charge of the medical establishment stay in power.

They've spent TRILLIONS on all kinds of different medical research - chemicals, toxins, carcinogens, molds, genetics, pesticides, foods, blabbity blah blah blah. TRILLIONS. All wrong. And they've spend ZERO on Dr. Hamer's work.

Why? Because you are living in the "Age of Materialism", in turbo overdrive since 1880 (~1500 ad inception). The establishment are the materialists. And they're effectively wrong about everything. Hence the absolute madness on display in our world, least of all, the medical world.

Dis-ease is the result of discordant feelings - disharmonious emotions. As Dr. Hamer found, these are initiated by the "Conflict Shock"'; the unwanted, negative life event/situation that initiates the process. The difference between those who get the dis-ease and those who don't, is directly related to their ability to move on, to forgive and forget - which Dr. Hamer called "Conflict Resolution". Conflict resolution = a return to harmonious feelings. Remaining "conflict active" means a perpetuation of disharmonious feelings...which leads to debilitating dis-eases.

And if you care to learn the truth about this, I'd recommend not relying on any of the "establishment experts" for confirmation. We're decades away from that. They would trillions if they admitted Dr. Hamer was right. Nor would I recommend you BELIEVE me...or anybody else for that matter.

You can prove this to yourself. Look back on your life, dis-eases you've had, and examine how you fell into RESISTANCE (fear or judgment) of some kind in the days/weeks/months before your dis-ease symptoms started. Then have a look at the "conflict theme" that Dr. Hamer associated with the dis-ease; loss, separation, worry, fear, self-judgment, anger, etc. and you'll being to see how simple it all really is.

Germs, genes, toxins, carcinogens, diets, etc. All unproven nonsense. Because first cause isn't "material", it's "metaphysical". Dis-ease (disharmony) in the mind leads to dis-ease (disharmony) in the body.

Reality is simple and clear. The materialists would have you believe otherwise. Once you know, they can't deceive you ever again with their deliberately withheld "stamp of approval" that you're looking for. Not only would they lose trillions, but they'd also lose your trust. And that's the very last thing they can afford to lose. Because when they do, the masses will stop giving their power away to "them" (experts and authorities). The very "power" they rely upon to prey upon their slaves....

TheMindBlownZone 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see what you're saying and don't disagree from a mainstream standpoint.

What Dr. Hamer didn't say, but did know, is that the reason for all our dis-eases is because we have a reversed, inverted, 180-degree understanding of this "reality". That's why we "get sick".

However, he strove for presenting a purely "scientific" system to the establishment in hopes of getting attention and acceptance.

In truth, "you" don't "Posses consciousness". You ARE consciousness...and that 'you" "Possesses a brain/body". Said better, the real you (consciousness) is in a constant state of GENERATING the brain/body.

The "age of materialism" education we've all gotten these past 150 years has completely flipped everything 180-degrees from the truth. Germs, genes, toxins, carcinogens, diet, etc. are all said to be "causal", but there's not a shred of proof to be found for any of these fraudulent claims. And this is the system that Dr. Hamer discovered.

"First Cause" of all our life circumstances is generated "within" if you like. By the most important "things" in our lives. Namely, thoughts + Feelings, which generate BELIEFS. And with these beliefs firmly implanted, we then use our IMAGINATION to "out-picture" them in the temporary "outer reality". In a nutshell, "CONSCIOUSNESS" is the whole ballgame. The very last thing the estalishment wants us to realize. And thus, they never talk about thoughts-feelings-beliefs-imagination and clumsily try to sell their academic madness about consciousness as an "emergent property"...as if consciousness arises from matter. First there were rocks, then love arose from them. Ummm--hmmmm, shyah right...makes perfect sense Mr. highly repsected PhD!!! 180-degree inversion. You can't make this stuff up!

Anyway, thanks for your reply.

TheMindBlownZone 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hi ArmyLady.

