The joke at the time after Jackie Kennedy married Onassis is that every night she felt old age sneak up on her.
They haven't even seen any delta smelt in nearly 10 years.
I use dark mode for everything that offers it.
They may be involved as one of the messages says 'LAPD'.
Make them an offer they can't refuse.
This should include the attorneys that file the suit.
For sure, I would have expected a fortnight, or perhaps 30 days. The 10 days really makes one think of the Q drop.
Kinda like 'Lumpy's Mattress Center'.
My wife is my bride, my queen, and I hold her in hi esteem, even above myself. She makes me whole.
I have beaten (in traffic court) illegal radar speed traps twice in California. There are legal requirements as to where radar can and cannot be used to give speeding tickets in California. No, I am not an attorney. But yes, it is a scam and over 99% of people would just pay the fine not knowing they were illegally cited.
Refused to change the lyrics to her song and lost a record contract. Best thing that happened for her. Her song has gone viral.
My wife had to do separate dosing also, as it upset her stomach.
I had it one time, and only one time around early 90's. Avoided it ever since. I do currently like Tillamook ice cream.
Many judges for sure.
Thanks for the update. I was taught during the Linus Pauling years when he recommended taking large doses of Vitamin C to prevent colds. I was in dental school at the time, Georgetown, and received many of the same pharmacology lectures as the medical students. Things do change and I retired in 2015. I practiced oral/maxillofacial surgery and was honored (and proud) to practice a profession that bridged the gap between dentistry and medicine. Things do change and I am always open to learning updated information. Thanks again.
Probably had more coming in. It is just a picture.
You can take as much Vitamin C as you like without ill effects. You will just piss out the excess.
The way I read it was that protein interferes with lysine uptake, and carbs interfere with Vitamin C uptake. The recommendation was to take separate two hours apart since they can upset your stomach, but if they don't upset your stomach you can take together.
The heart muscle loves magnesium. If you get palpitations or irregular beats, be sure and take some. Doesn't hurt to take daily.
I think the Vit C and Lysine thing is for plaque buildup in the arteries, and is meant to reduce that. Calcium in the artery walls I believe is a different thing. Just my 2 cents. I get a heart nuclear stress treadmill test once a year, along with a cardiac echo. (every year since a serious heart attack in 2014- living on borrowed time here). I do take an injectable (Repatha) which lowers bad cholesterol and has raised my good cholesterol. I recently had these yearly tests (Jan 2), and about 2 months prior I did the Vit C/Lysine thing for a month. I see my cardiologist next week, and am interested to see the results. Over the 10 years my ejection fraction has improved significantly from just below 50% to 59% last year. Yes, I also take rosuvastatin even though there is a lot of controversy around it. Having been at deaths door I really hesitate to quit it.
He has always been kind of quirky in his mannerisms.
She is an extremely nice person even to strangers. Wife and I were in Jamaica at a resort, and they happened to be filming 'The Biggest Loser' that week. My wife noticed her at breakfast and went over to say hello. (My wife at the time ran a personal training fitness studio). She was very kind to my wife. There was this other lady with her that said, here- let me take your picture together. My wife gave her her phone and got pictures with her. After we left my wife realized that the lady taking her picture was a fairly famous actress. Allison Sweeney (Days of Our Lives). They were both so kind. My wife was embarrassed when she realized who was taking the picture.
They disappeared here in central valley, modesto area, shortly after the LA fires started.
make it a one time deal for Trump since 2020 was rigged against him. Kind of a punishment to those that did this to him.
Female version of Jabba the Hutt.