Let's ask that frizzy haired press secretary to comment on this. Let's see how she handles that question- for keks.
Let it be the democrat party's final act of spite against America, and decency. They can mourn the death of their vile, rotten, America hating party. And, let the history books show that imagery as a reminder to future generations for why that loathsome [democrat] party needed to be destroyed without remorse, nor mercy.
Your whole comment should be a standalone thread. You have a broad understanding of the finer details surrounding this carefully deployed "wedge issue."
I need to add a joining consideration that should not be forgotten. And that is the outpouring of investment capital into the industry of China. Had that investment occurred in America, there would be a profusion of jobs,..
That point hits the nail squarely right on the head. America never has a problem with migrant workers when American corporations do not export the jobs!
And of course, the Bush/Clinton globohomo swamp is entirely responsible for doing exactly that over the last 30+ years.
Failure has consequences. People don't like hearing it, but 40+ years of American society playing make-believe about our failed education system (thanks Jimmy Carter/Uncle Sam) combined with US investments in communist China,, and elsewhere have caused severe problems.
People who mistakingly think that America can fix itself by simply using all of these god-damned retarded cucks that have been coming through our education system, while the number of quality jobs has declined are having a pipe dream, and are overdue for a harsh reality check.
This broken facade of country needs major help from the best people we can find, from anywheres in the world! American society is in a state of crisis. This is an emergency.
Colin Kaepernick's girlfriend is a CAIR insurgent.
At a cocktail party, lobbyist Jack Krumholtz met then-DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff under George W. Bush and pitched his proposal to expand the OPT program. He suggested extending its duration beyond 1 year, effectively creating a workaround for H-1B visa caps....
Bush. The "republican" party, folks.
I have noticed (it's very obvious) that a lot of this online wedge issue debate seems keenly focused on Indian migrant workers in specific. It's almost as iff Chinese immigrant's, or other nations migrant workers don't factor into the discussion for some odd reason.
People need to wake up, and learn to see when they are being manipulated. Fortunately, Trump did not fall for the bait.
When the guy who had his honeymoon in Moscow, USSR disagrees with you, you know you're on the right side.
There needs to be some sort of mechanic to incentivize us to keep our resources - material and people - internal to the country.
Yes. I completely agree with this. But, flat out denying Americans the choice to hire foreigners is not the solution, as the original post asserts.
Our businesses cannot compete with overseas businesses that use slave labor and have zero tariffs levied on them...
I agree with your statement and, I am strongly supportive of protectionist laws. However, I do not view importing quality, legal foreign workers to be in conflict with promoting a strong America, particularly if there are incentives for US businesses to endeavor to hire more American workers.
We are a unit. We are not the world. You think like a globalist....
Fuck off, handshake. I am not a "we," I am a "me;" an individual blessed to be born into a great nation that respects individualism.
Companies exploiting foreign labor and, undercutting American workers is a huge problem for America. But, that problem is not simply solved by the govt. banning the employment of all foreign nationals, or legal migrants, because it does not factor legitimate [foreign worker] hiring practices by US companies, and US citizens. The simple fact is that there are good, and legitimate reasons to sometimes hire foreign workers.
It's a free country, hire who you want bro. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A8oEDQEDxYw
You are free to waste your time, money, and energy "building candidates," and making those loons your "apprentice," if you think that's what you really want.
But personally, I'll gladly take based Pedro, and Pima, regardless of their nationality, even if they cost more to hire. Bonus points if they also aspire to becoming legal American citizens.
A country without liberty for all of its citizens is not America at all. I fully support incentivizing employers to hire Americans. However, the opening post asserts that American citizens need to be denied the opportunity to seek better employees solely based on national origin. It is a flawed argument.
Using the flawed logic applied in the opening post, American citizens should also be denied the opportunity to seek employment in foreign countries. Why should America allow its talented citizen employees to work in foreign nations, for foreign companies? That sword cuts both directions.
Your position is too one dimensional, and lacks nuance.
To give an example: Why should an American employer be forced to select an employee simply based on their nationality; why should that employer be denied an opportunity to hire a preferable candidate from a foreign country?
Personally, if I were looking to hire, and my American options consisted a bunch of US college educated, leftwing, libtard, dweebs, or a based foreigner- even with less credential's, I want the foreigner for my employee.
He should have just said the plain truth: Nobody is safe anywheres in democrat run America because of their (democrat) failed policies, and soft on crime ideas for justice- particularly regarding illegal aliens, and terrorists.
DemocRats coving up the ISIS flag. Fuckers are entirely guilty for causing this terrorist attack, and their scum sucking minions still coverup for them! Out-fucking-rageous!
"Stole." Ya. Sure they did. Nobody is buying these bullshit excuses anymore. We all know that our rotten comrades working in our rotten govt. sold the shit to China for a tidy profit for themselves.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov rejected proposals Monday floated by President-elect Trump’s allies...
Wat? Were those allies familiar with Trump's thinking too?
Ya, I bet Trump could learn a lot about decency from the Biden family too- from Hunter.
Funny thing is that every college in the USA has at least one immigrant on campus who performs 100 times better academically than 95% of those "white" blue haired dipshits that you think Americans should be forced to employ.
He won't have to suffer the shame he was destined for when Trump takes the Panama Canal back. No prob, we can still shame the democRat party for that folly.
Coast to Coast AM radio station already does this. "Conspiracy date dot com" and "Paranormal Date dot com." I have never looked into it, but they advertise it. Been around a few years now.
Meet the American labor pool, as only Mark Dice can present it. Worth the 3.5min. watch. 🇺🇸
Tonell Love? Tunnel of Love? Bruce Springsteen? Sorry, all I got boss.