Yourdadsguncabinet 2 points ago +2 / -0

What happened here lmao? Did some shill decide to throw themselves onto the mods spears again?

Yourdadsguncabinet 19 points ago +20 / -1

Like food and gasoline? These people are insufferable

Yourdadsguncabinet 7 points ago +7 / -0

Oh boy! Maybe I'll be able to afford a full cart of groceries in 2024!

Fuck all these evil parasites. The day of the Lord can't come soon enough for these creatures.

Yourdadsguncabinet 2 points ago +2 / -0

If the CDC is saying 50k then you know it was higher

Yourdadsguncabinet 2 points ago +2 / -0

A fantastic book that I encourage everyone to read. The lies go way back golks, this mess has been in the works for a looooong time.

Yourdadsguncabinet 2 points ago +2 / -0

Put this on shirts and have everyone wear it on election day

Yourdadsguncabinet 1 point ago +1 / -0

I desperately cling to Jesus Christ every day of my life for this exact reason. At some point you realize there are problems in this world that are beyond our ability to fix.

Yourdadsguncabinet 3 points ago +3 / -0

$273 for half a cart the other day at my local Walmart. I wanted to shit on the floor and scream, but remembered that I wasn't in California so people might get upset.

Yourdadsguncabinet 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly! It's insane to claim that things haven't gotten more expensive when a weeks worth of basic groceries and supplies costs me twice as much as they did in 2018, while the amount I make has been increasingly ravaged by taxes and inflation to the point that I'm realistically making less tangible assets for my effort even though the amount of bullshit monopoly money that I earn has increased.

Yourdadsguncabinet 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same here, just waiting for things to progress to the next stage. Honestly though, I won't give a fuck about money even if we do end up in some miraculous new golden age. I've seen and experienced too much to ever go back to a materialistic and shallow world view that's based around "wealth".

Yourdadsguncabinet 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep, you can't expect people to thrive and live happy, vibrant lives when the system they're forced to live in is intentionally rigged against them by people who want them either enslaved or dead.

I work to survive, that's about it. Any dreams of my youth are dead, that world doesn't exist anymore.

Yourdadsguncabinet 11 points ago +11 / -0

That's simply not true. Housing and rent costs are much higher today than they were when I was a kid. A new vehicle these days costs as much as a nice home for a family of 3 or 4 did when I was a kid.

We need to stop blaming the people that are being abused by this system. It's not a matter of working harder, the solution to slavery is not to be a better slave. People are realizing that the amount of fiat currency they need to live keeps increasing while the amount they get for all their hard work and lifeblood barely amounts to shit. They end up stuck in a cycle of barely scraping by and living pay check to pay check, while other people scoff at their struggles and tell this exhausted and miserable person that their issue is that they just arent trying hard enough.

When you attack the people, you defend the system that preys on them. You want to talk about complicity? Accountability? Maybe it's time we all stop blaming the younger people and start taking a look at the beast we've created that chews our young people up and shits them out when it's done with them.

Yourdadsguncabinet 4 points ago +4 / -0

A lot of people, both young and old, are tapping out because they realize that the system is broken. They might not be able to give you a detailed breakdown of why it's a mess, but every gut instinct they have is telling them that something isn't right here.

It's the massive cognitive struggle we all face when the world as they tell us it is and the world as it actually is end up being very different.

Yourdadsguncabinet 2 points ago +2 / -0

Got into a shouting match with my PA the other day over the tetanus vax. I only go in once a year to fill some prescriptions, but I'm gonna switch to a different doc and get of these meds. I'm so disgusted by the modern "medical" industry, I want nothing to do with it anymore.

Yourdadsguncabinet 2 points ago +2 / -0

Real recognizes real

Yourdadsguncabinet 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was me today. The best part is pretty much everyone at dinner agreed lmao.

Yourdadsguncabinet 1 point ago +1 / -0

That...that's just a fire at this point 😂

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Yourdadsguncabinet 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm mummified in tin foil at this point

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