The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am seriously tempted to ask GAW members about their level of technical skill, education, and knowledge. From this thread and other threads in the past, I am getting the sinking feeling that our knowledge and intelligence level is not where it should be at to still be a elite research board.

The_Knight_of_sunset 20 points ago +20 / -0

This reply should have been stickied.

From what technical reports, videos, other information I can gather, Hezzy quickly ordered large quantities of unusual electronics from a outside source to replace their cellphones, an order that can be easily tracked and intercepted by intelligence agencies due to its nature.

Naturally, Israel quickly found out about the order, engineered small bombs that resembled the batteries of these electronics, intercepted the order misroute, rig up all the electronics, and allowed the rigged items to spread throughout the Hezzy organization until the time to strike.

Even the movies and videos where the cellphones are turned into bombs, it usually require the assassin physically accessing the phone to place explosives inside.

While modern electronics and their batteries can be dangerous due to thermal runaway, from what I can gather from video evidence, that is not what is happening here. I have seen videos of thermal runaway from batteries; these explosions are not them. They more resemble explosives like TNT going off. So, unless you suspect assassins have rigged your phone specifically, I would not worry.

The reason why Hezzy was suffering so much from exploding devices is because they were being colossally stupid, ordering suspiciously large quantities of electronics and not even suspecting that Israel or their enemies can take advantage of the information. Ironically, it would be much safer and better to have their membership buy their own phones, including smartphones, from any common cellphone shop.

We at GAW are called to be smart; giving into fear like this is not smart. Do better.

The_Knight_of_sunset 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unless you are sure that the government have rigged your phone with C4 (the most likely explanation for the exploding pagers) I'd not worry.

The_Knight_of_sunset 5 points ago +5 / -0

Upon reviewing the videos of exploding pagers, I agree that the explosions are too big for just having the battery overheat and explode that way.

More than likely, Israel or some other COIN organization gotten wind of Hezzy ordering pagers for their personnel, managed to intercept the order, and replace all the pagers with ones that are engineered to still be functional while being rigged to explode (with plastic explosives, circuitry, programming, etc.) with Hezzy not noticing something was wrong.

While there is a risk of phones blowing up, what I see here suggests a specifically engineered device that looks and acts like a pager, but has explosive bobby trap parts. So if you are worried about the government blowing up you via your phone, I'd not worry unless you are sure that the government planted C4 in your smartphone.

The_Knight_of_sunset 4 points ago +4 / -0

And, ladies and gentlemen, is why I don't do sarcasm over the internet.

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +1 / -0

Better go listen to Candace Owens interviews with the Tate brothers before you swallow media narrative hook line and sinker.

I have listened enough of her interview to reach the conclusion that she is a dangerous viper, one who is being hypocritical and untrustworthy, especially on the topic of human-trafficking and pedophilia.

On one hand, she attacks "the Jews" and Israel for being a pedophile ring.

On the other hand, she is running interference and sweeping all of the Tate's human trafficking and pedophile crimes underneath a rug, to the point she is intimidating and bullying pedophile victims, not to mention all of the lies she is cooking up to defend the Tates.

What could drive her to this?


This is a video that I have discovered and is quite interesting. It takes a deep-dive into the connections between Owens (and her very rich and aristocrat husband George Farmer) and Tate, information that I was not aware of until recently.

From the detective work and information presented in that video, I hypothesize that the Tates have very damning compromising material on Mr. Farmer (at the very least; would not be surprised if he has some compromising material on Ms. Owens too) and is using that material to blackmail Owens into becoming their PR lady. And I also am entertaining the hypothesis that Owens is a full accomplice and supporter to the Tates and their crimes (after all, I find it very unlikely for someone with a moral compass to remain "friends" with a vile person like Mr. Tate for many years (5+ years in Owens and Tate's case) after learning about his legally dubious activities).

Either way, I can not trust Ms. Owens to be truthful on anything if she is willing to lie and defend a criminal on something big like human-trafficking and pedophilia if they are an associate of her's.


This other video is from a duo of commentators (who tend to focus on male issues and being a role model for young men) who I come to respect. They provide additional video clips and information, but I want to focus on the comment they said in their comment's section (which I want to conclude this post with):

Don't believe me or preach or anyone else, he (Tate) admits it on camera as does his brother. They love underage women, if you cared about Epstein but defend Tate, do kids even matter to you?

