Waltlongmire17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Several talk to text errors above and apparently it takes a certain IQ to see through it and understand the correct message intended without commenting some form of hate, they can't help it haters going to hate

Waltlongmire17 2 points ago +2 / -0


To the one who created this content; PERFECT!!! FIND WORK AND IT'S ON UNIQUE WAY! Thank you for taking your time to do such good work and then confidently putting it out here for we who need to see it and for the ones that don't want to see it. Find job indeed. Remember haters going to hate is a phrase where the the guy's name above and them type fellers cuz it's so true, haters always going to hate and we have to believe and no that it stems from some feelings of inadequacy but it's all good we all got our strengths and weaknesses and you just provided a strength, thank you and keep them coming

Waltlongmire17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seriously? We can't use paper ballots, check mark the guy your voting for,,,, then tally the votes, turn in your winner. Ezy peezy lemon squeeze,.... Why do we need these machines? So they can cheat.

Waltlongmire17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some folks stand under tree's while drumming metal rods. One fag flew his kite with a brass key attached to string. Either way it's all about attracting Lightning.

Waltlongmire17 5 points ago +5 / -0

Possibly some truth to that......THEN THEY ARE WEAK MEN! Real men have enough courage to come clean on what they know and do the right thing and willing to give their life for national security

Waltlongmire17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Big Apple Business people yet no Trump? Dang! A bunch of sick assholes will be so disappointed

by Qlue
Waltlongmire17 3 points ago +3 / -0

While the fake news MSNDNC & American politicians tell us beware of Putin? Lindsey Graham put a hit on Putin? Shwab is a nasty vile, evil demon right beside bill gates. Damn these evil men to hell!

by PepeSee
Waltlongmire17 1 point ago +1 / -0

This show keeps getting better and better!

Waltlongmire17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Juicy for justice recently put out a new rap song about how he is a narcissist jackhole without a clue And not only is he not guilty but he will see u up in da clouds or some stupid waste of space bullshit. I guess that hard time of 1 day he did in the can really taught him a lesson! Live in denial long enough that you believe your own lies to the point of creating a life of lost & stupid & still sucking cock jizz. Turns out the good life is full of paying the devil his dues while evil reality is thinking anyone truly gives a shit or watched that show he was on except maybe a couple of charcole black MAGA Country niggas lurking deep side Chicago while from Ethiopia

by IAmOne
Waltlongmire17 1 point ago +2 / -1

Stew is one guy bringing news for the common sense man. He speaks over all of these corrupt activities and those involved. He does his research and doesn't speak of anything as if he has anything to hide from his viewer.....Stew Peters carries cajones unlike these RINO weak dick corrupt fucks, we want regular people voted in, enough with the cliche' politician guy!

Waltlongmire17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fire Patriots! Search, decode,make guess, bitch, commend, bake it, be chef's of your kitchen, keep stir ing, the sauce could overcook with one infiltrator, scource facts, stay ahead of any narrative msmdnc pushes, we may get our glory yet! WWG1WGA

Waltlongmire17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Like LOOK LOOK UKRAINE AND RUSSIA OMG!! meanwhile 18,000 illegal who the fuck knows who crossed out border last night. Pathetic Briben Brandon allowing 2 million to cross border. But wait,,,,THE UKRAINE AND PUTIN

Waltlongmire17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Extra terrestrial space beyond the outer ice wall? I took space to be cyber-space. So what bout the servers,30,000 emails,and what bout 2020 election night and the servers that the clowns were protecting? We saw video of the helicopters fly in.... Like 40 heli or something. I had hopes we had the election fraud evidence, for sure military was gonna secure evidence and we wouldn't have many of these fools in office. The USA has been Nazi 2.0 since renegade got in office

Waltlongmire17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Total sheep! Monkey see monkey do I swear! Pshhh! Hey..... Can we use anything that will mark a black dot or does it have to be a sharpie? Because I heard if one uses chalk or something that can come off with sweat it does not resist COVID but will resist any variant. Asking for a friend.

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