Cold hands/feet too? Those are the three primary conflict active symptoms. your psyche is "rallying resources" to make adjustments to tissue in your body, which is why less warmth in the hands. And the poor appetite is because the psyche does not want to utilize valuable resources with food digestion, which is the most taxing task your body does every day. And the poor sleep is occurring because your psyche wants you to have more "waking hours" to solve your conflict....to "figure it out"...or...forgive/forget.

if you're aware of the conflict, then you get to that RESOLUTION (Healing) PHASE by resolving it. That's the only way. This may seem like a daunting or unlikey or could be an "impossible task"...as with a separation, loss or unfortunate event happening to another you care for. If this is the case, there's one very simple ---- but not always "easy" for many --- process you can start to employ.

If you read my previous post, you know your dis-ease is a result of RESISTANCE. And you might be thinking, like most, well everybody would be in resistance to this negative thing in my life. And I'd mostly agree with that statement. You're right. I don't disagree...based on how we've all been indoctrinated and brainwashed into our worldwide 'liberal agenda", victim consciousness behavior.

But believe it or not, you do have the power to ALLOW/ACCEPT what has happened. You don't like it. You don't want it. But that doesn't prevent you from allowing/accepting it. ALLOWANCE/ACCEPTANCE is the antithesis to RESISTANCE....which is the cause of the dis-ease.

But how, right? If you don't like it, don't want it, how can you possibly accept it? Fair question. I've heard it hundreds of times.

This is how easy it is. Don't make it any harder then it is. It's not complicated. Simply CHOOSE....DECIDE...that because there's nothing you can do to fix/remedy the situation, your only option now is to:


It's a choice. Takes some practice. You do it for a minute here, a minute there, whenever it dawns on you and the opportunity arises.

This is a big step in "taking your power back". The fact that you can actually do this is incredibly empowering. Again, this isn't saying you like or want the thing that happened. You're just saying, there's nothing I can do about it now, therefore the most graceful path forward is to allow/accept.

Once you let this integrate into your beingness, be on the lookout for your appetite returning, sleep improving, hands/feet warming up. This will signal that you're entering the restoration (healing) phase when the "dis-ease" symptoms will appear. Nothing to worry about in most cases. You know it's coming. This alone lessens the impact for 80+% as you don't tack-on that psychological suffering with the pain/discomfort of the symptoms. And just follow the guidance of your body - rest, hydration, light meals, etc. Perhaps the one thing that helps with a lot of restoration phases is ensuring you get a good portion of protein in your diet before 3pm (assuming you sleep normal hours). Your body needs that extra protein to power the tissue resotration/removal during this phase.

Let me know what you think. I'm always curious to hear people's thoughts about this guidance. It seems counterintuitive within the context of mainstream beliefs - what we think of as "Normal". But in fact, this allowance/acceptance practice is quite "NATURAL" to our true self. We had to be taught to RESIST life's unfortunate events that are unavoidable. This is the primary meaning behind the biblical verse "be not conformed to the ways of the world". Those "ways", on full display in our reality these days are all RESISTANCE that "seems normal" - fear, judgment, criticism, complaining, guilt, blame, worry, shame, etc.

Everybody keeps trying to blame vaccines, pesticides, fast-foods, junk foods, yada yada yada for the rise in dis-ease these past 30-40 years. But it's none of that. What's risen to epic levels of insanity is all this constant RESISTANCE being fed to everybody 24x7 in media, school, social media, etc.

Anyway, happy to answer any questions you have via PM in relation to your conflict. Assuming it's relatively recent, there's literally nothing to be concerned with. If it's something that's been going on for 6+ months, you might want to be aware of what the restoration phase will look like ahead of time. Specifically in relation to any self-devaluation conflicts and/or heart-related issues (territorial fear/loss/worry/marking - loss of job, money, house, wife, kids, reputation, respect, etc.), which typically have the hardest impact on right-handed men (heart attacks).

Also, while this particular podcast of mine is a bit "out there" or too "woo-woo" for many, I can't help but share the fastest of fast track solutions to difficult situations. It's my "Tell a New Story" podcast. It's probably like nothing you've ever heard. But that's okay. If you can sit through it without losing your mind ---hahaha - it's possible you could open up to it. For a lot of people I work with that are hearing this kind of "woo-woo" thing for the first time, I've found it's easier for them to do the negative/reverse, which is to "Stop telling the old story" for starters.

