Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

You, me, us, we are Israel. That thing in the middle east is just something else wearing it as a name, a misnomer. The lost tribes, it's us. The Europeans, the Caucasians, the Scythians, the Saxons (there is a very long list of obfuscated names going into pre Christian times). Everything has been muddled, deleted, renamed, even the native Americans come from the same source. But the modern day Jew of the evil type - they are the rejects, they follow another morality, totally the opposite, but they stole the name and prestige due to us, they STOLE ISRAEL.

The "zionists", the invisible enemy, the cabal, they wear the cloak of our stolen heritage. They stole the prestige of the name Israel. They are not Israel, WE are Israel.

One day, people will realise this.

Vapourface 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's a matter of actual FACT that the holocaust (6 million, gas chambers, electric floors etc etc) is massively exaggerated. It is a FACT that is has been, and is still, exaggerated. It's FACT.

So now FACTS are (going to be) illegal, despite the 1st Amendment? Absolutely LUDICROUS.

I can only assume this (the myth) is going to be taken apart (although I wouldn't want to put a timescale on it, or a cost)

SILLY SHIT. And we all know, because again it is a fact, that literally Jews DO have financial control of many many entities, and those often comprise, in aggregate, controlling interests in many industries, such as the mainstream media itself. Again, these are factual statements. You cannot outlaw the truth without totally inverting morality itself. Get your comments in before you get J6'ed for it...

Vapourface 5 points ago +5 / -0

Uh, wait a second here. Who was responsible for the Holodomor - that killed many many millions in Ukraine? the "Soviets" and who were the murderous Soviets? the Bolsheviks? uh, you guessed it didn't you?

Once again, similar to Gaza etc, there is an original crime, and then the backlash (maybe even in the case of Gaza a faked backlash, a media event) is treated as the original crime that came from nowhere? typical MO here.

This is not revenge, just a continuation of a sick hatred and demented lust for power and blood. Truly, these people are sick.

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

Germany arrested some innocent Russians so they can say "oh it is Russian saboteurs" instead of "Oh crap we have no idea what is going on" or "Oh dear, a rogue whitehat force is deliberately crippling us from within so we will be inevitably left helpless and forced to surrender ourselves for our long term crimes!

Vapourface 6 points ago +6 / -0

In 2023 there were (according to this https://www.ppic.org/blog/an-update-on-homelessness-in-california/)

190,000 "people experiencing homelessness" in California

That is $133,000 [edit - per homeless PERSON]


CRIMINAL DOES NOT EVEN COVER IT - think of the road not travelled. They could have CHANGED LIVES and made a real difference.

ONCE again, you get fleeced and the needy go without, so these puffed up criminals can buy votes and RIP YOU OFF once again.


Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amnesty coming then...

They'll just put insta-citizenship forms in the envelope and mail that out to every illegal with their voter registration form.

Look out for it on page 80034 in the bill, "Allocate $10Billion for citizenship assurance programme"

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

Amnesty rider on the bill incoming

"REMEMBER THAT I SOUNDWAVE er I mean VAPOURFACE MADE THIS CONNECTION FIRST" (Purleeeeeeessse with the Clandestine-esq claim to great insight)

Vapourface 17 points ago +17 / -0


The marine on the left of the pic leaves immediately, and is replaced by another look alike too (see 405 in the video above). I think they look so similar it might have been a deliberate choice.

Call me crazy - but you have to admit phenotypes are similar.

Vapourface 4 points ago +4 / -0

What strikes me is how much those two nearest Trump on the left and the right LOOK LIKE the two marines nearest Trump at his inauguration.

That would be something - if they are the sons of those two men. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZytaTi1UfiQ

Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think they use film script workshops to actually plan real events. Surveillance just shows they are working on a film...

Vapourface 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes I think it probably was this. Thanks. I have a theory, unlikely to ever be tested, that these individuals, the men anyway certainly, have also a physical marker that this has happened to them. I call it "Gay mouth". It's a strange kind of underbitey kind of thing, subtle, but it uncannily predictive when you begin to be able to spot it. Brian Stelter has it (the fat CNN host) for example. I've seen many many examples.

You might even wonder whether "gay lauding" (privileges) of the modern type is an effort to reduce the damages the pharmas would be liable for if this ever goes mainstream.

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes I think it probably was this. Thanks. I have a theory, unlikely to ever be tested, that these individuals, the men anyway certainly, have also a physical marker that this has happened to them. I call it "Gay mouth". It's a strange kind of underbitey kind of thing, subtle, but it uncannily predictive when you begin to be able to spot it. Brian Stelter has it (the fat CNN host) for example. I've seen many many examples.

You might even wonder whether "gay lauding" (privileges) of the modern type is an effort to reduce the damages the pharmas would be liable for if this ever goes mainstream.

Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not member only - I am listening to it on my podcast app now, and I've never paid for ANYTHING on a cellphone, pay details arent even on it.

Vapourface 4 points ago +4 / -0

Quite, I remain convinced there was no actual death of Ashli. She is military (which would suggest likely FF recruit, but also unlikely to be first through a window if circumstances were legit, she of all people would know that you do not clamber through a barred door with armed guards on the other side saying STOP)

I am undecided whether WH or Black, to disperse crowd or rile them up. Her lack of death would also explain why the shooter is not in custody - impossible in any situation to be filmed apparently shooting someone and not have at least a 3rd degree or manslaughter charge, yet nothing)

Vapourface 4 points ago +4 / -0

This was HUGE after Hillary got pinched at the 911 memorial, I think 2017, even though it was top of the_Donald for ages that year it only had a few thousand hits, crazy. Some vids get fractional viewcounts I think. This should have 1M+


Vapourface 7 points ago +8 / -1

Here is an example for you. A lump of iron - it will not burn, correct? Well, then what about the same mass of iron, but in powdered form? That will "burn". So you can burn things that do not normally burn by changing the form, it's shape, it's surface area.

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