My nephew is a manager in retail. He tells me that it's the out of touch corporate idiots that are requiring employees to refuse service over mask stuff, but that it's purely because they believe it's what the majority of customers want, and the corporate folk just want to make as much money as possible so they side with the perceived majority. It's not about the government, science or anything other than money. They don't care if you verbally abuse their staff as it's considered normal to be verbally abused on a regular basis in retail or customer service jobs, but they DO care if you boycott, they DO care about the money.
The initial short term effects aren't even the scary part, it's what happens down the line. So many people trying to persuade me to take the jab emphasize how they feel fine after getting it X days or weeks ago. At that point there is no way I can have a genuine conversation with them about what happens months and years from now because they already have it in their body.
If Trump ever comes out preaching antichrist things then yeah **** that guy. He hasn't even saved the day yet though so will see.
It will only backfire on them if millions of people suddenly develop critical thinking out of nowhere.
No. The antichrist will be someone that the majority adore and revere. He will be heralded as a savior figure for everyone, capable of miraculous wonders. Just as always he will appear as an angel of light, even though he is anything but. This definitely isn't the pope. Most people don't like him. Even many Catholics think he is a creep and a fraud. And he certainly isn't set up as some kind of amazing heroic leader figure for humanity.
We're seriously going to have dead mutants in my lifetime. This is some end times shit. Like the days of Noah.
You're describing children. I'm talking about grownass adults.
Cruz stabbed us in the back at the most critical time possible, he sold out the future of this nation's children and for what. Just like Pence. I'm sick of this Stockholm syndrome shit.
Imagine having loved ones who are so stupid, cowardly and/or self-hating that they let a flagrantly corrupt government perform medical experiments on them with zero liability under coercive threats of more lockdowns and economic damage. It's horrible enough on its own. I can't imagine how I'll respond if my brother dies from it but it will be some form of madness.
I'm not really psychologically prepared to process it if this science experiment kills my brother. Tbh I'm pretty sure I would lose my mind. It's different for people who just think "oh a freak tragedy for the greater good" but for those of us awake it's basically watching gullible people get murdered. It hits way different and when it's someone you love it's enough to make you snap. It's some kind of wild inner conflict wanting some crescendo to clown world so it can be over with and simultaneously wanting to be wrong and just crazy so loved ones turn out okay.
I unironically ordered a garden statue from them years ago and the quality was horrible compared to the photos, especially for the high price. It was like a weird prank and I was so confused since my first impression browsing the site didn't have wish dot com vibes.
Being against an irresponsibly rushed highly experimental vaccine with zero liability for a virus no more dangerous than the seasonal flu is not the same thing as being "antivaxx" across the board. Your alleged dichotomous thinking shows that you're either an honest moron or a mediocre shill.
The people taking the vaccine are voluntary lab rats. My brother just got his first dose and is excitedly sharing with everyone how they've asked him to participate in follow up surveys about his side effects and all other possible impacts on his health, vitals, etc. He is so proud and excited to be a lab rat and "see what happens" with zero liability for "what happens" in the meantime or after his second dose. I love my brother because he is my brother but this is outright natural selection at work.
The idea is to turn the NPCs against anyone who refuses the vaccine. That is all. Biden wasn't begging you to get the vaccine. He was telling all the NPCs that when the government further ruins their lives, it's all YOUR fault.
It's all just a big social experiment for a group of otherwise bored psychopaths. Their tactics worked with masks, which is a social submission factor. Their tactics worked with shutdowns, a matter of livelihoods/economy/money. Now it's time to see if people will allow blatantly hazardous violations of their bodies, using the same tactics. When a kid gets bored playing with ants he just crushes them, sure, but they are still playing as of now.
I'm already 100% open about my refusal to get the vaccine. That is not going to change. There is only so much I live for. I like gardening, minty candy and.. that's basically it. Openly taking a personal stand against being used as a lab rat by flagrantly evil people is worth more than my andes mints and tomato plants.
What mattrr at hand is that if the government starts trying to use economic coercion and other forms of coercion to violate the bodies of such men, it's going to get really ugly really fast.
The vaccine is going to be the straw. Give it a hot minute.
A bit wild but part of me really thinks that some Biden voters believed the prediction that covid would be over as soon as Biden "won", despite this obviously alluding to the idea of covid hysteria as a hoax. Well hoax or not the Biden voters in my family truly expect covid to go away now and are waiting for Biden to basically announce it. I have a relative who wants to go on a vacation and wants all the fun touristy stuff to be open and normal. She is posting online now about how if everyone gets vaccinated then she can have a good vacation, because Biden says, so everyone should do it (in a nutshell). Just horrifically fascinating.
Plenty of people have been diagnosed with covid weeks after getting the vaccines. The vaccines don't even work. They just make your immune system go full retard if you get exposed later on. But as far as convincing others, decades of experience has taught me that you can't change people's minds or stop them from making bad choices, just like you can't help yourself from loving certain people, anyway, despite their aggressive clown world brainwashing. At some point you have to accept it or you'll go mad.
To me it's scarier than that. Either Trump was right and the media was wrong, which drags a LOT into question, or Trump was wrong and the media was right, and the vaccine really ISN'T safe, which drags a LOT into question. Either way to acknowledge the sudden 180 is to acknowledge that they have been deceived on a massive level, so their minds just block it out. They're not mentally in reality in more. They're physically here, but mentally they're gone. It's scary and really depressing.
It just adds to the utter surrealism of our clown world. All the TDS people in my life were 100% against the idea of this vaccine when it was a matter of Trump saying his administration would have it ready by the end of the year, while the TDS media and "experts" insisted that it was IMPOSSIBLE for a vaccine that was SAFE and effective to be developed in such short time. Then Trump came out and BRAGGED about it, Pence showed off (probably pretending) getting the vaccine on national media. Yet as soon as the SAME bobbleheads in the TDS media and the "experts" did a 180 out of nowhere, all of these same people decided that they want the vaccine, without questioning the sudden 180 AT ALL.
I feel so unlucky to have family members that not only watched but took it 100% serious and are totally on board the "everyone should be vaccinated" train. Considering how many total U.S. citizens vs how many actually watched and with that mentality, seriously how bad is my luck.
Honestly as prevalent as sich horrific evil is and how most who aren't involved still don't care and/or would rather pretend it's not real and just go on with their mindless consumer lives, all of this considered I'm just ready for this to be over. I hope we get into revelations soon.
If they think you need "cold hard facts" to justify why you don't want a wild science experiment injected into your body when you don't even need it, then they are beyond reasoning with. Such people are not rational enough to be worthy of your time. It's like arguing with someone who had dementia, and doing so is irrational as well. It just sucks you right into the madness.