UncontrollableQueef 1 point ago +3 / -2

This isn’t difficult. We haven’t even started coordinating and shooting yet.

UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +3 / -0

I got an email from twitter the day it got bought. It said my password had been reset. I have logged into twatter exactly once and that was about 7 years ago, nothing since. I wonder if that was part of a bot purging or some sort of algorithm reset to a previous version.

UncontrollableQueef 9 points ago +9 / -0

I didn’t know that. Delightful little red pill you dropped there, thanks!

UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +3 / -0

Keep taking the battle to them ✊🏿. My last permaban was for gasp suggesting there were alternatives to abortion. I don’t use foul language when I play in their shitbox, which apparently you didn’t either. Their little minds can’t handle opposing views that challenge their indoctrination. Man are they in for a surprise 😈

UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed. I want him out. He didn’t do enough early enough with the Rona nonsense. DeSantis should be the envy the TX gov not the other way around.

UncontrollableQueef 2 points ago +2 / -0

Definitely staged. Lady in red jacket pouring blood way too obvious. Brown bag lady is fine running around then ends up on a stretcher. From what I can gather some rando set off a smoke bomb in a subway and shot other randos in the ankle, exactly the same time biden is pushing gun legislation and a bird shits on him. Crazy times. Kinda starting to enjoy the show

UncontrollableQueef 1 point ago +1 / -0

That….was a wild ride. Probably the first time I’ve been able to truly visualize the world without America as its superpower.

UncontrollableQueef 13 points ago +13 / -0

Fake news. NYC is a gun-free zone in a liberal safe haven. There simply can’t be any guns here. Also class 1 explosives are prohibited near public transport infrastructure. Also also murder is illegal. Deboonked!!1!!1!

UncontrollableQueef 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you I’ll look into that. Main problem is the porch, they like to look in through the back door

UncontrollableQueef 5 points ago +5 / -0

Let’s do a pros/cons:


  1. Constant supply of fresh eggs. Waaaay better than store bought. Several breeds yield about 1 egg per chicken per day.
  2. They’re kinda like pets if you choose to look at them that way. They have their own quirks.
  3. Maintenance is next to nothing. Feed is cheap. You can build a simple coop or buy a prebuilt.
  4. Sense of pride and preparedness.
  5. Bartering item if SHTF


  1. They shit EVERYWHERE. (Currently navigating this one)
  2. That’s really it

There are great videos available for breed selection, how to care for them, etc. lots of people have a backyard flock in urban areas.

Lessons learned:

  1. Keep the coop simple and practical, ie easy to clean and gather eggs.
  2. Try to buy from farmer rather than get a straight run or you’ll end up with a ton of roosters (happened to me). Or learn how to sex them. Not extremely difficult if done early. Just sounds weird walking into a store and asking if you can sex their chickens lol. Getting pullets (6mo old hen that’s laying or about to lay) is a good way to ensure you don’t get roosters.

When the time comes to send them to chicken heaven it’s simple and easy. One method is put their neck under rebar, step on the bar on either side of the neck, grab legs and pull. Very quick and very effective. No chance to screw it up.

tl;dr: do it!

UncontrollableQueef 4 points ago +4 / -0

Elon just invested $3B into twitter. Why on earth would he suggest twitter is dying, which could hurt that investment? You could argue he’s trying to poke some on the list to post more, encouraging more engagement.

I choose to believe he’s telling us something, that’s a who’s who list of known bad actors. Maybe he’s trying to drive it down to get DWAC a discount before a merger 🤔

UncontrollableQueef 2 points ago +2 / -0

Something perhaps noteworthy that could be added to patel’s list is the absolutely filthy SUVs in the resident’s motorcade. And wasn’t there a video of military turning their backs to one of his motorcades? I remember reading about that one but never saw it.

UncontrollableQueef 23 points ago +23 / -0

Watching ewarananons “What on Earth” documentary as we speak. A reporter commissioned a plane to fly over Antarctica and was immediately intercepted by 2 F-16 fighter jets, apparently US planes.

A fishing boat headed toward Antarctica and was intercepted by a US destroyer.

Something is there that [they] don’t want getting out to the public.

UncontrollableQueef 5 points ago +5 / -0

Many, many patriots waiting on the first move to be made in the US. Fuck it I’m not gonna dance around. We’re waiting on the first sign of lead to fly. We are so far past this point that it’s ridiculous. I’m actually praying for an economic collapse because at this point it’s the only thing that’s gonna get people off their lazy, comfy asses and organize against this satanic government.

For the love of all things holy, do what you can to make it on a single income. Cut up your damn credit cards and pay off ALL of your consumer debt. Give Dave Ramsey a listen if you need help with this. Cut cable/satellite. Sell your Tahoe with entertainment system for a beater. Your kids will live I promise. Used car prices are higher than ever, cash in NOW.

We’ve got to take back control of our kids education. If you’re in a blue state or even a red state with a retarded, butt fucking faggot worshiping school district, pull your kids out ASAP! This is on you, parents! You can’t turn a blind eye any longer, no excuses. They’re telling you exactly what and who they are now. Your inaction is consent.

UncontrollableQueef 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly and it’s beautiful! Many sleepless nights on the darker stuff though. It seems evil knows no boundaries

UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow, having deja vu from 2020. I remember reading what you just wrote 2 years ago. If it goes the same way: We win. I think the matrix is cracking

UncontrollableQueef 9 points ago +10 / -1

I hear ya on all of this, my son can’t adhere to social norms and niceties, much like you describe. He’s very much an empath and has been since his toddler years, but he is totally awake and yet he is unapologetically honest. This especially presents a problem when you’re not an adult. The starseed concept is completely new to me, but I am open to at least learning about it. I do believe in God and am a Christian, but I do believe we’re not being told the whole truth. It’s my belief that the Great Awakening will reveal a thing or two about creation and the perversion/bastardization of religion over the centuries. I hear it will be Biblical, after all 😁.

It sounds like you, and others like you, have been given a gift. It sounds like there’s an aura (not a chakra guy but do believe humans emit perceptive energy) that attracts others to you in search of meaning, help, truth, or a nonjudgmental ear that will listen.

UncontrollableQueef 7 points ago +7 / -0

You’re 100% correct on the all of the “blue marble” aka Earth selfie pics. The one from 2007 or 2012 spells “SEX” very clearly in the clouds and uses repeated cloud sequences in the Southern Hemisphere. All of them, from 1972 and on, have been photoshop/artist renditions.

I’ve watched the whole “What on Earth” 6hr documentary twice. Regardless of what one thinks of the subject matter, it raises excellent points that challenge one’s views and is very well put together. Admittedly I’m agnostic on the subject and have been researching since 2017. This is coming from someone who used to read and watch all available Universe documentaries since childhood. I take NOTHING at face value anymore. Sky is blue? Nah ima research that and get back with you.

UncontrollableQueef 24 points ago +24 / -0

What if you just hate people and have crippling social anxiety lol. I feel like 99% of the frens here at GAW would share most of these “star seed” traits just by their (our) nature of being free thinking contrarians; many of the traits listed intersect and manifest naturally. Interesting subject tho, thanks for posting.

UncontrollableQueef 6 points ago +6 / -0

scratchy throat

From talking too much perhaps? I hope Zero is singing like a canary.

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