CGI, it’s not the real Joe and Mika.
Yes this was their plan, think Uranium one. The WH will probably stage a scare event close to the inauguration, the military will probably intervene when Biden stay pass January 20, 2025 and order a new election using the Blockchain Technology…..Trump wins all 50 states by a massive landslide with 80+ senators and over 380 house members.
The illegals will not self deport because they can just wait until Trump leaves office in 2029.
Absolutely, everything was video taped and must be shown. I think we’re in the 10 days of darkness until November 15, 2024, at some point after the 15th of November the Supreme Court will invalidate the 2020 election and Trump will assume the Presidency for a short time, Trump will then issue multiple executive orders to dismantle the deep state, he’ll then stepped down and order a new election in 120 days, during this time the military will take control and we’ll used the Blockchain Technology for the new election…….Trump will win all 50 States and close to 80% of the popular votes.
Yeah, I saw that too. Trump got 100 million votes, arrest and execute all these traitors.
Absolutely agreed, Trump got at least 100 million votes. Be patient patriot and remember Trump and the WH are are geniuses running this amazing operation.
I think something else is coming before Inauguration Day, if Biden and Kamala are both fake then the election itself has to be fake. We’re in a continuity of government and remember Trump is a genius.
I don’t believe these results for a second, Trump most likely won 10 more states and 30 million more votes.
One way ticket to hell in a coffin. NCSWIC!
They have no more tricks…..not when they’re 6 feet under. The military already removed these communist, traitors already.
Elections will have BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY(cannot be hacked) in 2025 and we can vote from home, all those Democrats crooks can’t cheat anymore. Remember Biden and Kamala are working with the WH the real one’s won’t be joining us anymore. NCSWIC!
ALERT! Alert! ALERT! Everyone listen carefully, the election will be canceled and Donald Trump will addressing the nation right after midnight. 10.3 end of occupation, 10 days of shutdown will follow, everyone please stock up right now on food and water efore midnight ET. Congratulation, I went to the New York rally on 10/27/2024 and it was amazing.
11.3 = end of occupation: The election gets canceled and the Military arrest the entire federal government on 11/05/2024. NCSWIC!
Yeah I agree with the Kobe part but I think he played the role like he was with then but in actuality he was passing information to white hats. His Helicopter crashed was fake and he was rescued by the WH.
All prices back to what it was in 1970, that would solve poverty and eliminate welfare.
She’s a man!
“Trump is racist” will go down as the “last famous words of a defeated cabal”, they have nothing left.
11.3 End of occupation will happened on November 5, 2024 so the military will publicly arrest the deep states. The 2024 election will be canceled and a new election will be scheduled in 120 days. “Ten days, darkness” will start November 5, 2024 and Trump will claim he was winning by a landslide. NCSWIC!
Trump should announce the arrest of all NAZIS within the U.S…….wait…….the Democrats would have no one available to run for any office in the U.S.
I was there also from 7AM in the morning, this was a magnificent event that’ll go down in history. I was right behind the podium and when Trump came out to speak it was magical/emotional. The Democrats are traitors and just like the NAZI THE DEMOCRAT PARTY WILL BE DESTROYED. NCSWIC!
Remember, cooperations and small businesses will still pay taxes so that should be enough along with the tariffs to fun our government. The main purpose of Trump tariff plan is to have these businesses make their products in America thus creating a massive amount of good paying jobs. NCSWIC!
That’s exactly what I have been telling people. We became a cooperation in 1871/1878, the 1871 act might have been abolished but a new one was enacted in 1878 so any legislation passed after that time is null In void.
Compare the right ear lobe of the real Biden pre 2016 vs this current Biden, the real Biden it’s detached and on the fake Biden it’s attached.
SPOILER ALERT: If you don’t think Q is real then you haven’t done your research. Your post is pure BS and anyone who knows what’s happening should understand that we’re in a Biblical battle to removed the globalists control over humanity. Both Biden and Kamala are actors exposing the real Biden and Kamala. 11.3 end of occupation will cause the election to be canceled and rescheduled in 120 days, Trump will be able to say that he was winning by a landslide and Kamala will get replaced by the Dems for the new election. Q IS REAL, NCSWIC!