YELLOWZERO 3 points ago +3 / -0

On the same day, Trump announced that Hell will "rain" down upon the Yemeni Houthis.

YELLOWZERO 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly. Don't you think that it's a little unusual that you would have to explain that on a site such as this?

YELLOWZERO -3 points ago +1 / -4

You're the one who's wrong. Instead of pretending that you have all the answers, you should listen up and learn a thing or two.

YELLOWZERO 3 points ago +3 / -0

The March 15th, 2018 Q post mentions "bring the rain". Trump's March 15th, 2024 Truth Social post mentions "To all Houthi terrorists, YOUR TIME IS UP, AND YOUR ATTACKS MUST STOP, STARTING TODAY. IF THEY DON’T, HELL WILL RAIN DOWN UPON YOU LIKE NOTHING YOU HAVE EVER SEEN BEFORE!".

YELLOWZERO 2 points ago +2 / -0

Okay, it's official: in the future, this era will be perceived as the most twisted moment in human history.

YELLOWZERO 10 points ago +10 / -0

Getting ahead of RFK's discovery that the measles vaccine (MMR) is the cause of autism.

YELLOWZERO 1 point ago +1 / -0

It seems that the only way to discover who has the knowledge is to get them to try to use it.

YELLOWZERO 1 point ago +2 / -1

I love Jews! Einstein changed the world with his brilliant perspective. He deserves even more praise than he is given. His ideas were the foundation of nearly every technological advancement in the twentieth century. Thank you Jewish Einstein!

YELLOWZERO 3 points ago +3 / -0

The fact that your totally reasonable original comment has nine dislikes seems to suggest that making us "look stupid" (and antisemitic) was probably the entire purpose of posting the video. But I'm glad to see your comment; it's good to know that there are still some good thinking people here.

YELLOWZERO 3 points ago +6 / -3

The post is entitled "Truth matters", yet the video is just a tirade of lies. The fact that she describes his theory of relativity as "moral relativism, nothing is absolute, anything goes" shows that she doesn't have a clue. That's a sick and truly deceptive exaggeration. Maybe there is an ounce of truth in this garbage, but the stink is too much for me.

YELLOWZERO 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sean Combs has always stood out to me as an artistic fraud. It is obvious that he has no musical talent at all, and therefore his stardom has to be the result of him having an ulterior function: to be an agent of blackmail it seems. I can't help but notice how these shitheads hijack what is beautiful in the world (art, music, spirituality), effectively desecrating it in their attempts to acquire power. Literally everything they touch turns to shit. They are cancer itself.

YELLOWZERO 6 points ago +6 / -0

I suffered with depression my entire adult life. Recently I discovered that my body wasn't making enough GLUTATHIONE, that was the main cause. Ever since I began taking glutathione I literally feel twenty years younger; depression is gone, body feels great, twice as much energy.
It saved my life.

YELLOWZERO 9 points ago +9 / -0

Trump: ridiculed for walking slowly down stairs. Biden: media ignores him falling down stairs repeatedly.

Trump: his children are scrutinized for running Trump Inc. Biden: media ignores Hunter shady position on Burisma board.

Trump: accused of being incestuously close with his daughter. Biden: media ignores his showing with daughter.

Trump: calls for him to be removed from office for mental inadequacy. Biden: media ignores that he is openly demented.

Trump: impeached for extorting Ukraine. Biden: media ignores video of him admitting to extorting Ukraine.

Trump: accused of stealing the election from Hilary. Biden: media ignores the flagrant theft of 2020 election.

Is the stage set?

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YELLOWZERO 0 points ago +2 / -2

What you said NEEDS to be said. Thank you. The oncoming culture of "frequency music" (where people listen to a single repeated tone) is bad news. It is the end-stage cancer of actual music. It reminds me of the pervasive illiteracy during the dark age, though an illiteracy pertaining to music. I can imagine, at that time, that people were so far removed from reading & writing that they might have said, "I like the letter B because it's good for healing, so I put that letter onto a wound so it gets better quicker". Not having any clue how letters are actually used to communicate ideas.

YELLOWZERO -1 points ago +2 / -3

I hate this (for many reasons), let me explain why. The video says that genetic abbreviations can be aligned & used to represent musical notes. Well yeah, but is it beautiful?, and does it have any more linguistic meaning than random mathematically arranged pitches? No. It means nothing so it is ineffective at achieving the function of art. It might make your plants happy, but I have a brain.

YELLOWZERO 2 points ago +2 / -0

I happened to come across this in my YouTube feed today. Pretty peculiar. https://youtu.be/JC89gFM_rjc

YELLOWZERO 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Nuclear" is the right choice of words. If we win the hearts & minds of the population and bring about a more enlightened planet, without going scorched earth and destructively traumatizing the fragile minded, THAT seems to be the greatest form of victory. I recall the Q post(s) mentioning "The choice to know will be yours", which implies that it is preferable to avoid forcefully tearing off the blinders from those who are ignorant and forcing them to see that the ones who they've trusted the most are actually manipulative demonic creatures.

YELLOWZERO -1 points ago +6 / -7

DON'T JOIN THE IODINE CULT. It has been known for a hundred years that iodine causes autoimmunity. I know from personal experience. Do yourself a favor and watch this video: https://youtu.be/0e9-YwS1S_s

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