One of many reasons to keep yourself and your family out of WalMart.
Yea. I'd say that's a major fucking problem! And it shows! America last... All of those ass hats need to go. If they like that shithole so much GTFOH and go over there!
Proof once again that Pence was and still is a POS.
Another one. It makes you wonder if these "sales" are cover for assets getting seized.
This is why I never leave the house without my knife and gun.
Absolutely, Undeniably Mentally Ill. Along with all the rest of the weirdo's in the LGBT whatever the fuck movement.
Did he hear an ice cream truck? Sounds like he said something about blood sugar... LMAO
That dude should've shown Chucky how and when to put cheese on a burger!
Did anyone on CNN even graduate High School? Doesn't look like it...
She's casting a spell for all those invisible followers.
Sounds like he's trying to get ahead of whatever is about to happen by saying "He did it".
Where? Which windows? I'll bring a chair, drinks and some popcorn to enjoy the spectacle!
I feel like we are in the movie Idiocracy!
Last nail in the coffin for Pedowood.
LMAO. Yea. OK, now go walk over that and say that to the MAGA Fucks face! He had to make a video and cry online about his feelings because he lacks the sack to be a real American.
The eyes... Every time I see this guy it reminds me of Pencil Neck (with a beard).
Not surprised. Whenever I shop in a retail store, I always review the receipt before I walk away from the register (people can wait, F'em). I find mistakes fairly often.
Gee... Why would they be worried?
You can always identify these clowns by their eyes. Crazy eyes.
Nice wrap! Nothing says "look at me", "hey over here", like a white truck with "Mass Casualty" written on the side.
Such a shame. My 2 first CD's back in the 80's were John Cougar and ZZ Top. I suspect he'll have to learn the hard way and shoot himself in the foot like the rest of them! Good riddance!
Yep. Been there, Done that.
I shared this meme (one like it, same wording different background) on fakebook last year. Just yesterday I got a warning saying it was disinformation and they covered the post with a content warning! LMFAO!