Either way, it's the telling of the story (the conflict that's troubling you) that prevents it from resolving.

Here's the podcast: https://themindblownzone.com/podcast/045-tell-a-new-story.php

You CAN do it! Believe in your own power. Good luck!

TheMindBlownZone 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for the kind comment. I'm happy you got the reaction you did. Thanks for sharing!

I'm copying/pasting what I shared with DagnyDocket below who roused me from my hibernation.

I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask any questions via PM should you have any:

Here is the short 8-minute "Tik-Tok" style, rapid-fire explanation on "What Causes Dis-ease" if you don't have the time or inclination to spend hours listening to longer explanations:


We did a 3-part series on my fuller and deeper explanations of what causes dis-ease. Here's part one. You can find the other two in the menu on the right next to it if it's resonating and you feel so inclined.


And if you prefer another platform, YouTube, Rumble, Bitchute, Odyssee, all our videos are there too.

You can start looking at your own symptoms, past illnesses, etc. and getting a better understanding through this website A-Z dis-ease search list. That's how I started and most people I know that have resonated with GNM: There are over 500 common dis-eases in the list:


TheMindBlownZone 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well happy to hear it. Not everybody is ready to consider what I have to say, so I'm always hesitant to share too much. I love to share, and often "over share".. I appreciate you asking.

And thank you for awakening my old alter-ego...haha :)

Here is the short 8-minute "Tik-Tok" style, rapid-fire explanation on "What Causes Dis-ease" if you don't have the time or inclination to spend hours listening to longer explanations:


We did a 3-part series on my fuller and deeper explanations of what causes dis-ease. Here's part one. You can find the other two in the menu on the right next to it if it's resonating and you feel so inclined.


And if you prefer another platform, YouTube, Rumble, Bitchute, Odyssee, all our videos are there too.

And feel free to ask me any questions if they arise. The "BIG SHIFT" in understanding really comes down to going from feeling like a victim, feeling scared, not knowing why, believing your body is malfunctioning, broken, failing, etc. All lies. Everything is actually "working" once you gain a better understanding of how our thoughts+feelings=beliefs are the causal factor.

You can start looking at your own symptoms, past illnesses, etc. and getting a better understanding through this website A-Z dis-ease search list. That's how I started and most people I know that have resonated with GNM: There are over 500 common dis-eases in the list:


TheMindBlownZone 3 points ago +4 / -1

Cancers - i.e. "excess cell growth" is our psyche's attempt to help us deal with a conflicting life situation we can't easily resolve. The real "cancers" happen within our most primitive, earliest tissue layer - the endoderm. Several things are called "cancer" today, like 80% of breast cancers (intraductal) and "brain cancer" which has nothing to do with 'excess cell growth", but rather congealing of neuroglia. The "explosion" of breast cancer cases these past 40-50 odd years is a result of reclassifying what was once treated in more holistic ways and wasn't the 'serious scare threat" it is today. It's not a "true cancer". However, glandular breast cancer is (20% of cases)

But yes, each of the "real cancers" are related to a specific type of conflicting life situation. To name a few

  • Mouth - can't bite/chew/eat/take-in a situation
  • Throat - can't swallow a situation we've "taken a bite out of"
  • Stomach - can't stomach a situation we've taken on and swallowed
  • Intestine - can't digest a situation
  • Colon/Rectum - Can't release/eliminate/forget a "crappy" situation
  • Liver - starvation conflict (can't get/keep/hang-onto what we deem necessary)
  • Pancreas - Fight over money/property/inheritance, what we think is 'ours"
  • Lung - Death-fright - fear of dying
  • Bone/Blood/Leukemia - Different degrees of Existence/Continuance/Survival conflicts
  • Intraductal breast cancer - Worry/Care/Nurturing conflict for a loved one
  • Ovarian/Testicular - Profound loss of a loved one conflict

You can begin to catch the gist of, and start to understand how the psyche is responding in an effort to help you resolve the issue. In reality, the excess cell tissue is actually making the organ work BETTER. The problem arises when we cling to the conflict for months, even years on end. if the mainstream burn-cut-poison doesn't kill the person, the conflict active symptoms of poor appetite, poor sleep, ongoing distress and overall spirit's will to continue lead to eventual wasting, cachexia and enervation of the body.

