The_Knight_of_sunset 2 points ago +3 / -1

The thugs better not lock Trump up. This injustice is already making my blood boil.

The_Knight_of_sunset 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is old news. I recall seeing this a few years ago at the least. Also saw news that one of the "officers" roughed up a boy who is a son of a local Bloods gang-member and started some beef between the two groups.

The_Knight_of_sunset 2 points ago +2 / -0


While petty criminals might get punished, YOU might bet beaten to a pulp or killed for even being SUSPECTED of being anti-Muslim or doing something that the Muslims dislike.


There is an old video where a young woman was beaten, maimed, and killed by an angry mob, formed by the local Muslim priest, for ALLEDGELY burning a Quran (which was proven she DID NOT do). The murderers were imprisoned for a short while before the Taliban released all of them.

The murderers are still at large to this day and it is unlikely they will be brought to proper justice.

The cure must not be worse than the poison.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

One of the fundamental promises of Q is that Trump is safe and insulated.

If Trump is murdered, that promise is broken, and it will put into serious doubt the validity of Q's other claims, and with that, the death of this Great awakening movement.

God will prevail, but there will be debate if Q and GAW will be amongst the survivors.

The_Knight_of_sunset 4 points ago +4 / -0

But that does not mean we have a license to cause as much unnecessary chaos and mayhem as we want, regardless of the consequences to the mental state and morale of the people we are supposed to protect.

We shall not become the demons we fight against.

The_Knight_of_sunset 9 points ago +9 / -0

I know that everything will be all right in the end, but boy is this injustice just pure torture, and if this injustice will continue to grow tomorrow with an unjust guilty verdict...

For the sake of this country, the injustice must not stand.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0


We had a chance to get a Republican and Trump Ally into the NY Gov office in 2022. And with that power, we can fire Bragg and nip all of this lawfare at the bud.

If only the RNC give us more support...

The_Knight_of_sunset 5 points ago +5 / -0

Although if the only criticism is that Tim did not vary his usual wardrobe that he wears for practically 99.9% of the time...

If "Damnation by faint praise" is a thing, then so is "Vindication by faint criticism".

The_Knight_of_sunset 7 points ago +7 / -0

What is GAW's assessment on Trump's interview on Tim Pool: Good? Bad? Meh?

Kind of busy with other things and missed the interview on my end...

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0


Because I can grow or catch my food if needed.

I can't grow or catch gasoline without expensive equipment.

The_Knight_of_sunset 6 points ago +6 / -0

So, there is a thing that was on my mind throughout the past 48 hours.

The Switch Remake of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door was released this week and there is something that kind of caused a bit of controversy:

One of the more predominate characters, named Vivian, is made to be Transgendered (male-to-female to be precise). This caused a bit of outrage that Nintendo is catering to the woke mob and the Globalist DEI agenda.

However, from what I understand, Vivian was ACTUALLY transgendered in the original Japanese version of the game that was first released on the GameCube back in the 2000's. The American localization of the game at the time removed the tranny stuffs and made Vivian a straight girl, and altered all dialogue to reflect that fact. This localization change was very well-known within the Paper Mario fanbase, although I do not recall if it was that controversial back then as it is today. It seems that the Switch remake of the game is preserving what is accurate in the Japanese version of the game back then.

I find myself very conflicted. On one hand, for seemed like forever, I get annoyed and miffed about censorship in general. I get especially annoyed about changes and alterations when translating and localizing foreign media for American markets, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Anime and Japanese Games, and ESPECIALLY if it is to inject Woke BS or to cater to leftists, like what many of these woke leftists are saying they are doing right now. Give me the original vision of the creators of the media and don't alter it for your woke politics.

On the other hand, I am not so sure if I would like to see nor tolerate anymore Woke or LGBT BS in my games, even though if it is the original intent of the makers of the game. I say this since my tolerance for such insanity was very strained and eroded in recent years from living in this clown world. In this case, I would like Vivian to be a straight girl, for it makes the story flow more naturally without LGBT distractions.

This makes me worry for future works and remakes of beloved classics Nintendo has that is still Japanese-only at the moment, like the long-rumored remake of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. That game has some very dark themes in its story, like the part where an evil medieval-fantasy-empire is being controlled by the fantasy-analogue of a Satanist cult and going around kidnapping children en-masse to feed to their version of Satan.

Stuff that GAW would be interested in.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's cute.

I wonder if AOC will have similar "praises" for God if He decided to not rain out Trump's rally.

The_Knight_of_sunset 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is there a reason why we do not have a 5/23 thread yet?

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +2 / -1

I hate to be the devil's advocate, but do we have proof that the Demonic Rats have the capability to read and know what are the totals are like before the polls close and we report the results, or is it all speculation? While we shouldn't underestimate the enemy, we shall not overestimate the enemy, else that is FUD overriding our reason.

