Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

YES!!! Glorious, Glorious, land. Imagine a massive rush to grab homestead land. It's ruff, cold and desolate land. But the American pioneer spirit is why America has a history of building and developing. An idea that anyone can grab and hold land like our forefathers. Sweet, sweet, nectar of God.

Weneverleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

Says the traitor who sits on aa guns and propagandists against U.S. interest. She gave up attempted messages from POWs. Meanwhile, nameless was banging hookers and revealing our secrets to our enemies.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ok so the swamp gets pardoned. Then we have discovery or the outing of the cannibalism, murder and death. What do you think will happen. The people will look at a pardoned Opra and say. Ok this is fine. You can get away with your crimes against humanity because the president said so. How enraged do you think the public will be. Especially if she's still wealthy.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember he just sold a company for hundreds of millions of dollars. I am shocked that these beverage companies run by holyweird suddenly get so rich! It's almost like a giant payoff. Huh.

Weneverleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

George Clooney, you should go on another boat ride this time without the underage girl. Talk to berry suweto, I believe he likes to do those things you made the little girl do.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

During the height of the vaxx apocalypse I instructed both of my children. IF, the school tries to gather you together to vaxx you go to the bathroom. Find an exit and come home. Call me and I will take care of everything. DO NOT LET THE SCHOOL VAXX YOU. True story.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just hold up a complete (didn't earn it) pick. Supreme Court Justice. Sotomayor, this woman is so dumb on the law everytime she opens her mouth she reveals how dumb she it. Just a DS puppet who uses her liberal law clerks to tell her her position. She's just so dumb, they can't hide her stupidity. BTW, retarded, and gay. I used both politically correct phrases to describe the left.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +4 / -1

Agreed, I tried to explain to my family ( the entire clan) but they looked at me like I was crazy.Then they used the ultimate ( I don't have to listen to this move). "That's just a conspiracy theory". Do you know how brainwashed we are to this phrase. It was like talking to a wall. Facts didn't matter. They just stair at you blankly. Their entire thought process turned off. It's infuriating.

Weneverleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

Careful, cockroatches will scuttle and hide. If we are not careful these pests will hide to come back and infect the American politic again. So use your power you said you caught them all. Now use your pesticide.

Weneverleft 5 points ago +5 / -0

James carville is some sort of grad pooba. I don't know what his real title is but it's not a political consultant. He is like a KKK head or grand wizard or warlock.

Weneverleft 11 points ago +12 / -1

Oh yeah, I remember. During her inspection she found the house had high levels of compassion and care for our fellow man. It was shocking and had to be niped in the bud. Why next these villonus people will offer raw milk for your children. We at FEMA, are dedicated to offering you a temporary loan to be paid back within the year. If not we will move forward with asset recovery and steal, er repossess your land and property. As long as you don't have a Trump sign on your property.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hahaha, I was just chastised for saying our company throws away 30,000 dollar components. An entire pallet of them. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of beautiful equipment thrown away. I used the word retarded and the person I was talking to said it was offensive. To me as a blue collar worker having to destroy Hundreds of thousands of dollars of equipment because the college educated don't want to deal with the paperwork. IS RETARDED.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

Their was a post. Showing midevil knights standing in formation ready to fight, ready to kill. The caption said. If you threatened violence you are strong and can know peace. If you are not strong you cannot threaten your enemies. You will not know peace, only tyranny. Justin, we want peace, we are not your enemy, but you keep antagonizing our government. GEOTUS, will need to explain this to you.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another garden of heroes candidate. They are not perfect but they are worthy of praise. They took unpopular stands in the face of withering media condemnation. THEY DID THIS DESPITE POPULIST STORMS OF CRITICISM. As an example of a famous person bending the knee to he MSM masters look at steve Harvey. Trump offered him an opertuniy in his first term as president. He publicly disavowd Trump, saying he won't do anything for him nor would he ever work for him. Now look at him, bowing and scraping to get back in his good grace's. Just another fair weather friend. Useless and not a true loyalist. A fake, plastic person. Weak in the storm.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

My friends were mennonites as well. They could not have tv, BUT, they were allowed computers and cellphones. They sent their children to daycare. She worked as a nurse and he a welder. They paid daycare to raise their children. They were super offended when I mentioned that paying someone for daycare was like paying strangers to raise their children. This was a general thought not directed at them, just small talk. It was like I stepped on a landmine. They went off, and that was that. We have not talked for years. Mennonites are very weird, Told them a movie had religion in it (Bruce Allmighty) they said it would be fine. IT WAS NOT FINE, they were offended. I couldn't keep their religion straight. They believe this that and the other thing. But not this that or that, or that. It was like walking on eggshells.

Weneverleft 5 points ago +5 / -0

I commented on this with friends while at dinner. They no longer talk to us and we're super mad. I had made the observation about having strangers raising your children. They chose to be offended and take my observation personally. That's on them. We chose to raise our children ourselves. At the time I was observing that it makes no sense to payfor daycare and have your wages go to paying for daycare? Common sense, but no I was a mean person pointing out how ridiculous this was.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

In normie time I would get a yearly flu shots. But I noticed Ikept getting sick right after the shot. So I stopped getting them. I noticed i was no longer getting sick. This went on for a few years. Then one year I got super sick. Like put me in bed sick for days. After that year I went back to getting flu shots I also started getting sick again. But kept telling myself. It's a mild flu compared to the super flu I got last time. Was the release of the super flu to get people to start taking the shots again?

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dumb, dumb, dumb. The power of one. The power of two. The power of manyyyyyyyyyyy. Kek, kettty,kekkkkkkkk

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Truth, is the most deadly weapon. A man telling the truth is considered the greatest enemy.

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