Glad you asked that question. We were wondering if the Ukrainians were selling off some of the stuff we've been sending them. Looks like we were right.
A Ukrainian cargo plane carrying 11 tons of munitions from Serbia to Bangladesh has crashed in northern Greece. The munitions had been bought by the Bangladeshi Defense Ministry."
Does it matter which VPN you use? I'll be purchasing one soon.
We are close enough on this that it feels we are arguing semantics.
I’ve been busy so have been commenting on the fly, so apologize if my tone came across wrong.
Credit unions may hold deposits at the Fed, but they are not required to. Feel free to argue they aren’t technically banks, but they are governed by most banking laws. I believe there are other exceptions.
The globalist banks who own the central banks created the B.I.S. They did not create an entity to rule over themselves but rather a mechanism where they could rule over others.
In the same way that all banks were forced to become "investors" in the Fed"
This is not correct unless I misinterpret the nuance in your quotes around "investors". It's more accurate to say that some banks became "customers" of the Fed. There are "member banks" and "non-member banks" and the difference matters.
I'm not downplaying the role, or the immunity, of the B.I.S. I did a whole presentation on the topic last year.
I'm just trying to help ensure the important discussion on them is as factual as possible. There are a couple of inaccuracies in this thread that probably don't matter to most readers, but the topic is important enough that I think the details matter.
My apologies for not being around the rest of the day to respond further.
The Federal Reserve predates the BIS, and the BIS was never given authority over The Fed.
You're correct about the immunities of the BIS, but they don't apply to The Fed, at least on paper.
As G Edward Griffin has said: "I don't want to audit The Fed, I want to end The Fed".
Federal Reserve Banking System
It's not Federal.
There are no Reserves.
It's not a Bank.
There is no System
Excellent effort.
You've got a good baseline understanding, but please include the 17th Amendment when you discuss 1913.
I don't have time to address some small corrections I'd make in your explanation, but allow me to share a site from a friend of mine. He is a forensic accountant who teaches classes on Fed Ed.
I think you'll find this helpful and perhaps you can fine tune your narrative:
(It seems only the first 6 modules are free at this point, but if you DM me I can share the entire series for free. This is not my site, and I didn't recall that some of the content was behind a paywall)
We are rooting for the overthrow of corrupt government.
What are the chances it is not replaced with a new corrupt government?
That's the real battle.
I've been making a very similar set of points elsewhere on the inter webs for quite some time.
You did a good job of describing the issue.
I look forward to future conversations with you on the topic.
I got a call from the Libertarian Party today, as I was once pretty active with them.
I cut the dude off and explained I shouldn't even be on his call list, as I've been a registered independent since 2016.
A good conversation ensued, but I did close by giving him my reasoning for saying national political parties are the problem by definition and that I'm just not going to support a group that wants to join that which they hate.
The masks are the giveaway. NONE of us wear masks. It'd be like us holding hammer and sickle signs.
Thanks for this.
I can only follow that to the degree that my lack of coding knowledge allows.
Do you have an opinion on whether Jim can be trusted at his word or not? I've read comments that suggest that this is nonsense, but I don't have the tech background to judge.
Hello fren.
I've been away from Q boards for awhile, but it is still a subject that's very much worthy of paying attention to.
I most certainly don't know who or what Q is, but I'm more than open to most of the narratives.
Fair enough, and thanks.
My initial gut reaction was "why now?" and that this isn't exactly the way you'd expect a return.
I remain objectively skeptical of everything.
I've been away from Q topics for the most part for more than a year, so I'm playing catchup here.
Am I reading this thread correctly by concluding that these recent Q posts are not from Q? Is this consensus or is it still being debated?
Thanks in advance.
Great post.
Have you looked into former Georgian PM Mikheil Saakashvili?
Not only was he a Governor of a certain province in the Ukraine recently, you really ought to see his connections to Smartmatic.
Have fun digging.
This is a quality post. Thanks for sharing the Putin comments.
