Yea, dude's definitively blackpilled and holding on for dear life by clinging to a different religion....
It is understandable that people stick with what they are accustomed to and opting to worship and believe in a different and much better/more benign deity as a counter to the whole lucifer crap but it is essentially the same psychology pointed in the opposite direction...
Unfortunately these assholes have co-opted the concept of atheism to mean believing that humans are nothing but animals/meat-puppets..
I am an atheist and an anti theist but it is in the word/term, theism meaning the belief in at least one deity and I'm anti that, worship of deities, rituals and doctrine set down by others, which just so happens to include these baphomet/luciferan muppets as well, deity worship and ritual is just that, it doesn't matter which way your ass is pointing when you worship...
I believe in many things beyond life and death including the soul, incarnation, doing good, all included in what I believe in, worship of deities, not so much....
It's only 5 hours 17 minutes.... and 11 seconds long
The question is, how far in some of them are...
I mean Kennedy was one and did a u-turn, the same goes for others.
It starts innocuous enough to be a hoop many genuinely good people would willingly jump through to reach their goals and the lower downs are actively lied to by the higher ups, I mean it starts with acknowledging a belief in a higher power, what that is is obfuscated so every religion feels included when they go through the door.
Humans have a very unfortunate tendency to simplify and generalize to the point of killing over it convinced that they are doing the right thing, which means 'won't be able to walk down the street' will likely result in the lynching and mob killing of a lot of people that are innocent and just got as duped as the rest of the world as they willingly stepped through a door perceived to be harmless......
The best Q could do was 'use discernment', on repeat... unfortunately I don't think it will have much effect when it comes to the torch and pitchfork brigade...........
Granted many do deserve what's coming to them, but there are also many that do not.
Edit: hadn't watched this far into it when I wrote the above but here is the point in the video where he makes my point
Not a blackpill unless you cling to the notion of a lot of people being 'good', once revealed it will however turn into a blackpill suppository....
There are good people out there, most of them aren't visible because they are too busy doing actual good, the list of visible ones is very short but there are a few...
Are also few less than good with a redemption arch, Mel Gibson for instance got a grey boot rather than a black one due to the amount of help he has given to white hats....
The last 8 years were completely unnecessary to further their tyrannical goals. Why awaken the public? Why encourage them to start looking closely at and exposing the evil?
Not about desperately looking for anyone good because you want to believe the world is better than it is, it's about identifying the bad so that you don't fall for the 'good' ones, the rest will sort itself out..........
Actually, it isn't..............
That's an....interesting ring (s)he is wearing......
Many 'heroes' will fall...........
Because people like James O'keefe is oblivious to the fact that our military has everything. Including the Cabal/Deep State he works for.
He is only doing these documentaries because he is under the impression that the general public will not get "The Truth" about everything regarding the topics he presents as breaking exclusives you will not get anywhere else.
All of these people are Israeli/Mossad agents passing themselves off as "The Heroes" who are exposing the establishment. When these are people who are connected to the establishment by Blood & Debt.
Example: The real reason James O'Keefe left Project Veritas is because people were catching on to the connections through financing from Rosenwald that funds PV.
As reported by "Disclosure Library Group" the Gatestone Institute is a think tank of the Right Wing Church, founded in 2008 by Nina Rosenwald (NYU, CFR, Sears Roebuck, Committee for the Present Danger, Hudson Institute, Freedom House).
It also funds the Abstraction Fund (666 Third Avenue). The Gatestone Institute is closely associated with David Horowitz, Richard Shillman, Robert Mercer, Alex Jones and Rebel News.
Do you think James O'Keefe would ever be allowed to do a documentary on Project Pegasus that Michael Flynn was involved in?
Do you think James O'Keefe would be allowed to do a documentary on The Pandora Papers that Michael Flynn is involved in?
Do you think James O'Keefe would be allowed to do a documentary on CIA Five Eyes that Michael Flynn is involved in?
