ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Compton's In Tha' House! (NSFW) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KZOk0Ld2IfI

Yea, that bitch is straight outta' da hood! You ain't black if you don't vote for that!

..:.Speakin' of Compton, it's makin' me sick (why?)
Everybody'z talkin' that crazy shit
Sayin' they were raised in the CPT (aha) Just as I was, they try to be like me Poppin' that shit, get the fuck out my face Knowin' that they never even seen the place Claimin' my city is my city they claim Mothafuckaz we're about to put some salt in your game .. Yeah I'm tired of these mothafuckerz runnin' around town, talkin' about they're from Compton and shit, tryin' to get on the bandwagon .. Yeah Dre, I know what you're sayin' man, but let's tell 'em who we're talkin' about ..

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Trump campaign should put out public a list of all the music artists who have formally agreed to allow their songs to be used by Trump, and a list of all who have declined.

I always see a lot of musicians who like to yap about politics. Make them put their money where their mouth is. Show me who I can readily boycott, and who I can feel good about promoting.

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where is the investigation of the shooters bomb-making headquarters? Where is a public list of all weapons and ammunition found on the premiss? Why are the owners of Crooks' assassination plot staging area not being charged with assisting a terrorist- where are the terrorism charges for his parents?

The investigation needs to focus on Crooks' household, and how a radical terrorist was allowed to operate, and plan his terrorist activities at that location. His parents are not innocent victims of a wayward child! They are accomplices to a terrorist assassination plot! Charge them, and throw them in a jail cell!

If anyone of us had a bomb and a dozen or more so-called "assault weapons" in our homes- one of which was used for an assassination attempt by someone living in our home, our asses would sitting in jail cell, until some hard questions got answered.

The Crooks family needs a shake-down and, the fact that the FBI and media are completely unwilling to get them to talk is tacit confirmation that they are guilty of conspiring with the assassin. What did they know, and when did they know it?

ToxicLibertyism 4 points ago +4 / -0

Always despised Neil Young with a passion. He is the poster child for pinko faggot commie-hippy boomer types, set on a mission to divide. Fucker needs a helicopter ride.

ToxicLibertyism 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah. Getting a job at below avg. wages seemed like a great deal back when hubby was paying for the house and car notes, and groceries, and such, and little miss vanity queen just wanted some extra "spending money" to buy nice jewelry, and perfume's, and shit.

We see how that deal turned out.

"Work moar bitch, here's your 'equal salary' too."
-Signed with love, from Corporate HQ.

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

They make up their own rules.

True. But, they should be outlawed from defrauding their voters into thinking that their primary votes matter.

Moreover, public (tax payer)election assets, machines, polling locations, etc. Should be outlawed from being used for party primary elections, if those "elections" are not actually elections.

Why are our tax dollars being used for what is literally a non-election, political party activity? How is that even legal?

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just look at those striking Arabic facial features on that alleged "black" girl.

ToxicLibertyism 5 points ago +5 / -0

We don't need a new law to stop flag burning. Enforce the Communist Control Act! https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title50/chapter23/subchapter4&edition=prelim

Flag burning is symbolic of the goals of the communist party to overthrow the USA. Thus, persons engaging in that activity are acting as agents of the communist party, and have no rights under the laws of the USA, including freedom of speech.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Arrest that greaseball's disgusting parents! That motherfucker was inside THEIR home, building bombs, and plotting to murder DJT. The parents are guilty of conspiring with their deranged punk kid, until they can prove that their home was not a marxist assassin's headquarters's.

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see the cowboy hat, but I don't see his horse. So ya, fake.

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

They want to call it a "global health emergency," ok, then they need to stop hiding their patents on drugs, and other [intellectual property] research that may help save the world from the "emergency."

Make it a major crime for corporations to conceal life saving research during a declared health emergency. "We're all in this together."

ToxicLibertyism 4 points ago +4 / -0

Need a law: Any disease that is deemed as an emergency pandemic triggers the immediate release of any and all patents, copyrights, or other intellectual property (associated with combating the disease) into the public domain.

Screw your personal property comrade, we need to save the world from the disease, remember? File this under "emergency powers authorizations."

ToxicLibertyism 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good meme. I hope to see some Planet of the Apes memes in the future.

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow. Look at his hand. That dude studies so hard, he even brings his school work to the bathroom with him! #weird.

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

Texas A&M just proved all of those Aggie jokes to be 100% true. 🤣

ToxicLibertyism 8 points ago +8 / -0

Hello fellow caterpillar's, see, the govt. is out to get me too! I'm just like you guys.


ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

America was great when the republicans freed the slaves from the democrats. It became greater when those same republicans tied nooses around those same democrats and hung them by their throats, in public.

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