Unhappymeal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then you aren’t after the truth. If you openly reject the very thing that will save you cause you’re too busy you never truly cared in the first place. I provided you quick videos because they answer all the popular and non-popular questions that people like you have in depth.

Remember anon, you can’t say you never heard the truth when the final day comes, you rejected it.

Unhappymeal 1 point ago +1 / -0

No offense anon but when their videos answer all the questions in depth which is infinitely faster than typing I’m gonna let them take care of you. Secondly you can sit there and watch a ton of Frank Turek and John Lennox answering additional questions you didn’t know you had. There’s nothing new under the sun.

Unhappymeal -2 points ago +2 / -4

Anon you might wanna sit down and watch this. It seems you’ve been given some false info.

Unhappymeal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Go watch the videos with the names attached and all your questions will be answered. How do I know? Because I asked the same questions not too long ago.

Unhappymeal 2 points ago +2 / -0

This appears to be an issue of you having simply not studied Christianity enough in any capacity. Go hit YouTube, watch some Frank Turek, Jeff Durbin and John Lennox. All your qualms get answered in depth. Hope you find Christ anon.

Unhappymeal 4 points ago +4 / -0

Demons. It’s honestly that simple. Demonic activity on the floor for all to see.

Unhappymeal 9 points ago +11 / -2

Ben Carson is probably gonna be the VP pick.

Unhappymeal 6 points ago +6 / -0

I know this position all too well fren. Christ has you during this. Some doors get closed for reasons you may not realize just yet. When I got my closed door it felt like the end of my world. It ended up being the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Prayers will be sent.

Unhappymeal 2 points ago +2 / -0

We were reading the same thread. I saw that one too. Not even remotely surprised if the special intel agencies have this tech.

Unhappymeal 4 points ago +4 / -0

Back in 2015 there was a company called Magic Eye that was specifically working on hologram cubes about the size of a quarter. There was even a demonstration video of their product and it was surreal. They were immediately bought up either by a private corp or the gov. I can only imagine how advanced the tech is now.

Unhappymeal 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will still pray for you and your dog. Whether you’ve found Christ or not, all Christians want the best for their brothers and sisters. May God or the recommendations in this post save your fren.

Unhappymeal 3 points ago +3 / -0

God routinely has used the weak, the underdog or the flawed individual to do great things. No matter how broken you think are, you are never beyond God’s saving Grace.

Unhappymeal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Israeli central casting agency puppet.

Unhappymeal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bless your heart anon. It takes a certain level of ignorance to ignore the blatant satanic agenda. The open hatred of Jesus Christ and the Bible. Q specifically referencing God and the Bible to arrive to your conclusion. Hope you find Jesus my man.

Unhappymeal 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you actually studied the Sumerian tablets you would have come across all of the empirical evidence that the Bible and the historical reference the Apocrypha were indeed true. It tells the story of Nimrod writing to the lord of arratata who was Moses. Tells the story of Terrah the idol maker who was Abraham’s father. This validates the Biblical text. The story of Enki (Satan) being summoned from the Anzu aka the Abyss waters from the Gate of the Gods known as the Tower of Babel. The fact that civilizations across the world speak of the great flood and give accounts matching the others also verifies this.

The fact you chose to ignore everything else in my post shows you’re choosing ignorance over truth. Lucifer is known as the great deceiver for a reason. I fell for the same propaganda you’re speaking right now earlier in my life. You can’t say you were never given a chance to hear the truth at the day of judgement fren. I am commanded to go forth and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His love. So yes I will speak truth, the one and only truth which is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Unhappymeal 12 points ago +12 / -0

My man you fell for the propaganda and by your last statement that proves you haven’t studied this subject but are repeating atheist arguments you’ve overheard. Mind you those arguments aren’t used anymore, see Christopher Hitchens arguments. We have the Dead Sea scrolls. We have the Greek translations. See Frank Turek, Voddie Baucham and Jeff Durbin to challenge yourself intellectually as they’ve answered all these questions and more.

It should strike you odd that the Deep State is aligned with a very much open Satanic agenda. Q references the Bible and God. The entire Deep State apparatus openly attacks Jesus Christ, the Bible and Christianity, no other religion. For a supposed critical thinker these topics should be confusing you.

Why is the enemy allied with Satan especially if he’s ‘fake’. Why does Q reference Christianity especially if it’s ‘fake’. Why is Jesus Christ attacked by these degenerates yet no one else.

If you spend any legitimate amount of time actually studying this subject you’ll find Christ. To address your hell statement. Hell is separation from Christ. You’re made in the imagine of God with his attributes. When you are separated so are those attributes and you’ll be alongside others who openly and by their own free will rejected Christ. Goodluck anon, hope you seriously think on this. Hope you look up those names mentioned above and YouTube their detailed explanations. May you find Christ during this.

Unhappymeal 20 points ago +21 / -1

Fren you seem to be very confused on your understanding. By accepting Christ into your heart you live like Him by His Grace. In doing this you do good deeds, be righteous, helping others, etc. That is not works, you aren’t doing those things to be saved, you’re already saved. You crucify your old life and do these things because Christ has transformed you.

If you profess to be a Christian and continue living your life the exact same as you were swallowed in sin… you might want to look over your life and ask if you truly accepted Christ.

Unhappymeal 3 points ago +3 / -0

Currently driving across the US. Thank you so much for your insight. It’s beyond appreciated. Background is law enforcement so training wise I’m solid.

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