Vindicator63 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh, now you can imagine the flack I caught when I was discussing firefighting with some people a few years back, and how women have no place in that world. I was ridiculed, scorned, and even eschewed by a couple of family members - and this was about firefighting, not a security detail. My argument centered on physics: I am 6'3, 300#. Used to box and weightlift and have fought a few fires in my day. If I'm wearing all the necessary equipment, including oxygen tanks, and I go down for some reason and you have to drag me out of a compartment, a petite female who might be a badass back at the station is not going to be able to do it, period - and I would die. Simple physics - with equipment, I'm pushing 360#, plus there is the phenomenon of "dead weight." Rescue simply will not happen. This is what you get, folks. This is what you get.

Vindicator63 11 points ago +11 / -0

Understatement of the year: I miss this woman - her grace, class, stoicism, beauty, along with a million other positive adjectives. I am not a terribly religious person, but this shows me that if there are angels, they walk the earth, and she is leading them.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

Funny as usual, and always a pleasure, Fester - although I have to admit, considering what happened yesterday, I'm not laughing as much as I normally do.

Vindicator63 8 points ago +8 / -0

This here is the number one reason I come to this board more than anything.

Vindicator63 6 points ago +6 / -0

Great point. If it weren't for the fact that I have to take care of things around the property and start getting ready to return to school [I teach math at a rural high school] I would be on the web 24/7 trying to figure all this shit out. Ever since that seed was planted in my head, I don't remember when, that JFK Jr. may have faked his own death and that he was a true friend to Trump, I've tried to temper a moderate level of excitement thinking: what if this were really true? Are we on the precipice of the dawn of a new republic? Geez, I'm going to go get another glass of Scotch.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll believe that when I see it, although it is okay to be cautiously optimistic.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

Was just talking to the wife today about the VP slot. Call me crazy, but you know what would send the left into an absolute tizzy? Trump picking JFK Jr. as his running mate. Wouldn't that be something? Holy cow.

Vindicator63 16 points ago +16 / -0

Sorry to hear that. Rest in peace, Fren. You will be missed around here.

Vindicator63 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wrath of Madeline Khan - hilarious. She was a great comedienne.

Vindicator63 6 points ago +6 / -0

The moments we have waited for are approaching, and as joyous as this is, I find it somewhat saddening. This country is more polarized than I have ever seen it, and even though it had to come to this, something deep inside tells me it didn't have to be this way. I have lost friends in the fight, and family members have eschewed my wife and I, but we are happy in our own little corner of Tennessee. From now on [as if I haven't been doing so already] I will look forward to the dawn of a New Republic, and maybe I will live long enough to see the pride come back to our nation.

Vindicator63 8 points ago +8 / -0

Look folks, you can spin it any way you want, but my brother was a First Air Cavalry scout over in Vietnam when she posed for that photo op. He said the effect on the guys there was palpable; some of the guys in his unit had already seen enough death and horror to last a thousand lifetimes and just couldn't believe it. Then, they came home, and were met with scorn and derision. When we went to go pick up Paul at Fort Ord, we witnessed someone spit on him, and that is the only time I had ever seen him with tears on his face.

Jane Fonda is a fucking traitor, PERIOD. No apology is going to fix that. As far as Reiner is concerned, he is a washed-up actor and director, along with being a despicable human being. Anyone caring about anything these two say, along with others, shouldn't feign surprise when they keep getting media attention, because that's what the media does. They can all go to hell.

Vindicator63 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's about what you would expect from the daughter of a songbird.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

And he got away with it as if it was no big deal.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

Being born and raised Catholic, I drifted away from the church and have not looked back. I can remember when it hit me, any notions about God, but I see it a little differently and could not quote more than a couple of verses from the Bible to qualify this belief, even if you held a gun to my head. When I watch Stigmata, there is a line in that movie that sums it up perfectly: "The kingdom of God is within you, and not confined in mortar and stone." That ties more into my belief in free will and the human notion of free will. Since my wife is Cherokee, she can tell you that they tend to see things more along the lines of man's relationship with nature and universal forces, and although they don't come right out and say "God," they are likely to refer to a higher power as the Great Spirit. From that point, it's a matter of semantics. One of the unfortunate realities of free will is that it allows just as much perversion and evil as it does good, and until man can reconcile that paradigm [for lack of a better term], we are likely never to know or fully understand the concept of a supreme being, no matter how you refer to it.

Vindicator63 6 points ago +7 / -1

Well now, this is going to spin more people up into a tizzy. You know, one thing comes to mind over and over and over again: "Be careful who you follow." More and more as I check and spend time on this board, I realize there are people here who have a hell of a lot more time to do deep dives, and for what it's worth, it is appreciated, folks.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

Which is exactly why I post stuff like this so people can call the obnoxious blowhard out. Thanks.

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