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

Knew that he's a snake ever since I did my essay defending my view that Andrew Tate is a human trafficker to the rest of GAW:


The pedo allegations are not surprising to me since I have been tracking this case on a semi-regular basis. Human Trafficking and pedophilia tends to be found together, and the Tates has admitted to be playing with fire with the ages of the women they victimize.

Hopefully, GAW have distanced themselves from him and his associates.

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +1 / -0

Part of the second amendment is to combat tyrants both big and small. Big tyranny are the criminals in government. Small tyranny are the gangs who run the place and commit injustice and crime without repercussion.

The_Knight_of_sunset 4 points ago +6 / -2

While we are euphoric about the possibility that Trump is noticing us directly and is personally typing up all of his Truth Social posts on his smartphone or computer, that is probably not what's happening.

The hard reality is that, more than likely, there is a dedicated social media team/company hired by Trump and his campaign/company that is managing the account and creating all of the content and posts.

As a content creator, developing content for even a modest social media profile is a lot of work and developing content constantly for someone like Trump and his campaign takes the resources of sizeable company. Trump's only involvement at this point is approving or denying the content for broadcast.

So, while there is a possibility that the social media team or company are frens as well, more than likely, the team is posting this content because it looks badass and WWG1WGA is a badass slogan. Simply, it looks cool and energizes even the more moderate members of the GOP.

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +2 / -1

And to think that many within GAW supported Maduro as based (primarily for joining BRICS)...

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +2 / -1

Lie after Lie after Lie.

With the DNC last week being the pinnacle of lies.

Any Christian who cares about truth needs to make the decision to vote for the honest man that is Trump!

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +2 / -1

Posted this in c/Christianity here:


But I think all of GAW should be interested in this snippet: just in case you run into any Christians who are thinking about voting against Trump for his "lack of moral character". Might be a good point to plan out your messaging strategy.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nothing else shown.

But I call BS on the election results being valid.

The_Knight_of_sunset 10 points ago +11 / -1

Frens, before you rush to this man's defense, may I remind you that not all who voices stuff GAW agrees with are not our friend, but vicious vipers that Trump warned us about in his storytelling?

A reminder that Tate is being tried for human trafficking and the available evidence is very strong to support the conclusion that he is a human trafficker.


And it will be hypocritical for all of us to cheer on Donald Trump for proposing the death penalty for human traffickers while we defend this human trafficker just because Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens gush about him and cover up his crimes and lies.

The_Knight_of_sunset 4 points ago +6 / -2

Although it needs to be said on why jails and prison systems are developed centuries ago, and it mostly comes about the impracticalities of (over)use of the death penalty.

Around the time the prison system was developed in Europe around the end of the middle ages, there is a growing popular opposition to the death penalty as it was being very much used in cases where it is an overkill punishment (like petty theft or counterfeiting playing cards), to the point where juries will refuse to convict criminals for crimes where death is the sentence (and they feel it is overkill).

Also, over-punishing of even minor crimes will create a perverse incentive for petty criminals to commit more serious crimes to maximize potential gain (like murdering witnesses or police officers), therefore (ironically) increasing quantity and severity of crime levels. Ever wonder why we have the English idiom "in for the penny, in for the pound"? It is because of knowledge of this perverse incentive is well known back then.

Therefore, the prison system was set up as a "humane" and reasonable punishment to address practical issues with society.

Is it biblical? Well, while the Bible does not prescribe jailing as punishment, it does not prohibit it. And we want our God-chosen governments to come up with practical solutions to society's problems. And this is the practical solution they come up with.

The_Knight_of_sunset 2 points ago +3 / -1

I’d even go as far as say both parents have to be natural citizens as well.

Counterpoint is that I have met many children of immigrants who are far bigger patriots than many of the natural-born patriots in comparison. On the flip side, many natural-born Americans are morons and scum unworthy of their name.

I believe the concept of MAGA, patriotism, and the American Dream should look past the circumstances on how one is born, for people can't choose their parents.

