I don't understand this - the Chinese populace are unarmed. Chinese PDK has nothing to fear... they have no problem destroying it's people/dissenters. Massive protests just make easier population reduction for these guys. They aren't in a 'nato' organization, and, if so, the organization's course would be to protect the government, not the people. They don't care if the world looks down on them - they've been living like that for years, successfully. I understand a real estate crash is imminent, but economies suffer then rebuild from that.
spez: I may have responded to the wrong message - i was responding to the 'massive protests by the people' idea once the RE market crashes.
Could immediately announce a 50% cut in all welfare-related benefits and, 'Surprise!', just watch how many people go out and get jobs. That's what needs to happen in the US. Welfare is set too high. People can make more money living on the govt dole than in entry-level and some first level mgt/supervisory jobs .
Finally! And, it's about time. I have a hard core, liberal, 3 shots with side-effects sufferer friend who will not break, no matter how much info I provide. She only, only, only watches BBC/US version. She's even too woke to watch CNN, MSN, etc. Until now, BBC/us has been in lockstep with rest of MSM. If this woman gets red pilled, eventually, then the rest of the world would have already fallen in place. (Less the 4-6%).
It might be like the Parkinson Institute in Coma but the bodies stored in suspended animation would be great minds, history makers, and great villains throughout time - examples; OBL, Hawking, Einstein, JFK, Tesla, Pol Pot, Mao, the 'grays' from Area 51, etc. Could be brought back to consciousness to give info when needed.
I am guessing, but when you say 'roots needing dyed' - She is 80+ yo. Her roots would most likely be grey if they were showing. edit: also, to whomever said 'different nose', your nose naturally pulls down longer when you smile. I think that's the difference there.
I know this has been tossed around at every scenario, but Suicide Weekend approaching?qdrop search These are military people - don't want to be captured by the Russians....
Why would he salute/sign over power before the election? Idky he would salute, though, to support your point. But, even considering your theory of handing power to someone else... he isn't military, he wouldn't salute an alternate COC in any event. At the time, I thought he was returning a symbolic salute to the helicopter to thank all the Walter Reed, military and others involved since he went through a pretty dicey illness. You could see he was only about 80% when he walked up those steps at the back of WH.
I understand the point of your post, but, wouldn't this be wonderful if it works out?