If anything, based on my local political experiences, if the Demonic Rats are relying on early voting data to gage how many extra ballots to stuff into the boxes, they will get the conclusion that they will not need to print extra ballots since the early voting results are pretty much all Demonic Rat, and the reason, at the local election level in my area, we are getting curb-stomped.

Trump is leading the charge on the change in voting strategy. I think we owe him a chance to see if this strategy change is the way to go.

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +2 / -1

Early voting and voting in person are not mutually exclusive. You can show up to an early voting station and vote in person.

The_Knight_of_sunset 6 points ago +7 / -1

The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

We tried to flood the polling stations more than a few times throughout the past few years and every time, the Demonic Rats found ways to screw with us and ruin our day in key areas. Sometimes, the ways are not even that new.

Once I believed in same day voting and counting and no early voting. My experiences on the local political scene taught me that this is no longer the practical nor pragmatic solution, especially if we keep on losing local races BECAUSE of not taking advantage of early voting. So, we are changing tactics and strategy.

Trump is encouraging early voting this time around and we owe it to him to at least try this new strategy, especially since our old strategies do not work anymore.

Let's be practical and pragmatic.

The_Knight_of_sunset 6 points ago +6 / -0

If you are talking about the results from a few days ago, I understand that was a Democratic primary. Fani Willis still needs to get past the GOP candidate in November, and I pray her campaign will have a rough time.

The_Knight_of_sunset 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am torn about this.

Vivian, the tranny in that image, is ACTUALLY transgendered in the original Japanese version of the game that was released on the GameCube back in the 2000's. The American localization at the time removed the tranny stuffs and made Vivian a straight girl, and altered all dialogue to reflect that fact. This change is well known within the Paper Mario fanbase. It seems that the Switch remake of the game is preserving what is accurate in the Japanese version of the game back then.

On one hand, for practically forever, I get annoyed and miffed about censorship and whole scale changes and alterations when translating and localizing foreign media for American markets, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Anime and Japanese Games, and ESPECIALLY if it is to inject Woke BS or to cater to leftists. Give me the original vision of the creators of the media and don't alter it.

On the other hand, I am not so sure if I would like to see nor tolerate anymore Woke or LGBT BS in my games even if it is the original intent of the makers of the game, especially since my tolerance for such insanity was very strained and eroded in recent years. In this case, I would like Vivian to be a straight girl, for it makes the story flow more naturally without LGBT distractions.

Either way, this might push me to not getting the game, as much as I have adored the original game...

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed on the tiredness part. And especially since we tend to be under-manned.

We would need more shifts, more manpower, and for those willing to overtime, better pay.

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +1 / -0

The big questions are who or whom did it and for what goals?

While the obvious answer is that the Israelis and the Deep State are behind this, there is a possibility that they are a red herring used by other suspects to camouflage their actions. The President is not a popular man with the people and I bet that elements within the government (corrupt or honest) don't like him either and would rather see him gone.

Time will reveal all things, but we need to keep an open mind on the truth once it comes out, even if it goes against the popular biases we hold.

The_Knight_of_sunset 8 points ago +8 / -0

Hijacking the top comment to be the devil's advocate:

While the first thought is for us to blame Israel and the Deep State, keep in mind that the Iranian President is not a popular nor beloved man amongst the public and the Iranian government has plenty of corruption issues that is quite widespread within their ranks, from their military to their religious authorities.

We should keep in mind the possibility that this incident can be a result of

1.) Corrupt elements within the government wanting to eliminate the President towards a goal and using Israeli hostility as cover for their crimes.

2.) Honest elements within the government or general public getting fed up with the corrupt President and deciding to take action, again potentially using the Israeli hostility as cover, or

3.) Criminal negligence or incompetence from all involved with the helicopter trip, from the flat path planners to the helicopter maintenance crew.

Time will reveal the truth, but we need to keep an open mind to accept the truth, even if it is not to our liking nor confirming to our biases.

The_Knight_of_sunset 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe, but how about doing so at sea?

They will need a logistical chain that can transport food and supplies from Russia to Antarctica and transport oil safely from Antarctica back to Russia or allied refinery locations that are closer. The distances involved is almost 10k miles in one direction; a truly daunting distance for sea-farers.

The ships will need to handle temperature swings from Tropical Heat to Bitter Cold, survive traitorous waters like no where else on Earth, and avoid icebergs or two. Heard that current Russian Military Ships have problems with warmer water chocking out their boilers, so I am not sure if the civilian ships are better equipped.

There will also need to be a capable task force on hand to deal with any accidents and prevent ecological disasters from getting out of hand. Even Russia's allies would probably not want to see another Exxon Valdez Oil Spill occurring.

So yeah, they might have experience doing so on land and in their backyard, but Russia needs to see if they can do it at sea and on the other side of the globe, because that is an entirely different story.

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