I think the Satanists have some rule about revealing themselves, but getting people used to them.
Funny as shit. I usually don't watch videos, but I'm glad I watched this one.
What about "Hotel California"? Pretty blatant, isn't it? Or Pink Floyd's "The Wall." I think that the globalists did not completely control musicians for a while, and the good stuff came out.
On public property.
Is this real or Babylon Bee? I am constantly getting confused on this.
The problem is that Netflix's business is diddling kids.
I have read elsewhere that college enrollment overall is down and colleges are doing deep tuition discounts.
If I had kids graduating from high school right now, I would send them to learn a trade. There is no point to colleges anymore.
Defund the colleges! And defund the public schools!
The Arizona audit plus Georgia action is getting pretty juicy, isn't it?
What now?
Can these people really be that delusional? I think this has more to do with pedo videos on file.
Is this real or Babylon Bee? I can never tell nowadays.
Did DOJ do something uncorrupted? (Faint!)
Are you sure it wasn't hatched? Or assembled from dead body parts? Better have sauce on the birth thing.
Damn, that's scary.
Join the club.
It didn't seem possible, but I think you are right.
Wait! THIS side's not Voldemort?
And take your cases of liquor with you, Hillary! Or leave them with Pelosi. They'll disappear fast.
Who is running this audit? Because they are amazing. I think we ALL want in on this forensic audit thing.
When Catturd says something, I have to check it out.
That would be a good time.
Mr. Invisible.
Remember when the survivalists out in the sticks saying the U.N. was going to take over the world were considered the crazies?
Bloomberg can kiss my butt.
The whole thing is amazing.