Wolf333 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look it up Schumer impeachment you can see the clip. I saw it in real time when they were having the hearings. Weird.

Wolf333 4 points ago +4 / -0

Another Demon to get rid of. Remember when he was talking to what we saw as an empty seat during the impeachment. He was talking to one of his fellow demons. Evil ilk NCSWIC.

Wolf333 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yipeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The only bad thing is she is bringing her evil presence to Florida. After she turned SF into a cesspool. NCSWIC

Wolf333 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does anyone realize how many people died because they wouldn't or couldn't get seen for other things by doctors. We don't have a count of how many lives it cost because they closed other areas of hospitals. People were afraid to even go near a hospital because of the fear of getting Covid. So if say ,they had chest pains or any other type of a symptom that could prevent death if seen in timely fashion, Or pace makers that were supposed to be put in things like that were all on hold. Not good. Then all the suicides that occurred and other things of drug and alcohol abuse. Not to mention the businesses that were lost. All the wealth gone from many. The time lost for the children not in school or having any celebrations or sports. No entertainment outlet. Just total misery, that's what they were counting on, a 6 year lock down to break peoples spirits so they would submit to all of their tyrannical plan. Complete and total government control. Take the guns and lower our defenses it would be all over. So excuse my words but STFU> Don't you get it yet?. Geeez NCSWIC

Wolf333 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am so glad someone put this out there. I have been trying to articulate the same thing . Well done NCSWIC

Wolf333 1 point ago +1 / -0

Homemade HCL, grape fruit rinds and orange rinds a good bunch and boil for 6 hours.

Wolf333 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK enough of your nonsense I saw what I saw. NO BS like your spewing. Don't be so dramatic or we will whip out the smelling salt. Your getting the vapors. BRO NCSWIC

Wolf333 1 point ago +1 / -0

I said I don't know where I saw it . It was one of those random citizen cam folks. You can see Trump and others on side of WH he was pointing up at something on he house. Then they got into the vehicles and left. It was a spontaneous clip. He just was riding around and came upon this.

Wolf333 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was one of those citizen cams they go around on a bicycle with a video cam. I saw Trump and his crew, he was outside the WH checking something out pointing up at something on the building. Maybe some work he wanted looked after. Then he got into the Beast and they all rolled away, the whole motorcade. The cam guy was freaking out he never expected to spot all this. I don't know if it was posted here or not. Ambulance and all. That's only for the President.

Wolf333 11 points ago +11 / -0

We are with you, it is a nightmare, things are coming to fruition hang in there. There are generations of traitors and infiltrators to weed out. I believe a lot is happening behind the scenes and lot more must be done. NCSWIC WWG1WGA

Wolf333 20 points ago +20 / -0

If he didn't roll out the vax they would have kept us locked down to bring the country to it's knees. Totally destroying any resistance from the country to then get vaxed. So he ruined their plan and saved billions that would have taken the vax versus some that have which is a whole lot less. We are at war there will be some casualties unfortunately. It had to be done this way he stepped away to allow fir the people to see for them selves what they are really like. The ruthless self serving tyrants that they are. NCSWIC What will come out will shock the conscience of all.

Wolf333 45 points ago +45 / -0

Such a motorcade is just for actual Presidents get it. I saw a clip when he visited the WH about a month or so ago and he had full motorcade ambulance and all. Wake up America the patriots are in control and God Won. already. NCSWIC and what has been done. Plenty.

Wolf333 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't forget he is playing his part in this movie too.NCSWIC he can't look like a tyrant like they are. People haven't seen all the evidence. Hunter and Joe are pedos remember. Do you think he has any sympathy for them. Ha!

Wolf333 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think they are struggling for money they were a huge teen heart throb type of group. They must have made a fortune back then.

Wolf333 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wonder what they did to these young men. They started out as a good Christian influenced group. They must of got a hold of them they became huge before they got weird. Sad thank God for redemption through Jesus for there future salvation.

Wolf333 2 points ago +2 / -0

There has always been doubles for these high profile types. So why not now what's so shocking., It is what it is. NCSWIC When we know that all will pay the price for their crimes. Remember when President Trump said, if you rob a bank do you get to keep the money. NO and there has been a lot going on. Gitmo has several buildings now. What do you think that was done for? Just the heck of it, I don;t think so. All points to what is to be and what has been. I was a little skeptical about the executions that were already done . Until I saw a clip of John Kasich, he said the words of the execution of John McCain. I was shocked he actually admitted that. So I'm a believer now for sure. I forget where I saw it for link. I see so much..

Wolf333 2 points ago +2 / -0

According to Billie Beene from Gene Decode this beast and his ilk, lets just say are cast out for eternity. I hope it is true. So far the intell has been good. NCSWIC God Won!

Wolf333 5 points ago +5 / -0

So much is going on. Drug arrests that are huge, pedo arrests like crazy. CEO's stepping down like mad, fake news is getting cleaned up, stories coming out showing all the connections reveling all the pervs and crooks. All the earthquakes {wink ,wink]. People are speaking out at school boards, rallies in the streets even in NYC. Folks are waking up big time. Even President Trump is giving out right reassurance.He will be back at the helm real soon he will not allow the country to go down, Trust and believe, This is God appointed and NCSWIC. God Wins. WWG1WGA.

Wolf333 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any body notice that they are cleaning up the Fake news. Hmmmmmm wonder why that's happening? NCSWIC it's heeeere.

Wolf333 2 points ago +2 / -0

they just love to try to link President Trump to their dirty business. We all know he hitched a ride on son plane from Palm Beach to NYC. No pedo BS island. NCSWIC

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