Warren_Puffitt 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, we remember. This is not a question that he expects will be answered, but nervously ignored. I want them nervous. I want them uncomfortable. I want them fearful like they've never feared before. I want more than that, but I am - so far, a non-violent man.

Warren_Puffitt 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was a movie out about this very thing.

Warren_Puffitt 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I saw Geraldo's head mounted on a stick I wouldnt hate him as much as I do. I've long held that feeling about him. There are others on this list of mine too.

Warren_Puffitt 5 points ago +5 / -0

For anyone who hasnt read Patriot Patel's Devolution Parts 1 thru 7 (with a good summary of its parts):


Warren_Puffitt 1 point ago +1 / -0

For anyone who hasnt read Patriot Patel's Devolution Parts 1 thru 7 (with a good summary of its parts):


Warren_Puffitt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used to bold some regard for Mike Trim because he was in the Navy, but he's forgotten any measure of what they taught him about the Constitution - not that he reports on that, but he gave up his fkin moral integrity.

Also, I bet we're neighbors, and how about that Sheriff we've got with Bill Snyder?

Warren_Puffitt 6 points ago +6 / -0

Martin County resident here, within market range of the PBC MSM news outlets. Channel 5 NBC affiliate went full-commie at the start of this fiasco. I barely even go to PBC anymore if I dont have to. Scary place with all of that Left down there. Best of luck.

Warren_Puffitt 4 points ago +4 / -0

First word in cyrillic looks like psychopath - kek.

Warren_Puffitt 3 points ago +3 / -0

8/11 is a win for me either way, a shipment of shinies coming to me. 🐵

Warren_Puffitt 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read about a month ago that the top billionaires In the US saw a 25% increase in personal wealth last year, on average. Meanwhile, average Americans mostly managed to hold their own, or stayed alive.

Warren_Puffitt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, the Sailors have all been briefed on the "qanon conspiracy" to avoid contact with it.

Warren_Puffitt 8 points ago +8 / -0

They will burn, loot, murder; we will stay at home and watch it on TV. After that, they will blame us, as they say the blm's were a rational reaction to our racism and hate, no arrests made.

Warren_Puffitt 9 points ago +9 / -0

My daily routine includes going to youtube and downvoting every white house channel post (lower case intentional).

Warren_Puffitt 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a hard conservative-leaning advisor at Raymond James. I hired him after I retired in 2017 to manage the portfolio I had built with my company's salaried savings plan and my fincially-unqualified experience in finance. So this year with all of the volatility and uncertainty of the markets, I asked him if we should move to a safer position to reduce risk; his response surprised me, that all of the models that he uses point to good growth in the equities markets and he convinced me to allocate our holdings like this, where the portfolio value is just shy of $550K. Performance has been around 15%. I still look at it every day with uncertainty. Also, he told me that my precious metals stack should not exceed 10% of our total portfolio value; I am still a long way from achieving that with a modest 245oz of silver and gold...mostly silver. I still need to trust this RJ guy - a based Christian with a clear picture of what's wrong with our country, because I dont know shit about investments.

Warren_Puffitt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Loudoun County is where they bring the Sheriffs to arrest people who speak out against the school board's bullshit. Now they will lock you up if you simply show up there.

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