WHOSkiddingWhO 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also is a FISA Indictmenta thing?

I don't think it is

WHOSkiddingWhO 1 point ago +1 / -0

JAG is not military intelligence.

JAG would also absolutely refuse to use the military for some secret roundup of civilians because they understand the Lindsay/Kavanaugh is limited to a tiny, tiny sliver of instances like a John Walker Lindh being captured on a battlefield.

JAGs know the Uniform Code of Mlitary Justice almost never applies to regular civilians who commit crimes

WHOSkiddingWhO 1 point ago +3 / -2

It means it's unlikely that full appeals panel will rule his way.

They are unlikely to move the trial once jurors are being selected. They are not even meeting on the gag order until the trial will have started

WHOSkiddingWhO -3 points ago +1 / -4

This article buries the lede.

Trump was trying with these motions to delay the trial.

Judge Cynthia Kern responded to Trump’s request for a stay of the entire proceeding with skepticism,

He asked for a stay for his change of venue motion and for his gag order motion and both were rejected.

Jury selection begins Monday, this motion doesn't go before the appeals court until April 29th.

WHOSkiddingWhO 1 point ago +1 / -0

Since the IPO there has been hundreds of blasphemous articles


WHOSkiddingWhO 3 points ago +3 / -0

it's a common and well known psychological phenomenon.

10 years ago 17 had no special meaning to you. It probably didn't have any special meaning until it was pointed out that Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet.

let's say you are at the grocery store 10 years ago and something costs $3.17 that would have been meaningless to you and your brain would ignore it. Now 17 pops out at you and you "notice" it. That's called selective attention which is part of this

first time it ever happened to me was when my brother bought a car model I never heard of. Then I started seeing them everywhere. The whole phenomenon is called the frequency illusion.


WHOSkiddingWhO 1 point ago +1 / -0

is this the correct link? it's from 2022.

WHOSkiddingWhO 5 points ago +5 / -0

You get a number of challenges to knock jurors out.

So if the juror is not challenged they get on, but that's a bit different from saying both sides wanted that person.....because you can't waste your challenges.

Like if you have 5 times more challenges maybe you would have challenged that person.

WHOSkiddingWhO 1 point ago +1 / -0

What seems awfully high? It comes from this Q post.


By giving the IG a prosecutor they can now go after the deep state without looking like a political witch hunt. This is critical.

-Sessions informed Congress in his letter that all the matters recommended for investigation by Goodlatte, Gowdy, and Grassley are “fully within the scope of [Huber’s] existing mandate.” He also informed the chairmen that **Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is working with Huber, has a staff of 470 investigators, **

WHOSkiddingWhO 1 point ago +1 / -0

How many of these are indictments though?

I'll ask it another way. Can you find me a single sealed indictment in DC that is still sealed a year later.

WHOSkiddingWhO 1 point ago +1 / -0

So I just went to the site and searched for indictment

I found this case. https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/16757265/united-states-v-mcgee-sr/

It says this guy was arrested and the case unsealed

Jan 23, 2020 Arrest of Morris McGee, Sr. on 1/23/20. (S,HR)

Jan 23, 2020 Case unsealed as to Morris McGee, Sr. (S,HR)

And that the case was terminated in Feb 2020.

WHOSkiddingWhO 2 points ago +2 / -0

We have no idea what type of document is sealed in these cases.

The entire court record for juvenile defendants is sealed I believe. So even after the case is over things can remain sealed

Go here and look for sealed documents and see which things can be sealed.


It also points to these

The Federal Judicial Center provides comprehensive explanations of these issues in two downloadable booklets: Sealing Court Records and Proceedings: A Pocket Guide and Confidential Discovery: A Pocket Guide on Protective Orders.

WHOSkiddingWhO 3 points ago +3 / -0

But there's lots of reasons court documents are sealed.

You can't tell if these documents are indictments.

Also every document is not a case. I wonder if there is multiples counting there. You can have many sealed documents within the same case

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