Next for California restore prop 13 to the original bill. The democrats have gutted Prop 13 to steal properties!
The same plan as Hawaii. Shut off the water, stop services, let it burn, land becomes inexpensive and don't allow rebuilding. The way has been cleared for the new smart city ( Just like Maui... Shall we discuss NC?
This waste of taxpayers funds, to cover up their deviancy, should be exposed to the American population!
Turn DC into a Museum, with a caution concerning evil ghosts in the white house!
45-47 9-11
The state of Georgia election board investigation themselves. Clowns in America!
I believe that's a bloated statement.
Those that vote Demon crats have been programed since birth. Hence the Great awakening!
Build a southern railroad from Florida to a shipping port in South California. Collect all illegals and give them a ride on a container ship back to the shithole countries they came from. Take all Combatants send them to that famous one square mile, the pirates stronghold!
Best example of Life.
Is not this movement all about exposure?
Space Force to be included!
They speak about LNG, not oil and gas. Oil and gas were added into the dialogue. D.C. playing games again
Stop taking the flu jab 22 years ago. Yet once another FOOL opens their mouth.
What if China did call Milley??
I'm going for the 4th of July
How many more need to be awake before the ball gets rolling? Some will always be the proverbial Rip VanWinkle. Keep in mind America is burning down. Asking for friends that have been forced to take the medical device injection
Return prop 13 to original language. Stop the land steal!