The_Knight_of_sunset -1 points ago +9 / -10

Although a word of advice, Ms. Owens:

If you want to be taken seriously on this issue about pedophiles and demons, you probably do not want to have a photo of your husband with Andrew Tate, accused, and probable, human trafficker, pornographer, and conman, literally right above your head right behind you in that video.

Makes people suspicious about your true motivations and allegiance.


The_Knight_of_sunset 2 points ago +2 / -0

What is his evidence that the campaign is floundering? The polls and the betting markets? We did not spend three-plus years blasting apart every MSM narrative and poll and survey to start believing those polls again. And I believe that betting markets are vulnerable to the same kind of lies and manipulation.

The messaging? There is a documented order of messaging and tone that actually works and it is based on a timeline between now and the election:

In the beginning, when you are trying to get your foot in the door and establish a profile, you appeal to the more hardcore and extremes of your side.

When the primary season is looming about, you appeal to the more dedicated members of your party who are not as extreme as the hard-core members.

Now that primaries are over and the next stop is the general election in November, you now should appeal to the less-dedicated members of your party and the moderates to maximize the number of votes you get. Ideally, you should pull as many non-affiliates and defectors from the Demonic Rats as possible.

This is the general battle plan for political campaigning used for over a century (and is still applicable today, believe it or not). Trump follows this, and I suspect that one the Demonic Rats get through their messy primary, they will try to pull themselves together to grab the moderates and non-affiliates too. Fuentes and his followers wants to instead appeal to the hard-core and extremes; this demonstrates a lack of understanding and knowledge of how political campaigning works and if we follow their plan, we will definitely lose.

The campaign managers' past as Never-Trumpers? I am pretty sure that there are plenty of dedicated MAGA-men whose past is not that great nor good (speaking for myself, I am not that into Trump even as I voted for him in 2016 (mostly did it for denying Clinton, fully jumped on board the Trump train late in 2017), but we are wise enough to know that people can change and grow as they age and mature.

Maybe take their past into account when choosing your staff, but realize that people can change and grow and be better overtime and we should also take that into account.

Conversely, realize that today's loyalists can be tomorrow's deadly enemies, and people can grow in the opposite direction and be worse.

I am pretty sure Trump and his competent team knew about the managers' past, and took that into account when hiring them and their talents.

This is the final battle, and we must treat it with the upmost seriousness it requires, which means using what works, instead of slavish-adherence to creed at a cause of competence. That is: pragmatism over dogmatism.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am ignoring him, but his followers are polluting the trending hashtag list with calls for Trump to replace his campaign managers with someone more towards Fuentes liking.

They are just as bad as the Anti-Trump trolls, and they all get the block and mute.

The_Knight_of_sunset 2 points ago +2 / -0

And I wish they stop, for they are a distraction we do not need.

Sounds to me that they care about their cause instead of the MAGA/Q cause and don't really care about Trump winning.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0


So, Mr Fuentes is having a bit of a meltdown that Trump and his team is not being run the way he thinks it should be run and thinks we need a better VP on top of everything, one that is to Mr Fuentes tastes.

Is he serious, or just clowning around? The election day is right around the corner and it is way too late to swap out top-level staff and expect everything to still be peachy. And what metric does Mr Fuentes use to judge Trump's campaign to be faltering? Betting odds and polls? We know that polls and odds can be manipulated and unreliable. After all, there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. So why should we listen to them now?

Mr Fuentes should stand down, for his temper tantrum is doing no one any good.

The_Knight_of_sunset 8 points ago +8 / -0

I am always suspicious of hashtags whenever they pop up like a mushroom and I am not clear on what started the hashtag. Sounds to me like a Anti-Trump/Anti-MAGA op whenever that happens.

So I want to have a second opinion on what is going on and if I should be concerned?

The_Knight_of_sunset 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Trump curse does not discriminate based on political affiliation.

And to be honest, almost forgotten about Mr Fuentes until this post pops up again. And chances are he's gonna be forgotten by me after today. That is how irrelevant he is.

Let him rage in irrelevance. We got a campaign to win and we can't be distracted.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

And he spent those three years thighing Aisha (the child wife in question). That is, the pedophile false prophet used Aisha as a masterbation aid by rubbing his dick on her thighs.

Poor girl never recovered from her "marriage" to the pedo.

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