Sheds a whole new light on the benefits of forgiving and forgetting, doesn't it? What's done is done. Today is a new day. No point in "Re-Membering" what hasn't gone our way in the past. Life is too short.

Hope that helps a bit...

TheMindBlownZone 2 points ago +2 / -0

The term "psyche" was coined by the Greeks some 2000+ years ago. They defined it as 'The seat of the soul". It is the same "thing" as what modern day psychologists call the "subconscious mind". The mainstream medical establishment then invented the "Autonomic Nervous System" which is their sad attempt to eliminate that which they cannot see-touch-measure in order to further their materialist agenda All are one and the same.

While i agree with you that Freud was largely a fraud in his overall framework, the id/ego idea or unconscious/conscious "minds" were not his original ideas. They go far back into antiquity as well. Such 'discoveries" are only attributed to him as he is one of the main establishment "geniuses/heroes" of the "Age of Materialism" we find ourselves immersed in, alongside folks like Pasteur, Marx, Darwin, Einstein, etc. All mainstream frauds with little or no basis in truth in anything they ever said.

The "subconscious mind" is far from "nonsense". It drives our personal "reality" whether we realize it or not. The body/brain are the RESULT of what's going on behind the scenes. The body/brain are the temporary "out-picturing" of what is BELIEVED by the conscious mind, then generated by the subconscious mind.

TheMindBlownZone 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hi Dagny,

Surprised today to see this message pop up as my "Morpheus11" account was banned years ago. Apparently it stays "logged in" for me although I'm banned from posting.

Anyway, you are quite right for the most part in your understanding. I'd say roughly 80% of what we call dis-ease symptoms indicate we are in the healing/resolution phase. There are some exceptions, mainly around conflicts with our senses (eyes, ears, nose) that produce immediate symptoms in the conflict active phase (don't want to, or want to but can't see, hear, smell something/someone).

I've produced several podcasts on this topic, most long-form, but a more recent "What Causes dis-ease in 8 minutes" for those with a short attention span. And I've also improved upon simplifying the basic explanation of dis-ease causation.

That being said, I still see the the majority here are still clinging to their ideas around materialistic causation and cures...thanks to a lifetime of materialist brainwashing we were all subjected to.

That which runs all our bodily processes, call it what you will - psyche, subconscious mind, etc. carelessly and without any evidence called "the autonomic nervous system" by modern materialistic medicine runs the whole show, beginning to end. In addition to beating our hearts, breathing our breath, digesting our food, removing old and generating new cells, 24x7x365 without fail as it's routine duties, the psyche also responds and reacts to life situations that we define as "negative-unwanted-unfortunate-unwelcome" etc. Specifically, things we can't easily or readily resolve. Dr. Hamer coined the term that doesn't translate well from German to English as "Conflict Shocks". This phrase leaves most people thinking only of these major, massive, traumatic experiences as fitting into this definition. But nothing could be further from the truth. The simplest of life's situations, interactions, events qualify as a "conflict shock". In effect, a conflict shock is anything you're unhappy about but can't readily fix/remedy. The list is endless.

But more importantly, it's 100% subjective. How you deal with a certain situation may be quite different from how i deal with it. What doesn't set off a "conflict shock" for you, could very well set one off for me. This is perhaps the biggest stumbling block most people seem to hit when trying to grasp the principles of GNM in the early stages. They think "well I lost my job years ago but never had any heart problems" so this "territorial loss" conflict shock connection to heart problems is pure bunk.

The final hurdle to understanding GNM is that the psyche is not familiar with the world of insanity we've been mis-educated into. As such, it takes our figurative thoughts literally. The psyche also has no relationship to "time". Everything is "right now" from its perspective (the accurate one in the grand scheme).

