Trans weirdo miffed at getting sacked brings down airliner to protest the implication they aren't mentally stable.
I'm going to need closure on that missing cellphone please.
Give them just a few more million to tell us, once again, how baffled they are.
Literally just asking him to receive back his criminals.
They just did similar in UK - 1 million hens. They use the SAME TEST they were using for covid (pcr type tech) that is bogus
Oh yeah that's right, I will recover by just saying this betrayal isn't worth the full 30
Has Guliani been pardoned? because I sometimes wonder if he is being left out to send a signal, or to presage 911 declass. Guliani had a role in that, it's perfectly clear, he was in and out of B7 that morning, and never said anything about suspicions that was a controlled demo (which it clearly was).
Maybe he was in a bind, ok, so tell us about that.
It's going to be slightly embarrassing watching the engineers trying to solve the van-allen belt problem, even if they succeed, if it's a new technology, it will settle that popular moon-landing hoax discussion.
Be subtle and toss them a little deerskin bag with 20 silver coins in it, and smile.
They have to come clean and do full declass of the scams and a skeleton crew of whistle blowers might be worth funding as a reward.
or tethered to a spooling optical fiber, or the [theoretical] self-contained AI-on-board-by-sight-only type that may or may not exist.
"Fresh energy" from the democrats means something different to what you might think.
Hopefully it implodes like everything else.
Rocking himself like a baby, to give himself comfort. He must be under extreme stress to regress to infant soothing methods.
I sense the collective holding-of-breath.
Well Senator, I have here a USB with a video on it, in which you feature, which you might be interested in seeing, would you like to see it in open session now, or would you like a chance to review it in private first?
Suddenly the words "we have a special place picked out for GS" spring to mind.
Donkey comes on at 1.10 or so... OMG
What do you do when Netanyahu cancels his attendance at your event?
You step-up security.
These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them
Tony Blair introduced legislation to lower the age of consent for boys+men to 16years old. (Was 18, and earlier 21) Now they go hunting for 15 and below!
godspeed appears 30 times in the original drops, except one of those times it is a filename of a flag (post 4433) - so that is 29
The words "god speed" appear 6 times, except on one of those it is appearing twice in a quoted anon post (620) so that is "appearing in a total of 34 posts"
29 + 5 = 34
you can make it work somewhat justifiably.
Same energy: hahaha son of a bitch
-Let's not use this resource, agreed?
Um, instead of just not using it, how about we pay some huge sums to prevent us from ever using it?
-Great idea! did you get that idea from that time we blew up a mothballed coal plant so it could never be used in an emergency?