WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

The YouTube thing is just part of the general Web 3.0ing. The reason why they cut the functionality is the same reason every social media service that used to just be made up of visible HTML pages now has landing overlays and spiders on every page badgering you to sign in - so you can see targeted ads.

Ads on the internet used to be like fishing - you set up an ad on a site that every visitor will see. You try and tailor your bait to the fishing hole, and serve your ad to an audience you think will bite. But now ads are heat-seeking missiles, or really more like a swarm of homing nanobots. These new nanobot ads pay way more than the old model, and every form of internet ad is paying out less than it used to. And Google has been an advertising company with some tech initiatives on the side for almost decades now.

The implication is simple: give us your brain data or suffer a "worse" UX

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're just batting down softballs for appearances, chill

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only things stopping Trump from winning in 2024 is Biden 25thing or Biden's JD convicting Trump of treason, neither of which will be allowed by Biden's pride. Or, and I truly don't say this glibly, but we should be aware of the possibility - assassination. But that's honestly more likely to come from a rogue element stirred up by The Plan than a specific direction of TPTB themselves. Martyring Trump is honestly behind Aliens in terms of Break Glass scenarios.

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or aliens or the 400 million refugees

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

The saddest part is that she actually wants to and even worse, somehow still thinks she could. Incredible.

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only possible option I see is a voluntary 25thing passing the reigns to Kamala, but that really should have been built up to a lot sooner. Instead they've been comming aliens. Even Biden isn't worth saccing just to snag Turtle, and even though Biden is a very weak candidate, he's still overall stronger than a sudden jarring Harris.

It's just that they know now, after seeing the farce of the Republican pre-primaries, that Trump is going to beat Biden in 2024. They fooled themselves into the same trap as 2016, and while they have realized it earlier, it is still too little too late. Trump will win in 2024, no hard normie-shaking evidence of 2020 election fraud will ever surface, and the fight will drag on a little longer.

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude, Obama's off living the high horse while he can, he ain't operating shit, and he is not that high up. The true power players are smart enough to never be President.

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't get me wrong, there can be re-enactments, photos of mostly-recognizable corspes, movies and art and indie video games. But live-streamed executions of the DS will never happen.

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is never going to be live streamed. Sorry.

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

um... did no one do the backwards trick? 3 squared is 9? A full palindrome masquerading as a single half? Implying an ending that reveals a new beginning within the cycle, not from without or across?

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Holy shit dude do you really think politics operates on logic and not ego??? Really??

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

So then why should we trust this source on the Kenyan bit if we don't trust it on anything else?

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, if we're trusting this source on the Kenya bit, then we should trust the source on the wide margin bit. Otherwise you're just cherry-picking to fit a pre-conceived idea. That's bathos 101

WhaleWatcher 0 points ago +1 / -1

I dunno, it is Dekalb, the county so famous for misappropriating police funds there are whole indie rap albums about it using the bespoke beats that used to be on every single page of the Dekalb police bureau's website. Check out YTCracker's "Meet The Chief" et al

WhaleWatcher 3 points ago +4 / -1

Jack Ryan was already losing the race though?

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +4 / -2

Ummm... Did you miss the bit in the article that said Obama already had a wide lead?

WhaleWatcher 0 points ago +1 / -1

Uh, that's of course assuming Trump doesn't just pardon everyone immediately, of course, but IMO it's good that the sentences were reduced so drastically just in case. Multiple angles, etc.

WhaleWatcher 0 points ago +1 / -1

He also pepper sprayed a cop and lied about it while under oath, that increased his sentence a lot. Perjury is a crime, for better or worse. I also think it should be noted that the Trump-appointed judge has been cutting sentences in half - prosecutors were regularly asking for 25+, and Kelly said something like "I don't think I'll ever cut 10-15 years off a sentence again". For some of these people who let's face it, were not the youngest of men, that 10-15 years is the difference that means actually having a life to lead after jail.

WhaleWatcher 0 points ago +1 / -1

They've been prepping and softening up the public over the past year or so, I'm sure you've all noticed. But I don't think this is a presage to anything soon - more like they're setting up a Chekov's Aliens, if you will. The aliens have been hung upon the wall, but it's still the first act - I wouldn't expect them to go off for at least a couple years.

They are setting it up so it's like a fire extinguisher - break glass for aliens in case of emergency. My hunch is they are saving it for global warming, to be deployed after we lose the quarter-billion of Unimportants, but before the Northern countries face the worst destabilization/migration crises. It's all about maintaining control.

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +2 / -1

Nah, plenty of black people called Roberts out for fucking up the first inauguration of a black person. That is, I remember actual people complaining on the bus or whatever because smartphones weren't everywhere yet and people still chatted - I'm not talking about the media.

WhaleWatcher 0 points ago +1 / -1

It just goes to show that colonialism never lasts. And to never underestimate the man of peace who still "brings a sword".

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sigh. Come on, it quite clearly doesn't say that? It explicitly says they, the CDC, do not believe the variant will cause more severe illness.

Do you not even read the screenshots you take before posting them? This kinda shit is why people don't take the movement seriously. I mean, it's right there in the screenshot you posted how does that even happen

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