Stop propping up these people who think they know more than you. They don't. Think for yourself, what does Clandestine have that you don't? When they say things like "I have to set you all straight." you are witnessing an ego. When they start fame fagging they stop seeking truth and only want clout.
🧐 Critical Thinking! 🤔
How would he know their relationship is not fake and that the NFL is not scripted? That statement alone is very suspect.
Clandestine has an ego issue. He acts like he knows the 100% truth on everything. He belittles anons, and looking at the replies, they all seem to lap up his false sense of authority. It's fucking pathetic.
To be perfectly honest I used to value his opinion a while back but more recently either he has changed or I have, but his opinion is not relevant to me anymore. Thank you for posting fren.
Tyler Swift literally told people Soros bought her entire music catalogue. Yet ClanEgoStein thinks it's a nothingburger and has to school us.
She was heavily promoted early on by Ellen Dégénéras which is always suspect. Wouldn’t surprise me to learn she was cooked up in a Petrie dish in some lab. ClanEgoStein is either a shill, or not nearly as smart as he thinks he is, or both. Either way, thanks for calling it out.
Yup— I appreciate the call out x2 ;)
I agree completely. People have used Clandestine statements to mean more than they are: his opinion. I don't know if it's just subconsciously or what, but people were making Clandestine a monolith.
Also, he's deadass wrong on this. Kayfabe.
I'm as straight as can be, and nobody has ever "set me straight."
For me the ego-based style just doesn't qualify as communication. It turns me off, so I return the favor and turn it off.
Bet I'm not alone
Power corrupts, but an anon account on Telegram with 100k followers now that is ABSOLUTE MAX THRUST EGO POWER TRIP booooooooooooom
President Clandestine/Trump. 2028. Incomiiiiinnnggg
spot on
Hijacking top comment. This is what Clandestine pinned on his X page:
Clandestine @WarClandestine · Jan 27, 2023
It's me, the biolabs guy. Aka "Clandestine".
I was banned on 2/25/22, 11 months ago, for writing the viral thread about the US funded biolabs in Ukraine (attached).
In this thread, I am going to administer the biggest "I told you so" in history.
I, I, Me, I I am important. I was right. My ego needs approval. Please clap.
He's the epitome of the Jeb Bush of anons
He also wasn't the first person talking about biolabs, and other people broke the stories and put forth the effort. He just talked about it.
Who signed the treaty?
It won’t be the biggest I told you so in history that is for sure. That is some ego to be sure. By Feb 2022 was there anyone who didn’t know the U.S. funded the biolabs in Ukraine and elsewhere? He’s blowing a lot of smoke up his own butt!
This is what I replied to him: "So, they are capable of building bioweapons and depopulating humanity, but incapable of rigging sports that they completely own, and stand to gain hugely by doing so. Got it."
We need more people to call out these clowns. Good on you. I expect to be blocked from him soon.
That will show whether he is just another clown, or actually a decent guy who is just misguided.
But my bet is that every single channel/influencer etc are all clowns and deep deep controlled oppositions. Some of them, I expect, would lie dormant until after the precipice.
Sleepers waiting to say "Q was wrong, we are all screwed, Trump lied!"
I would bet money we see that level of psyops very soon once the precipice kicks off
I am not as much worried about those clowns as the ones who would say things like "We defeated the evil, we are free. But its okay to have a Fed. Its okay to have big banks. They are very much necessary for progress. We will just make sure they dont do anything evil"
And even worse "We won, we are owed some vengeance. Lets kill every XYZ"
That is why I fear for this movement whenever talk about woodchippers, rope, and millstone boils over time after time.
Punish criminals with what is just, but we must get too fond of killing, because it is all too easy to slip and become the mass-murderers we loathed in the first place.
Thats why we mods work diligently to keep these kinds of posts and posters (mostly shills) out of this board.
I would say that is mostly just frustration from powerlessness being vocalized more often than not.
People are very tired of the injustice that goes unanswered, and it's easy to fall into that when you were accused of feeling that way in order to justify actual attacks on you.
