WolfsDragoons 4 points ago +4 / -0

Looks like the cure is posted in another article just above the comments. :)

Man shares 'two second' de-icing trick and people can't believe they didn't think of it

WolfsDragoons 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think Adam Shifilis had a decent ring to it. :)

WolfsDragoons 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw a recent post with some RX changes to pet meds January 1st, assuming horse paste will be impacted, not sure if all IVM will be impacted so, good to stock up while you can.

WolfsDragoons 3 points ago +3 / -0

That one needs to be on a t-shirt to trigger the normies and the libtards.

WolfsDragoons 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm glad i was able to duck, dodge and dive my way around getting the shot and kept my job, i found God quite quickly once my company announced they'd allow for religious exemptions.

WolfsDragoons 1 point ago +1 / -0

if only somebody could do some kind of test to see what the long term effects would be, i don't know, like a legitimate clinical trial or maybe a study or two from unbiased participants. If only there were a Federal department for those kinds of things.

WolfsDragoons 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well shoot, there goes another muh "conspiracy theory" down the tubes.

WolfsDragoons 2 points ago +2 / -0

The number of missing votes projected based on increased voting times pretty much exactly matches Barris' questions as to why 70% of the people didn't respond to the exit polls.


WolfsDragoons 8 points ago +8 / -0

Holiday heart syndrome just means the vax is working.

WolfsDragoons 9 points ago +9 / -0

i'd say send to Jovan Pulitzer, if the image is scaled down, the reader will reject it. However, i'd imagine if the allowances\tolerances for alignment could be ramped waaaay up (or down depending on the correct technical terminology), then maybe you got something there.

WolfsDragoons 1 point ago +1 / -0

250 Million in crypto, sure no problem, just let me see my keyboard.

WolfsDragoons 2 points ago +2 / -0

The ole 19 incher?

Though, I think that's reserved for sexy time between obama and big mike.

WolfsDragoons 4 points ago +4 / -0

From my understanding, when the tabulators dont read your ballot properly, they print a duplicate to be scanned from their ballot printers at the polling location.

The duplicate ballot printed was a 19" image, so they would then try to read that ballot and it would continue to get kicked back.

So then since it cant be read, then into box 3 you go.

Box 3 ballots go back to Runbeck to be scanned again, shoot cant scan them, well off to adjudication for you where "someone" decides who you wanted to vote for.

Basically, they programmed the ballot printers at the polling place for duplicate\replacement ballots to be bad to force box 3 and then adjudication.

WolfsDragoons 16 points ago +16 / -0

14 out of 15 duplicate ballots checked out of a random sampling mind you, had 19" images printed on 20" paper, meaning, that the ballot printers were programmed to print the wrong image to force them to not be tabulated at the polling place to be taken back to runbeck to be ultimately adjudicated by SOS.

Not to mention the chain of custody problems.

None of our "trusted" news sources are anything but pure leftist propaganda. Its sickening.

WolfsDragoons 17 points ago +17 / -0

it just has to fool the person looking at the physical ballot, it only takes a slight misalignment for tabulators to reject. When you squish the image in, the bubble alignments will all be off enough to kick out for duplication and then on to adjudication for an "honest" arbiter to decide that the republican voter actually meant to vote for a hob goblin and not Kari Lake.

WolfsDragoons 11 points ago +11 / -0

New election day hack discovered, print wrong size ballot, force adjudication. Adjudicate ballot for the corrupt candidate.

Rinse - repeat

WolfsDragoons 1 point ago +2 / -1

My bad, its a parody site. Would be spicy though.

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