TheTroof 2 points ago +2 / -0

If it is, it will be to put the spotlight on her to take her down. It will be glorious.

TheTroof 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of the younger guys up close filmed it with his cell phone. One day, I pray, we all get to see that footage.

TheTroof 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks! I thought it was a tape until seeing it later. :o)

TheTroof 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not just any opera singer. Wasn't that Pavarotti's version? I just purchased that on LP last week and thought, "Man, that's some odd timing" when I heard it played last night. My radar went off a little, because I had never heard him play it before.

Ok, so NOT a taped Pavarotti version... I somehow missed him singing. I heard the end of it. Must have been dealing with kids trying to stay up late. :o)

TheTroof 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is why they will probably try to take Biden out, and blame MAGA. They will do anything to stop the person from running they don't want to run.

I just hope the American people don't fall for it. And I also hope that if they try, Biden survives. No one deserves going out like that.

TheTroof 16 points ago +16 / -0

If they are shocked by the incompetence, then they themselves are incompetent. There is nothing incompetent about not securing that roof. It's flat out criminal. You secure the closest roof. You secure the water tower. The only way you don't is because you want someone to take a shot. ESPECIALLY knowing there was a threat walking around. It's not incompetence.

TheTroof 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw the tower and thought, "That's where I'd have a SS sniper!" Highest point with a perfect view.

TheTroof 9 points ago +9 / -0

You know that snake poem Tump likes to recite? Vance is that snake, as far as I'm concerned.

TheTroof 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seriously. Was Paul Ryan, or Hillary Clinton not available? Mitt Romney, maybe? I hate this pick more than words can say. I'm ready to walk away from it all after this. Something better happen, and soon, because so far this week to remember has been one I'd rather forget.

TheTroof 3 points ago +3 / -0

So, now that people are awake, we have a RINO as VP? Why?

TheTroof 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why does it feel like "Saving Israel for last" means after our lifetimes?

TheTroof 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, he had no fucking sense in 2016, and was chasing the good old RINO establishment clout, and you think he ACTUALLY changed? He is the epitome of a fair weather friend. "Oh look, the country loves Trump now. So do I!!!" He was playing politics then, and he's doing it now. The last damn thing I wanted was a wishy washy politician.

TheTroof 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wanted someone from outside the freaking swamp. To hell with all the "names". I wanted someone who would clean house with Trump, not take over and be business as usual when Trump is gone. Just no.

TheTroof 4 points ago +5 / -1

The fuck the floated names. He could have nominated a fucking stump for VP and still won. I do not trust Vance. At all.

TheTroof 14 points ago +14 / -0

She probably never had any real men in her circle of friends. Now she knows what one looks like.

TheTroof 6 points ago +6 / -0

You need someone who knows what to do in the moments leading up to the trigger being pulled.

TheTroof 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump needs to come out and say, strongly, that he wants Joe Biden safe. He wants nothing more than to run against him. He wants Joe Biden's security detail doubled, tripled even. That there are people on the left that want Biden removed, and show their quotes. That way, is or when someone tries something stupid, people will already know it wasn't our side.

Here's the thing about elections. They are like sporting events, in a sense. If I want to win a championship, I don't mind one bit if the team I am playing is weak. The team I know I can beat is the one I want to play. On the other hand, the last team I want to face is the one I believe I can not defeat.

Now, look at the left wanting Trump removed from office, and compare that to the right wanting Joe Biden on the ticket. Why do they know they believe they can't win? It's not because of the debate performance, because they have been trying to remove Trump for two years from the ticket. They know they can't win, because they didn't win the first time. Trump knows he can, because he already did.

He wants Joe Biden again. We all do.

TheTroof 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think now would be a good time to show the moderates who believed all the "violent Trump rhetoric" talk all the videos of the left inciting violence against Trump, and MAGA. Time to flip the damn tables on them.

TheTroof 5 points ago +5 / -0

It can't happen soon enough. They must all be shown to be the treasonous rats they are. Every single one of them.

TheTroof 13 points ago +13 / -0

6:11 would have been 12:11 A.M. in Paris, making it Bastille Day.

TheTroof 4 points ago +4 / -0

The SS sniper, I am sure, was already in their earpieces saying there was a shooter spotted. Why they didn't rush the stage to cover Trump is my biggest issue.

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