This is fake guys
We'll just label any information that's bad for us as "Russian Disinformation" Same playbook over and over again from these rats.
Get lost DeathyRayDesigner. We've done this dance twice already. It's my contention that your close minded about this and a fat headed stubborn bastard. So why bother coming in threads like this? it's clear you have zero intention to have an open minded discussion. Seems your just here to be the biggest brain in the room, and tell everyone how wrong they are. So why bother coming into a thread like this, is it just to feel better about your EGO. There's no way you could be wrong about nature of electricity and physics? right? You're smarter than Nikola Tesla right? Just head on over r/physics and discuss over there with people more like you.
Tesla absolutely envisioned this FLYING MACHINE, just like he envisioned the rotating magnetic field in his visions, and knew it would work before he even built it. That's how Teslas brain worked. When Tesla says the product of his dreams is a flying machine that doesn't work on the standard principles of FLIGHT, he's not talking about some grandiose nonsense, it was the product of his dreams as he stated.
Everything Tesla worked towards was to make his DREAM the flying machine he envisioned a reality. The wireless power system he invented (which I know you don't believe existed) was only invented so he could power his flying machine from the ground.
The universe is electric, as is the Sun. The Sun is not powered by a thermonuclear reaction like we've all been told. Momentum can be created electrically, and inertia can be cancelled electrically. Tesla knew this intuitively as I know it intuitively. You don't know it intuitively, because you're a monkey.
Nikola Tesla in 1911
"The flying machine of the future my flying machine will be heavier than air, but it will not be an aeroplane. It will have no wings. It will be substantial, solid, stable. You cannot have a stable airplane."
"My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety"
IT's horrendous to me that we still fly around in dangerous airplanes, and helicopters that kill some of our best people.
Wait, do you still believe the Germans gassed human beings in chambers disguised as showers? If you do, then you must also believe they made lamp shades, and soap from dead people. How silly.
I Fucking hate Ariel mother fucker., dudes a grifting pos. Anything he says, I'm distancing myself from.
Yea, that's his side of the story. If free speech meant you could say whatever you wanted about anyone at any time, there wouldn't be such a thing as defamation law suits. IF you make up ridiculous nonsense about someone, hurting their livelihood you can expect to be sued.
As far as I look at free speech as it was written by our fore fathers, you have the right say any religious and political speech without fear of repercussion, reprisals, or persecution from the government/state.
That doesn't mean I should be allowed to go around making up lies about someone that could ruin their personal life. Get it?
I just looked at that twitter account. He's a Harris Walz supporting TDS infected retard. You're taking his word for it, what he writes on twitter about why Nunez is suing him, or?
It would seem typical to have Crooks blow himself up at his home with the IED's he supposedly had. I think Crooks name and identity were to get the blame, and Crooks was to survive as well, and live the rest of his life under a new identity. Crooks is likely still alive, and using the assumed identity they had ready for him.
Of course it does, any gains in crypto is also considered capital gains.
Can we get a petition going to have Jack change his X profile pic.
As is tradition.
Trump didn't pick the plane, he called a company told them he needed a plane, and that's what they provided. It seems Trump is the one getting trolled. I also heard Trump demanded the company never give him that plane again.
Please let me know if you find a place to buy these sweet Space Force polo's
That could be a tactical mistake, but it'd be nice to see.
Yea I see that now. I was using Schwabs ThinkorSwim platform which was working fine so I thought all of schwab was fine, but their regular platform did go down. How long was it down for you?
Exactly, the market immediately rebounded the 3% in like the first hour of trading. People are so knee jerk reactionary irrationally so, and the trading platforms were NEVER down today, I dont know what kimdotcom is talking about.
This is nonsense, at no point today were my trading platforms preventing me from selling anything. IF they were down if was for a very short amount of time, but I didn't see that, and I was watching from the opening bell.
I don't think there was a single minute on either of the 2 trading platforms that I use, that were down for any amount of significant time. I didn't try to sell anything, I'm not retarded, but nothing on my platforms gave me the idea I wouldn't be able to sell if I wanted to.
Lol were they? I don't know I wasn't around back then, but look at the markets today they're recovering almost as dramatically as they've dropped. People need to some some restrain, 24 hour rule. This is not the crash, yet...
I didn't say it wasn't dramatic, it's already recovered half of that, in only 3 hours of market time.
They're such simpletons. They try to normalize the weirdest shit while calling a totally normal dude weird. Let's see how it works out for them.
How does this guy still have a job?
Found the extremist.