Joey's comment is priceless! Way to be Joey
Suicide Week is now on the menu boys and girls.
This is what death warmed over looks like! FJB
Gonna say Soros 🤢
Fortune cookie for Miss Wen. Go fucking choke on it.
Exactly. When we rising the fuck up n hitting back. Shits beyond ridiculous. Time for the big boy n big girl shit. That what Fight Fight Fight Means?
Somebody hang this piece of shit.
Big Men beating a defenseless inmate. Be Proud You Big MEN..
Somebody hang this bitch.
May you RIP Beautiful Girl💔
That's a crack whore.
The first alien to touch down. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Blaze yourself up you fatfuck. Blaze Away
Kash knows where they're. Get Em Kash
Damn. Fuck them assholes
Homeboy just filming and not intervening at all. Wow. Sad Stuff
Don't just deport but kick there fucking asses.
Fuck these assholes. They need to be fucking dealt with!!!
Crying One Eye
Hahahaha. Fuck Right Off Judge Mercunt