So, taking the most extreme example. Let's say someone gets a diagnosis from a doctor that they have "ABC cancer" and have only 6-9 months to live. Devastating news for most people. Most eventually succumb, and generate a couple new forms of cancer (lung and bone most commonly) due to the horrible news. This is what modern medicine calls "metasteses" which is pure, unsupported bunkola as well. The psyche responds to this "fear of death", in real time, by generating excess lung tissue to inprove oxygen uptake. Modern medicine calls this "lung cancer". If the mustard gas or radioactive poisoning don't kill the person, the existential despair leads to full-on cachexia and enervation in the end. Thus, when you hear of someone "dying of cancer", it's either poisoning or despair that is the actual cause.

But not everybody reacts the same way. Some hear the bad news and resolve to "beat the cancer". They have an entirely different outlook. They begin seeking alternative cures with zeal, singularly focused on "surviving" at all costs. This is doubly important for the individual. First, they don't generate the fear/lung program and "Conflict Active cachexia (no appetite, poor sleep). But more importantly, there single-pointed focus on "surviving" more often than not, causes them to release their anger-fear-worry-hatred-grief-shame-guilt-upset they were so heavily focused on which caused the initial cancer. In other words, they "forgive and forget" whatever or whoever they deemed the offending source/person in order to focus full-time on "beating cancer". This signals the psyche that the conflict is resolved, and it then begins reversing the excess tissue it generated in hopes of helping the person resolve their conflict.

When the person seeks no additional cures/treatments, the medical industry has a word for this scenario - "Spontaneous Remission" - although they really don't like to admit it and try to ignore it every chance they get of course. Because they really have no explanation for it based on their medical training.

And this also explains how and why there are so many vastly different "cancer cures" that people swear by. The list is long. Apparently on today's GA boards, and recent Rogan podcast, credit is being given to Fenben and Ivermectin. I've heard no less than 50 other "cures" as well over the years. And the people that used each of them will swear on a stack of bibles that they "worked".

Some would like to suggest what I'm saying is "the placebo effect". But this is not quite right in these instances. What happens is, the person has realized their mortality and has, whether consciously or unconsciously, chosen to let bygones be bygones, to forgive or forget their problems when becoming hyper-focused on surviving. Additionally, whichever "cure" they decide upon, gives them something establishment medicine was not offereing. Namely -> HOPE!!! This is especially true for those who get Stage IV diagnosis and aren't deemed eligible for any of the burn-cut-poison barbaric options any longer. They literally reach that "nothing to lose" surrender phase, which can lead them to this amazing space of "nothing else matters" attitude.

Making some sense to you?

Now, no matter how carefully I explain this, those who have survived cancer by believing that taking one of these substances was the cure, will still hold their ground on "what cured them". But what they don't like to think about is that, not everybody who used the same substance was "cured". And then we have to go down to this long and winding road of "maybe", "possibly", "immune systems", "genetics" etc. as "factors" that determine why it works for some, but not all. It's the same problem all the terrain theorists don't like to ponder. There's never one food/drink that's the cause, nor one substance that's always the cure. It just never happens. It's all materialistic reasoning without even a shred of proof.

And this is because, the deciding factor in all of it are our BELIEFS. Full stop. These are the "causative agents" for every aspect of our lives. Metaphysics in short.

When it comes to dis-ease, they're all caused by some form of RESISTANCE to life. This is the simplest way to express it. The primary forms of resistance are FEAR & JUDGMENT. And derivative of these larger categories, we can drill down further into worry, concern, guilt, separation, loss, grief, embarrassment,humiliation, etc. (fear) and all the many forms of judgment - complaining, criticism, blaming, shaming, anger, jealousy, etc. etc. etc. All those energies that make us "feel bad" while in the act of sending them out.

These are our "E-Motions", or "Energy-In-Motion". And it is this energy we unwisely and unwittingly have been brainwashed into putting into motion on a regular basis, that lead to our dis-eases and all the various "conflict shock themes" Dr. Hamer discovered over his career.

Most of the time, we don't issue these energies long enough to register a dis-ease process. Nonetheless, we do get to experience our own creation in the form of unwanted, unfortunate life situations when those energies return to their creator, as they must.

