WhoBuiltTheCagesJOOO 4 points ago +6 / -2

Lol while I do love me some C. Nolan movies, he’s been my favorite director since Momento, I believe we will be learning it’s someone who has already been talking to us, in public.

My prediction is it’s Elon or JFK Jr & Wife.

WhoBuiltTheCagesJOOO 0 points ago +1 / -1

Did you see the now-removed thread on “An Intro to Jewish Ritual Murder of White Children” on Twitter? There’s an archive floating around of it on GA.

WhoBuiltTheCagesJOOO 1 point ago +2 / -1

Correct. Anyone who doesn’t know or see this and is a regular GA visitor may want to go back & brush up on Q Proofs.

We are watching a limited scripted movie play out with measures & counter measures at every decision.

WhoBuiltTheCagesJOOO 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is the mild stuff compared to intentionally poisoning & biologically handicapping our kids via vaccines & cancer via sunscreen to start.

Now, if you really want to get pissed off, go read history about the Synagogue of Satan’s practices of around their holidays. We have countless paintings, novels, short stories, historical records and now the contents of the Talmud.

Edit: And of note, the financial powers behind all world wars, helped finance Hitler’s war machine & infiltrated & subverted every civic, religious & govt agency in the western world.

Double Edit: many Christians won’t like this but they’re also responsible for the creation of Christianity & New Testament. Josephus wasn’t his real name. Josephus was a high ranking member of an Old Deep State family of Rome.

by BQnita
WhoBuiltTheCagesJOOO 0 points ago +1 / -1

"Either god-level security or doing things WRONG."

There, fixed it for ya.

WhoBuiltTheCagesJOOO 2 points ago +3 / -1

I think, at this point, it’s all intentional.

No coincidences. Kim is just another link in the chain of events set in motion long ago.

WhoBuiltTheCagesJOOO 5 points ago +6 / -1

Durham also let time run out for charging of said persons & said crimes.

I can only assume the judicial side has to be/look as corrupt as possible for War of Law’s final mechanisms can be enacted.

If not, we’re all already fucked.

WhoBuiltTheCagesJOOO 2 points ago +3 / -1

Good. Always liked him & felt he was one of the good guys. Just been around so long that I know not to get my hopes up.

Also been around long enough to know that stuff like this can also be propaganda. They do things like this to cement certain political/journos in the minds of this elite us and then use them to slow boil the right.

Time will tell.

WhoBuiltTheCagesJOOO 1 point ago +2 / -1

Bill Still & his female counterpart, forget her name. She did the Windsor Rothschild NWO one that was hilarious talking about the inbreeding. Think she was a daughter or granddaughter of some high ranking secret society dude.

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