Right, it's just frustrated words on a screen. Nobody is actually getting fed feet first into a woodchpper.
Head first is good enough, and signals our humanity even in disposing of the inhumane. IMO Jesus would prefer and enthusiastically recommend the head-first woodchipper treatment for them, if no cattle stun gun is available.
I would think after the election if Trump is cheated again.
He sold out. An offer he couldn’t refuse.
That's exactly what I commented on another thread. This entire movement is based in researching and thinking for ourselves, but this guy holds himself up as some sort of expert that needs to school us. Fuck all the way off
I stopped paying attention to that guy when he was scolding people for not believing that RFK Jr. would be Trump's pick for VP, mainly because he himself thought it was such a good idea.
He's not the only one doing that sort of thing either...
I know a few anons that make FB accounts and act exactly like ClanEgoStein. They are cringe and only seek to increase their lack of self-esteem. I don't have the highest self esteem, but I don't seek to suck the approval out of everyone to fill that void. And I know most of you here are just like me, we aren't here to get ego boosts, we want the truth, sometimes our ego comes into play at times but NEVER like the OP (Clandestine) who thinks he needs to school us. That is why I connect with so many of you.
Exactly. That's why we're told to be careful who we follow
Q knew as do most anons, the cabal always tries to get their point men out in front of any new movement to make certain it doesn't go in a direction that might hurt their agenda. ALWAYS!
Excellent title comment.....thank you Queue-anon! Keep those critical thinking skills sharp!
Thanks. I really dislike people who act like they know 100% the absolute truth. No, you don't. Intelligent people understand that they don't know everything and that their perspective isn't the only one. They're open to learning from others and are willing to change their mind when presented with new information.
I just feel that is a good reminder. There are so many voices and opinions right now that we need to keep our guard up.
It reminds me of NeonRevolt. I loved his blog page and his insights. In fact, I started really following Q through his site, and I had found his site from his fascinatingly intriguing article on 5thAveAnon. I bought his book, which spelled out exactly how he thought all events would play out. When it didn't go as he planned, he gave up on Q. Now he just posts memes, gaming stuff, and crypto info on Gab. Boring. He claimed to know exactly "the plan" and when it didn't unfold in that way, he gave up on the movement.
Yes! NR was the original PAYtriot. Anons on 8kun called him out all the time, he just stole research from other anons and made a book.
None of these people know more than you or I.
They gloss over forums like GAW and use the info to either
A} push out a theory that they know will garner support, equaling-you guessed it! Dollars!
B} push out a theory they know will piss people off, equaling -you guessed it! Dollars!
WTH - that relationship is soooo fake—it’s awkward. Interesting hill to die on….
Maybe it's marketing for her next album which will be all about yet another failed relationship of hers.
Look, I know we all want answers, we all are seeking truth, but the truth is inside you, your own judgement and brilliant mind. You were chosen to think outside the programming and spread truth. Don't let someone who pretends to be in a position of authority influence your beliefs. This is why the country is in the position it is. Too much trust in others and not enough trust in yourself.
Have you seen the egos on most people? They're fucking massive.
They see themselves as better than anyone who doesn't trust in "random covid expert #4". They see themselves like this because they have big, fat egos.
So I'd say the problem is the exact opposite. Our country is fucked because people trust themselves far too much, and trust God far too little.
Specifically, they trust themselves far, far too much to correctly outsource their thinking to someone credible (or more charitably, to pick who is worth listening to for valid information). In the end, they usually end up outsourcing their thinking to some Satanist asshole who just wants to kill them (not to mention extremely intelligent, high IQ people who do critically think about shit and do use their judgement and brilliant mind, but who only trust mainstream information and so conclude a bunch of stupid shit anyway.).
These people aren't pure victims of some big bad group of evil people. Every time they refuse to listen to people like us and run back to the cabal info spout, they are making a determination using their judgement and mind that we are wrong, and the cabal is right. To act like they bear no responsibility for this and are just mindless automatons incapable of integrating new information is silly, and also contradictory to the notion that they are capable of trusting their own thinking in the first place.
