UltraCornPop 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is such a big F'ing deal, vitally important. He's nailing exactly what is wrong. I think this was planned from the start. He ran for president, all along intending to join Trump in the end and lead MAHA which we desperately need. Stop the poisoning with hormone distrupting toxins through food, water and air.

UltraCornPop 5 points ago +5 / -0

They've had forever to plan all this sh*t. So obviously there's a lot they could do. Look at the stuff they've already done and consider that small scale testing. However here's a little tip: evil cannot enter into the presence of God. So the more you can channel the presence of God into your life, the more protected you are up to the point of total protection. We are never alone. Stay frosty frens. God wins.

UltraCornPop 14 points ago +14 / -0

Trump won here's why: By giving her the reins and by not demolishing her in any exchange (which he could have so easily done), Trump made her look "good" which makes it really difficult for the Satanists to switch her out at the last minute for someone they really want like Killary, Big Mike, etc. This is 5D chess. Trump put them in "check" (as in the game of chess) by holding back ("weak" per Art of War). That was intentional. Now if the Hidden Hand tries to take her out... because all she ever was was a PLACEHOLDER, they will really be exposing themselves because unlike Biden, Trump made her look pretty "good." Trump brilliantly stuck them with their own PLACEHOLDER. Absolutely brilliant and nobody saw it coming including me. I didn't know what was going to happen. But I do know Trump is a master at this game, and this game has it's own rules. Furthermore DJT stock crashed to $15 this morning — he's giving you a chance to get it super cheap. Get on board Pedes. You have nothing to lose. If Trump doesn't win, we're all dead literally. So might as well put your money on the winning horse.

UltraCornPop 4 points ago +4 / -0

At 16 sec, there's a shift in what looks like a reflection possibly in the window he's looking through. Don't know if that is a tell to Q drop #16, which says, "Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise..." I also see a vague "USA" is in the reflection. My guess.

UltraCornPop 5 points ago +6 / -1

Yeah, this is why Q said we are saving Israel for last. Blind Justice needs to GO IN SWINGING.

UltraCornPop 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's impossible to watch this video without getting pumped up. Frogs, we are in for the fight of our lives. Who knows what will happen, but some of us are prepared for anything and ready to lay down our lives in this earthly plane to end this satanic bullcrap, protect our children and even our neighbors if need be. And you know Jesus has our six.

UltraCornPop 7 points ago +7 / -0

She should be taking orders at a Burger King. Or have her own business making something useless on Etsy. She's not "I'M THE PRESIDENT'S HUMAN SHIELD" material. She is a JOKE and as DC Draino said, a DISGRACE. She needs to step down immediately and should be PROSECUTED for not doing her job.

UltraCornPop 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are right, just rewatched the video — he was looking to his right, not looking straight ahead.

UltraCornPop 2 points ago +2 / -0

How come no one in the media is TALKING ABOUT THE SHOOTER? WTF? Now check this magnificent photo from winn on another thread: https://media.greatawakening.win/post/tpjA6Cbka4AI.png

UltraCornPop 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even MS13 and illegals will be voting for him.

UltraCornPop 4 points ago +5 / -1

The time is now to be on HIGH ALERT. Gather your families in a safe place. Do you know where your kids are? Be alert in case this event was supposed to be coupled with other attacks or false flag events. Do not fear. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!

UltraCornPop 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well, anyone can miss. However, if it was a sniper how did no person behind him not get nailed? This is possible evidence for it being THE scare event that Q told us about.

UltraCornPop 23 points ago +23 / -0

He didn't grab his neck, he grabbed his ear. That's what I saw.

UltraCornPop 10 points ago +10 / -0

Trust the Plan, even when we don't know why... trust the Plan. Her insight, love and value must be needed elsewhere... more than we needed her here. Apparently, she's been promoted.

UltraCornPop 4 points ago +5 / -1

I've seen this done so many times on lots of subjects, but this one is so appropriate, very clever, and hilarious! Thanks fren.

UltraCornPop 21 points ago +21 / -0

Sharkman who reportedly saved his wife from cancer (caused by parasites) and developed a protocol using Ivermectin, Fenbendazol, Moxidectin, etc... for some unknown reason trashes chlorine dioxide everytime anyone asks him about it. Yet I heard about a study in Bolivia whereby they injected chlorine dioxide directly into cancer tumors and cured 100%. There's also a lady, Kerri Revera, who wrote a book about chlorine dioxide because it CURES autism (though it's not an instant cure). The book was written in 2014 and reportedly became a bestseller to some degree, but Amazon banned it parroting the usual DS propaganda that chlorine dioxide = bleach, a complete falsehood. Kerri also had a team of professional paid trolls attacking her nonstop online. The miracles achieve with chlorine dioxide make me wonder if Sharkman is legit. I look forward to watching this documentary.

UltraCornPop 3 points ago +3 / -0

It reminds me of an autostereogram — remember these from the mid 2000s? You had to stare at a computer mapped image for a minute or two and a 3d image/object would appear. Also parts of the devil face look like a negative image. I played around with the image In Photoshop, and when I do, thousands of tiny details in the background emerge. What looks like random background brushstrokes are not random. I think they've put all kinds of little things in there. Even as is, I can see a panther at top middle, all kinds of little things and the curling horns of the big face in center. These fools want so hard to believe in the power of evil, they desperately want to make it real. Yet in the presence of God, evil does not exist. That's how and why investing in God protects you from evil. God is impervious. And when you are connected to God, you too are impervious. "Symbolism will be their downfall."

UltraCornPop 2 points ago +2 / -0

The video says the "brown" area is "300 square miles" — that's NOT very large. 17.3 miles square... about the size of Fresno or Salt Lake City. The size of a modest city. Still interesting of course... love to know more.

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