But sometimes, we cling to them for hours, days, weeks, months, even years at a time. And this is when the psyche steps in to try and assist as best it can. And this is what ultimately leads to most of humanity's "major dis-eases". Put simply,, long periods of refusing to forgive/forget or allow/accept, and instead unwittingly choosing to remain in RESISTANCE to something.

In simple spiritual terms, the essence of "unconditional love" is "Acceptance/Allowance". The opposite is of course resistance.

If you are open to considering the above, and can make an effort to contemplate what I've said, it's usually easiest to start with some dis-eases you've had in the past and examine what life situations leading up to your dis-ease had thrown you out of balance. This is much easier than making a big effort to figure out how or why somebody else was sick. Again, for the simple reason that our perception is always subjective.

Now, I should also mention that I've distanced myself from the core GNM community over the past year and a half or so too. In integrating my metaphysical understanding with Dr. Hamer's highly scientific contribution, I've made one major adjustment based on the foundational metaphysical principles of "Imagination creates reality" and that our psyche's cannot tell the difference between what we call "real" and what we call "imagination". They are one and the same to the psyche. And all we do during our waking hours is imagining, whether we realize it or not.

As such, after working with several hundred cases the past 4 years, I've come to realize that a dis-ease can be triggered by both "real world events" as well as "imagined events". I've seen this too many times now to dismiss it. And all of my favorite metaphysical sources have suggested the same.

And in fairness to Dr. Hamer, he wanted GNM to be 100% "scientific" for starters, in order to gain acceptance by modern materialistic thinking. I do believe he understood what I'm saying, but knew it would be just too far off into "woo-woo land" for the establishment leaders to take seriously. FWIW.

Anyway, there's my "intro to dis-ease" in its present form. Most people don't like it at first glance due to a lifetime of "victim consciousness" brainwashing. I totally get it. All our lives we have been inundated with the materialists "liberal agenda", making us all helpless "victims" in our dominant beiefs. It's the exact opposite of the actual truth. And this scares most people when first entertaining the material I've shared here today.

But thanks for remembering me and I hope this was all helpful. If you like, I'll share my podcasts with you and you can hear me talk more about this subject, as well as many others. I'm on the bleeding edge....so caveat emptor! But if what I've shared resonates with you, you're indeed heading toward the collective "Great Awakening" that is well underway at this time! Tally ho!!!

TheMindBlownZone 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't forget, there's only ONE red pill. You'll find many pointers to it here..


short UTL -> tmbz.pro

You can find the podcast on YouTube, Bitchute, Rumble, Odysee, Apple podcasts and Spotify under "The Mind Blown Zone" if you prefer a particular platform.

TheMindBlownZone 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great share there.

I'm quite well aware of all things metaphysical/spiritual. This is a subject that isn't well-received here on GA. Long ago I stopped trying to ease people into a more wholistic understanding of these topics. Unfortunately, the collective brainwashing runs far too deep and the majority here have fully integrated it, unwilling to examine from whence and where they acquired their BELIEFS from.

Words and subjects such as "occult", "new age", "mystery school", "Rosicrucianism", "Freemasonry", "Theosophy", "Anthroposophy", etc. have been thoroughly demonized to the point of being unapproachable for most as they are unwilling to consider the possibility that within each and all, there are the "dark arts" practitioners as well as the "gray magic" and "white magic" practitioners. The wisdom imparted in these metaphysical traditions is, in and of itself, neutral. What and how each individual chooses to utilize this wisdom, for self gain or for the benefit of the whole, determines which end of the spectrum they land. Unfortunately, the majority of information circulating in the "conspiracy theory" communities relates to the dark arts practitioners. Thus, leading most well-meaning truth seekers away from subjects that could and would lead them to a better understanding of the situation we find ourselves in.

It seems everybody can agree there are "good" and "bad" people within any religion, institution, career, walk-of-life, philosophy, etc. But when it comes to the aforementioned traditions, the brainwashing kicks in so heavily that the cognitive dissonance switch gets triggered thusly ending any reasonable discussion thereafter.

I look forward to the times ahead when this is no longer the case and appreciate you sharing this book, which in my mind, helps to soften the brainwashing and fear, at least around "Rosicrucianism" for starters.

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