Do you think James O'Keefe would be allowed to do a documentary on the people involved in Jan-6 that Michael Flynn is involved in?
Do you think James O'Keefe would be allowed to do a documentary on the Mercury Lobbying firm that Michael Flynn is involved in?
People, why do you keep falling for these psyops? Because you love the idea of what heroes are supposed to represent. You are under the impression that you can not do any of the fantastic attributes accredited to those doing death-defying feats to fight the bad guys.
Where's the go-fund-me.................
If anyone have seen the TAXI movies......
Some Dem voters switching their vote to Trump might change back to be comforted by doing what 'taytay say is right'.....
Now if there was the be a reveal on Swift(her concert rituals....) at a critical point however, that would be.... hilarious, and aside from swifties loosing their shit on an epic level it might actually have knock-on effects shifting the less fanatical swifties towards Trump and even many of the ones that 'just like her'....
3 years.......
Active phase have been over 4 decades.....
He dead, whitehats have all his money.
It's why trustfund kid soros took so long to get going, with daddys's money gone it took time to get/find agenda backers that were still up and running and that had money..
People forget that this is a show and underestimate the extent of the show and the level of control/resources white hats have...............
ref' This Post:
Education used to require intelligence, nowadays it only requires memory....
Would have made it a nitter link but FireFox refuses to enter site for 'security reasons....' and won't allow exception rules to be made...
Wish it wasn't too late....................
Flat earth contradicts hollow earth, everything I know(so far) has me leaning towards the later with the added possibility of artificial structure, possibly built on a smaller sphere...
But then again I'm open to smurfs being real(everything is real or possible until I see something conclusive that disproves it, most people think the other way around and that makes new things A WHOLE LOT harder to deal with....)
He IS controlled opposition, don't know if this is DS trying to create the base for what they have planned next or if this is WhiteHats yanking his leash though....
DS 'blaming' the vaccine for mass deaths so as to get the unvaccinated to do a lot of their work for them isn't a possibility I would rule out..........
edit: some people that think that they are 'awakened' will have a ROUGH wakeup....
Last I checked his actual name has(had) rockefeller in it, current one I'm thinking is Kevin Kline..........
People didn't wind up in hospital when footage from concentration camps came out, even widespread documentation of child sacrifice and cannibalism won't have the effect of 90+% in hospital.
MUCH bigger than that.
Imagine all the things you never even questioned being true and that is the root base of the world you deal with and how you are accustomed to dealing with it....Combined with many things in fairy tales and stuff you think is patently nonsense being verifiably true.....
there be dragons..................................
Foreign leaders directly responsible for murders and kidnappings in other countries..
One of the things in the 60%, that alone would cause wars and given the number of countries involved....
And this is just one of the things they will keep hidden, they want to save the world, not see it burn....
Not very likely to happen in the west but people being extradited to African nations where they will video and broadcast it however...
Trial footage however, now that is likely to be released in the west...
Kennedy, and not the ones known to be alive.....(in reality he already is VP)
The ones that haven't been replaced already are.....
Long term they may have plans to kill him but ge is marginalized enough to have anything happen to him too close to the making of this video would only serve to lend more credence to it.
That and the simple reality that he keeps quoting the bible and the very people he is speaking put against have edited and tweaked the bible over the centuries to a point where not much of it has any resemblance to the originating text
If you find older versions of the old testament genesis mentions gods(plural) rather than a single god, if you get really old like into the middle ages old the bible includes stuff about incarnation/many lives(back then church=state and they needed people to fear both, which the notion of 'If not in this life I'll get back at them in the next' made kinda, tenuous...., and those are just 2 examples...
There is still some actual truth in there but the best lies are told with truths and they have had a big hand in wording may 'truths'....
People believe too hard in too many things that they know too little about and anything that challenges that makes them cling to it harder rather than apply some discernment to their view of everything...