This matches up with what I've been saying since the Ukrainian operation began. Western propaganda about this conflict has been wrong about everything from Day 1.
Russia follows the Primakov doctrine, whose first pillar is to end the mono-polar Anglo-American currency regime. This has now been accomplished, which may mean that the WEF's Great Reset is DOA. You can't have One World Gov't and a Global Digital Currency if half of the world has decided not to participate.
We discussed this in an interview with Matthew Ehret last month. If you haven't found Matt, you're missing out. He has been spot on during the entire conflict, even if he still likes State Capitalism more than I do.
For more on the Primakov Doctrine, enjoy:
Yes, and he's a super nice guy. Absolute gentleman.
We're already planning more shows with him.
I'll be posting another great interview we did with Mike Harris later today.
I glanced at that. Very interesting. That may connect some dots.
Here's the list of questions I sent to AlphaWarrior yesterday:
Today, I think the thing to focus on is Dr. Ardis' inability to solve what kind of delivery system was used for his theorized snake venom pandemic to have spread worldwide. The math doesn't work on it being in the water, and it's off by orders of magnitude. I see no other possibilities, so I think the theory has failed.
One of the content creators who did the original interviews with Ardis is my good friend AlphaWarrior. I sent him a list of questions that he's forwarded to Ardis. I'll post here if I get a response.
I suspect his taped conversation with Steve Kirsch today will answer a lot of questions, and I'll give Ardis credit for being willing to have his thesis questioned. Not may do that these days.
With apologies, as I haven't been participating in the conversations here on GA.Win, I may have some thoughts that will add to this conversation. If I'm repeating what's already been said here, I apologize.
Just replying to OP for now:
The math on the volume of a water-based venom theory are orders of magnitude wrong. This did not happen, because it cannot happen (think volume, and I'll walk through the math if need be). If Ardis can't offer an alternative delivery method, the whole theory needs to be seriously reconsidered.
The prevalence of snake venom traces isn't really an issue, as venom is used in 1000's of treatments. Ardis did not provide info on correlation between "Covid" effectiveness of these treatments vs their effectiveness agains snake venom. This would seem to be a very elementary line of questioning.
Agreed on all.
Probably true, but we stoped talking about pangolins about the same time as we stopped talking about snakes. Seems to be about the same time "Bat Lady" became famous. No conclusions to be drawn here.
The snake industry is apparently pretty small. If there's a mass effort to produce this amount of venom or anti-venom, it happened behind closed doors.
The organs affected are a reasonable argument for Ardis' case. It's not an exact match, but it's worth noting.
Pets? Haven't seen that one mentioned and it's a good question. I've got no answer, unless they really are advanced enough to target human DNA.
Agreed on collective wisdom.
In addition, Ardis has addressed the fact that children are less impacted than adults, and he credited elevated melatonin levels in children (unconfirmed), but this is countered by the fact that children's presumed higher levels of melatonin don't impact real world snake bite effects.
Sorry if any of this is repetitive. I was busy elsewhere, but knew this site would have a good robust conversation on this topic.
Consider me a skeptic who thinks Ardis is an honest actor who is guilty of confirmation bias.
This is the comment I came here to read.
I think I also found another flaw in Dr. Ardos’ theory. If monoclonal antibodies are anti-venom, they’d only work on a certain type of venom, right? If this is king cobra venom, not all antibodies would work because they wouldn’t have known to use king cobra anti-venom. They’d be using a wide variety of snakes, I’d think.
Thanks. I'll get to these ASAP......I"ve got a lot of videos in my queue after being gone for two days made me fall behind.
Appreciate the predictions of growth. We do want to grow because we think getting truth out there is what we can contribute to this fight.
Ron and I were just talking about how we could care less about our own fame, we just want people to here what we have to say and start asking questions.
Thanks, and I appreciate the feedback.
Part of the interruption problem is that they can't see me so can't read my body language. That will change soon.
Feel free to request a topic you'd like to see brought up. I'm always up for some research to bring to the show.
I've been meaning to re-watch this for awhile.