Treestandlife84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump indictments going out of control (for the DS), 5 year delta of a October issued comic of hilldog trying to keep her emails buried but like a zombie it's digging out...and a Monday literally falling on October 30th this year..the hopium is max around here.

Treestandlife84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did Obama say what the free spoke headline says he did?absolutely not. Are the quotes mentioned IN the article from Obama(with sauce being CBS interview) very telling on where he's at with the independent media not following the same script as the cabals MSM ? Absolutely! and with that hint of panic why wouldn't he eventually call for a all out ban on all independent media?

Appreciate your view and I'm sure we are mostly on the same page.

Treestandlife84 2 points ago +3 / -1

About the article from free spoke I understand that the headlines are misleading but are they really it's clear by reading Obama's quotes that he's worried about the truth getting out. We definitely have to watch out for clickbait though

Treestandlife84 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll stick with roofing houses.

Treestandlife84 10 points ago +10 / -0

I agree. Why would Trump even pay attention to a post like this is the question people should be asking.

Treestandlife84 3 points ago +3 / -0

So it equals "garbage" because "do your own research" some "probablys" a little bit of "what ifs" and then a bunch of "They can't rule on it legally"...got it.

Treestandlife84 6 points ago +6 / -0

How is it a garbage case? I've seen where only a low percentage get heard. Didn't this process just go down in early January? How many times can the same case be glanced at and rejected before it gets to be ruled on. I'm no lawyer.

Treestandlife84 2 points ago +2 / -0

I made the comment in retrospect of yesterday's post of a meme stating if the police get defunded they will send in the UN to restore order. This post validates my position on how the local and state cops have no influence on if a foreign army is released on our streets.

Treestandlife84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Violence is violence, shooting, stabbings or "cartel style gangbanging" and its ran rampant my entire 40 years on this planet. The cops cant stop it, you must have missed the country burning a few years ago. My statement is a matter of facts. Police local and state level, no matter the money, have no influence, mere presence or otherwise, over stopping a foreign army from taking to our streets.

Treestandlife84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Regional and national law has been ineffective for decades and the UN has been here but never deployed..you're off point but nice shot. I'd assume our Military and national guard would be deployed by whoever is in charge to whip the unruly back in line, not a foreign army. At that point you could have spent billions on police funding and it does not matter.

Treestandlife84 3 points ago +3 / -0

The local police and even state police funds have absolutely nothing to do with stopping a un takeover. They all submit to the next authority over them and a majority would work side by side, as they do with fbi agents when there's an investigation the feds deem their business. This meme is trash.

Treestandlife84 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump was all about a cure not a Vax in the beginning, publicly..and the deep state hated it because it gave the option out of lockdowns. Trumps "endorsement" of the clot shot was a way to speed up what was already planned (a deadly shot)by the DS way before covid, essentially throwing a fast ball at something that was not up to bat just yet. The whole point of it was to open eyes and think for yourself. Maybe that's what you're missing.

Treestandlife84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Me and my family also seen this from the start..its tricky being pro 2nd in the land of lincoln.

Treestandlife84 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think you're missing the point. *Whu flu was a way to control *Communist lockdowns done in the name of national safety was the goal(you have no choice) *A "vaccine" was going to be put into to play regardless(you choose) but after lockdowns and just as deadly.

Treestandlife84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have a foid card and make a legal weed purchase in Illinois from a dispensary, it essentially does the same thing.

Treestandlife84 1 point ago +1 / -0

I personally think he is a bad dude that's been forced to switch sides for the good and maybe the Twitter purchase was done by someone else with elon as the talking head. Before, the left as a whole loved him...what better way to make them acknowledge the truth.

Treestandlife84 1 point ago +3 / -2

"Smartest" man on the planet flops opinions on the clot shot in 18 months time. From "the science is unequivocal " to "Prosecute/Fauci" and he did it because "everyone is allowed to change their opinions"...lol yeah right ok.

Treestandlife84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Russia and Ukraine share the exact same style tanks and other various military vehicles. Guess the Russians running around spray painting all their shit with a white Z was a good idea. There's actually more to this video. At the same time the tank runs over the car, a big military supply/support truck is recklessly driving down another road. The truck ends up in the parking lot directly across from the tank just out of view(of this clip), where 2 guys in a white van pull out weapons and kill the people in the truck. Then just turn and watch the tank drive off. It's all suspect but I for sure can't see any white Z's on display, white van nor military vehicles.

Treestandlife84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey man thanks for responding it's kind of settling knowing that my dad's not the only one being diagnosed with it because I've been calling b******* on it like it's something they just made up or something I don't know. It's kind of weird though that I posted this a couple days ago and you're the first person to comment on it and I so happen to be just dropping off my dad's first tube of the Apple flavor ivermectin. I planned on updating here once we tried it out.

Treestandlife84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where's the confirmation to emails after signing up on the website. That seems not right

Treestandlife84 1 point ago +1 / -0

"hundreds" shit post at best...80,000 deer were killed during 7 days of shotgun hunting this year in my state alone.

Treestandlife84 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope and pray this happens sooner than later. Didn't Fenn survive a cancer battle? A buddy of mines aunt thought she found an area where she was certain his treasure was. Me and him (my friend) almost made the trip, would have been a great adventure. You're the guy?

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