ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't tell if they are blocking a public street or not. Nor do I know if they had a permit to block a street, if that is what they are doing. But, if they were blocking a street without a permit, then the cops have legit authority to perform that "yank" maneuver. If that happened on a street I traveled on, I would be pissed that the cops allowed that mob to even build up to that size.

ToxicLibertyism 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yo dems, and MSM turkey's, remember this one?

WhErE tHeRe's SmOke ThERe'S FiRe!

ToxicLibertyism 18 points ago +18 / -0

If she actually succeeds in arresting Gestapo Garland, I will start calling that mad lass- Lunatic Luna.

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had the JAWS soundtrack playing in my head when i rewatched it.

ToxicLibertyism 5 points ago +5 / -0

Put Garland in Bannon's cell. Let Steve work off a little frustration while he's in the klink.

ToxicLibertyism 22 points ago +22 / -0

What's the big deal, Garland? If nobody did anything illegal, then there is nothing to hide, so just hand over the recordings.

Where are the democrats and the MSM with their little cutesy catch phrases now?

Where there is smoke, there is fire.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

People who fall for the idea that the muslim vs. Israel+infidels is caused by a land dispute from 1948 need to familiarize themselves with the history of Jerusalem. Because, that is the real reason muslims call for the destruction of Israel.

Their radical theocracy demands the return of """their""" holy land- Jerusalem. All this shit is really about what "Allah" wants, and he wants Jerusalem. 21st century crusades, muzzie style.

Kidnapping, murder, hostage taking, war, suicide bombings, etc. are all justified in the minds of radical Islamics, because their theocratic leaders tell them that Allah needs Jerusalem at all costs. All this maniac bullshit that comes from the radical muslim world is entirely based on their sense of entitlement to the holy city of Jerusalem. Never mind the fact that both the Jews and Christians considered Jerusalem their holy city 1,500++ years before the muslim religion was even founded.

But I digress, this fighting did not start because of segregation, or land treaties from 1948, or settlers, or any other of the bullshit reasons given. This fighting is ultimately because the muzzie theocracy leading the middle east feel a sense of entitlement to Jerusalem.

There can never be any sort of compromise with cult minded fanatics like that. You had better give them their holy city! And if you don't then Allah will give them 40 virgins after they kidnap you, and blow themselves up during a suicide "martyr" bombing. You see? Allah needs Jerusalem. If you disagree with that, you are an infidel!

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

The point I am making is that the muslim world is not outraged about kidnapping, and hostage taking- least of all the Palestinian public, and authorities.

Oh, but they are real quick to loudly protest when Israeli bombs drop on their so called "martyrs," cry, and beg for Israel to stop "genocide" against them. If they put all of their protesting efforts into a more just, and righteous cause- to demand hostages be released, then that would likely further the cause of not getting bombed by Israel as well.

...But, what do they do instead?....

The radical muslim sects that endorse kidnapping, and hostage taking need to be put down, and put in their place. If the muslim world refuses to fix their own fucked up culture, then they will continue to face deadly repercussions for the actions, and collective support of their fucked up culture.

ToxicLibertyism 10 points ago +10 / -0

For those who don't know the top left cannibal monster, that is Jeff Dahmer. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Dahmer

If you research that one, prepare to be sick to your stomach. His killings were ritualistic. Tony Podesta (John Podesta's brother, Biden regime associates) has a golden statue in his home "art" collection that depicts one of those ritual murders. These "spirit cooking" people are sick.

ToxicLibertyism 4 points ago +7 / -3

Is Israel (or even America) supposed to sit back and do nothing when there are hostages?

All I see is silence, and tacit support (and open support!) for the atrocity of hostage taking.

If the Palestinian public, and the rest of the muslim world cannot, or will not demand, or force the release of hostages, then they are simply asking to become victims of collateral damage. Tough shit for them.

They (the entirety of the muslim world) need to fix their fucked up, radical cultural problem that endorses and normalizes the atrocious behavior of taking hostages. No excuse for any civilized nation to condone hostage taking. It's that simple.

• If you take hostages: Get bombed and killed.

• if you do not do everything in your power to stop hostage taking, or free hostages: Risk getting bombed and killed as collateral damage caused by the actions of your neighbors.

• If your government is not doing everything in its power to end hostage practice, or release hostages: Risk getting bombed and killed as collateral damage caused by the lack of action from your governmental authorities.

It's the 21st century. Time for the muslim world to catch up with other civilized societies, and forever end the practice of hostage taking.

ToxicLibertyism 3 points ago +3 / -0

The problem is, the media will not broadcast the story because they're complicit.

While I agree that (MSM broadcasting) is a big part of the problem, the bigger problem is that citizens are forbidden from broadcasting. Corporate communications broadcasting monopolies, which governments enable, and the biased curation, and censorship of broadcast information are at the root of most all of our societal issues.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

A lying, dog face, pony soldier if I've ever seen one.

ToxicLibertyism -1 points ago +1 / -2

you know there's a plan at work, right?

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

Mike Tyson.

Mike Pence revealing himself as a traitor by failing his sworn constitutional duty is not, nor was not part of the original "plan" you refer to.

Fortunately, all good plans contain contingency plans. Pence being some kind of fantasy secret American hero is not in any real world plans, moving forward.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +3 / -2


Anons should always keep this video handy, because it is Pence admitting that the election certification process could have legally been elevated to include the house of representatives, as is required under the constitution.

It's a quick red pill to use to repulse the fake "insurrection" narrative. Pence had a sworn oath to uphold and defend the constitution. He failed, and he is proud that he failed our nation, and our constitution. Scum of the earth.

ToxicLibertyism 6 points ago +6 / -0

Correct. And that naturally implies that any pre-warning of a surprise attack would be in violation of a presidential order to initiate that [surprise] attack.

Nobody is going to issue an order for a surprise nuclear attack by first telling the target "we are launching nukes at you." Hence, Milley was prepared to disobey a presidential order.

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perhaps Trump can sue NY State (or other parties; Bragg, etc.) alleging that the trial was created for the purpose of election interference. In that case, propaganda outlets that would try to claim "Trump IS a felon" during an election year could theoretically be held liable for defamation, or election interference, themselves. Also, criminal conspiracy to interfere with an election.

I am mot sure how exactly that would work in the legal sense. Maybe some kind of injunction, or other legal decree could prohibit libel/slander against Trump in this particular case, due to tue "election interference" element?

ToxicLibertyism 15 points ago +15 / -0
  1. He undermined American national security by conspiring with the CCP, giving them intel that claimed that Trump was mentally incapacitated, and may be preparing to nuke China, and that the US military was prepared to disobey the presidents orders.
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