Ultimately, most people are sheep. They're going to find a shepherd. The Bible has understood that aspect of human nature for 2000 years. The question is, do people follow God or Satan.
(and as a side note, God can be completely imaginary and that all still applies, because God or no God, that is the truth of human nature)
Everyone talks about how some idiot got promoted by doing some stupid thing, and sometimes that’s a bit true, but the biggest idiots are the ones who just insist on being super authoritative.
The best authorities are the ones who know stuff backwards and forwards, but finding those guys with decent to great sales skills, or ability to simplify complex subjects, isn’t easy.
You know, it's a sign of mass formation psychosis if we're talking about the same thing that MSM wants us to talk of. I know MSM is getting psychotic with this item, and I'm just thinking of removing all 'swift' stuff going forward unless it's Q/GA rrelated because it's getting into psy-ops affecting GA.W.
Everyone wants to share their opinion on it. IMHO this is item is a distraction.
Agreed, people are putting way to much energy into this one and anons might be getting played like what happened with Damar Hamlin. Besides we know she's not going to influence the election despite their claims, anybody waiting for her endorsement likely has terminal TDS anyway.
Something with this NFL BS must be over the target when critters like this creep out of their holes and crawl back in line to their DS puppet masters.
Yeah, like why would you make a hard stance on this subject? I NEED TO SET YOU ALL STRAIGHT. Lol.
Maybe he is doing two things at once. Bashing anons and the other thing.
He even blocked some chick who very politely and respectfully disagreed. Very sad.
If you don't think this is somewhat scripted, read this: https://vigilantnews.com/post/is-there-a-taylor-swift-psyop/
There would have to be a ton of accidental "coincidences" for this to not be almost entirely scripted. As for the game... I don't know, I don't waste my time watching sports.
It's 💯% scripted!
I was at a family members house when Taylor attended the first KC game. The two dipshlits on TV talked more about Taylor than the game. I was like what is this shlit?! Is this football or a swift documentary.
I called it right freaking there. I said something is up with this. I don't know what yet, but something.
Next game. Same shlit.
I started paying attention to the ads, which I always tune out. Don't have cable.
It seemed like every other commercial was for a Travis kelce ad. I was thinking, this douchebag is not even that great. Mahomes and some others, fine. But kelce? Why us he in so many ads?
And then I saw it.
The ad for TWO THINGS AT ONCE. The flu shot AND yet another freaking COVID BOOSTER. 💉👹🌎
I am convinced that the powers that be came up with a simple plan.
Boost (pun intended) Kelce's profile as high as possible (have him date Taylor or something), give him lots and lots of money, probably more than he makes in football, by getting major companies to shower him with ad dollars, and lastly, make him the Covid Booster Poster Child to get the final 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 to take their 6th or 7th dose of the 💉👹🌎.
I don't give a shlit what WarEgo says, this is my discerning perspective. I've thought of it for months, and it has now become my baseline u til proven otherwise.
If I am wrong I am wrong. Totally fine with being wrong. I've been very wrong about many things in life.
However, the fact that my discernment bells went off immediately, the first time the sportscaster started covering more Taylor than football, and now, months later, the swift psyop is whipping around the socials, tells me my instincts were on to something.
The old adage is true.
What's the difference between a Conspiracy theory and a fact?
About 6 months.
I think it is down to about 2 months now. And in many cases, it's even less that that.
The main reason is that we all know the MSM, Big Tech, Sports, Entertainment, Hollywood, ALL of it is pure propaganda all of the time. Everything is a narrative. Everything has a purpose for them.
The real conspiracy would be if refs actually called a fair game, games were won and lost by players and not refs or betting interests applying pressure.
A fair and honest anything these days would be the real conspiracy because this sort of thing is so hard to find.
Catturd has more credibility.
Are these infowar personalities all limited hangout ops? They seem to pop up out of nowhere, drop real data and then spiral off into mainstream narrative land.
Did it go against his fame fagging expedition?
