I don't think I could have love and sex with child abusers and give them children from my body just to gain information about the khazarian cult. If she can then wow props, but kind of hard on the kids.
I saw CIA orc
It was on the phone but i never have the right thing to say at the time. I was shocked a little.
We have been teaching our three year old the "our father". We believe in God and Jesus but do not attend any church or ascribe to any denomination.
My brothers and sisters are atheist and vaxxed.
Our daughter added her own special prayer in for her cousin that she loves and who is roughly similar age to her nightly prayer. She did this without any kind of prompt. I thought it was so cute and shared the story with her uncle. He got offended and said we dont believe in God. That was his nasty response. He was the nicest of brothers prepandemic.
I was like wtaf.
Is he on a podium?
Who is sunbathing and vacationing in a war zone?
I wouldn't want to see a real nuke ...especially if I or my family are in the area of casualty. I thought the plan was to prevent that sort of mass tragedy.
A nuke would be beyomd the precipice imo. It would be rock bottom falling into the abyss.
I dont have help for detox but i was infertile and miscarried 3 for ivf. Get her checked for anatomical structure issues in the uterus. Have the uterus biopsied during luteal phase. Get checked for endometriosis. 32 is old in fertility years. Decline is steep by 40. Miscarriages rise after 28 and keep doing so every year after. Blood type could be a factor. Quality of eggs can be one. Maybe low progesterone...
Of course also these demon shots but the female system balance is more delicate than most suppose. Even taking an nsaid can ruin egg quality and the hormone balance produced by a egg needed to carry a baby to term.
The shoulders of the tall demon merge into the arms making it look like charles has one arm on yop of each of the central figures.
Portrait is scary AF
I agree with most of what you said except the acting out with colored hair. I dont think that is a sign of non-conformity...just the opposite. They, the left all have tats and peircings and colored hair. It is a sign of the group and conformist in nature. It is against the natural. They do not like or accept their bodies as god given so it "right" to mar it. Trans seems to be a natural extension of that attitude. All of tbose things are the in - cool thing to do.
I know everyone here is defending marijuana, and I dont doubt they are using some shit excuses for heart disease but smoking of any kind (cigarettes or weed) has always increased risk of lung cancer and heart attack. I doubt once a month will do it though.
My FIL is pure blood and smokes only weed his whole life. He is 66 He had been battling lung cancer growths the last year and a half. Had surgery last year. They told him to lay off the smoking. He didnt, new growth is back....
My pointer is half an inch shorter and i am a woman. I am also tall so shoulders are wider. That said.... Michy is a Mikey. I see it more in the torso and neck traps.
Plenty of religious hypocrites and religious pedophiles. They use it as cover and access.
The projects were demolished? Check out new bedford MA sometime.
Too much boobs and hair to be hillary. That's a bun on top of that dumpy body.
I don't think it is Pelosi either. She is thin with big boobs and short hair too.
My theory...using the potato parts to describe an "order" for trafficked abused children. Who knows with these sickos. Maybe the backside of the potato head was used to smuggle adrenchome vials. Showing the backside empty meant you needed more or something. The descriptions about sleep partners and entertainment....who in their right mind thinks that shit isn't code for nefarious evil?
There's roughly a decade long waitlist in massachusetts for disabled low income people. Figures an illegal criminal venezuelan gets in over elderly on fixed income.
Agreed. Was my first thought. Looked like the diary of a 13 year old girl with pms who no onr likes and she knows it.
So what? I didn't say all mods stickied crap. Just the dude that shills for x22 and juan o savin. The stickies are usually links to their programs. Blegh.
Amen frog! So sick of even mods posting juan o savin and others as though they are gold. Always makung it up to the hot list instead of posts like this.
Good reminder about the grifters.
Limited partner is someone who backs you financially and receives a share of the profit in return. They are owners but they do not do any day to day running of the company. The general partner in the limited partnership does that.
I forgot from business school what the master limited partnership is....it is different from just the limited partnership though.
Yeah and i really dont want to be raped and tortured before dying. I'm in a hot spot in the northeast with a shit ton of illegals. No way to leave.
All of you eating the paste are crazy lol. The first time I saw it pop out like a jelly log i dangled it on my fingertip and just put my head back with mouth open. I plopped it into the back of my throat and swallowed. Why put it on your taste buds?
I agree. Everyone even the poor looked classy on a sunday outing back then. I wont even wear clothes with a brand on them visible to others anymore.
I hate the maskies. Barf. My soster had about 80 of the things hanging near her door for her and her 2 kids. She vaccinated everyone. Now that is the real crime.
I dont know personally, but i was speaking as a mom to the comment above - if it could be true i would find it hard to believe.