That “set-you-all-straight” language sounds just like the doomier denizens of PDW.
What an arrogant asshat! To make a blanket statement that it’s not realistic to fix NFL games, when the amount of money that is involved is staggering, reveals his shallow thinking. After the methodology of the cabal has been exposed, how they have compromised people at every level of society; just how difficult would it be to compromise some referees, players or family members of these people?
Chiefs? Isn’t that racist?
Kansas City ARROWS.
No, that’s just Washington Bullets all over again…
Kansas City Feathers?
KC Ribs.
Mic drop
: )
How about Kansas City Native Americans lol
Kansas City First Nations BIPOCs
Idk why anyone thought of him as a possible superior source of knowledge in the first place. Then again if you have been researching on the Internet since the late 90s and early 2000s you would already be conditioned to be skeptical since the advent of social media was primarily an ego booster rather than a truly unbiased source of communication. I'm guilty of it in my past too so I'm not trying to talk over anyone
yep i'm here too.
Creating pseudonym profiles on forums had completely the opposite intention of social media lol. You didn't care if anyone knew who you were, hell you really never wanted people to know.
Lol he blocked me on X. Never even followed / interacted with him.
Shawn Faresh is another. Massive ego, and if you even mention Q, he'll berate you like a child.
I'm blocked by clandestine on TS for some odd reason. Not sure what I did, but I must have said something that challenged his "authority".
Don't know who that is but keep calling them out. Once their ego gets involved their emotions are influencing everything they say. That's when it's time to stop listening to them IMO.
This. Stopped thinking this person was noticeable after his/her last step into a pile of dodo. Such an obvious plant. Thank you pedes for training us so well.
Glad there's so many like you that can see through the bs. Seeing the replies to his tweet made me lose hope for a minute.
Even a blind squirrel can find a nut some days. I think his biolabs stuff was fairly credible. Aside from that I treat him and all the others the same. None of them know all of the stuff they claim. I see it similar to sometimes looking at the MSM to see what they are trying to peddle and comparing it to what I (or we) believe we know.
This board still finds a ton of stuff that eventually ends up being reported elsewhere, and is my go-to place. I've never listened to any of the paytriot podcasts or believed in any of the people being pumped up (remember SerialBrain and Neon Revolt?). Same thing for personalities like Stu Peters. It is good to know there are pedes here that do the same.
Yup. Still trying to figure out the truck convoy thing. Everything requires analysis. Exhausting...and be prepared to be wrong.
Yep, it is hard to know what is truth anymore. Glad we have anons like you who will call it out when they see it. Even if it's unpopular.
Bill Mitchell enters the chat: Did somebody say set me straight?
Clandestine doesn’t matter anymore. I thought he was a normal person, he took the evil side and my question is Was he like that before? Was he left? I am very disappointed
No billion dollar corporation leaves their business model to chance. Period.
I wonder if that idiot browses here
Bill Mitchell, Jack Posobiec, Clandestine, SerialBrain2, Neon Revolt, Brian Cates off the top of my head and so many more.
Idiots who regurgitate what everyone else has already known for years as though it's their own special hot take.
Building their own little cult followings to lead astray, paytriots and fame whores.
Harsh, But fair.
He will have to apologize for this.
Let me guess. He stands with Israel
Yes! Thank you for stickying this mods! And thank you for saying this u/queue-anon
I've never seen pedes here propping up the person, but posting good stuff he's written. I think that we can recognize shills but still appreciate truth. PDW, dunno. But the deep state is not going to stop using controlled opposition or compromising Patriots and patriot groups, because that's a main tactic they've always used successfully. Best we can do is continue to teach discernment to the awakening masses.
Still curious why people are still supporting all this with their money :shrug:
Yeah, that phrasing made me stop there and exit tab immediately earlier lol this clown thinks daddy's home and has been busy with work and can't handle the kids bickering about stuff they don't understand. Gaaaay
Hollyweird has always manufactured relationships to control the viewing audience. I wouldn't put it past them to do this with these two, especially with the clot shot hero and the witch performer.