Zappbradigan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess I don’t understand. Almost everybody here wants the gov’t to not start rebuilding the bridge until insurance pays for it? It would be years and years and the full amount for it likely will never come. People aren’t using a lot of logic on this one and it’s so strange.

Zappbradigan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why would insurance not be involved? This happened in Florida in 1980, sunshine skyway bridge collapse. The gov’t will of course pay for the bridge to get it built, and pursue lawsuits along with everybody else involved to get their money back, which will take years.

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does anybody know where this narrative that insurance won’t be involved came from? It should go without saying that besides the ship and its cargo and the bridge, that people were killed while on the job. lawyers will pay for their summer home off this, and insurance will be intensely involved as it tries to limit how large the checks it write will be.

Zappbradigan 4 points ago +5 / -1

The ship and its cargo were damaged, why wouldn’t insurance investigate? And even if they are on the hook for it, I wouldn’t expect the insurance companies to cough up the money to start construction in any time frame that is less than years.

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

From a direct hit, certainly not, they admitted that shortly after it was built. The ‘dolphins’ that protect them are only good for deflection, it’s quite hard to find good technical specs of these on various bridges however, so I can’t say for sure that ANY ‘dolphin’ as these bumpers are known are rated to take a collision from one of these ships.

Zappbradigan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t think most people understand even remotely how large these ships are. That bridge is colossal and it makes it look like a toy, they can dwarf the tonnage of the largest fleet carriers the US operate. Similar to trains, I’m starting to think people don’t realize the industrial quantities of hazmat that are transported around the world every second.

Zappbradigan 7 points ago +7 / -0

I don’t understand why everyone here thinks a backup manual steering control would make any difference in this amount of time with a vessel that weighs over 200 million pounds. Am I the only one that’s seen a vessel of this size? Why not highlight the corrupt city of Baltimore who I guarantee has gotten recommendations to retrofit greater protection to the pylons of this critical bridge? I feel like I’d be banned even trying to make a reasonable thread about this. Rant over

Zappbradigan 4 points ago +4 / -0

The fuel is marine grade diesel the ship uses, and I’d wager most cargo ships carrying hazmat are carrying a lot worse than 30 tons of ammonium nitrate. I don’t see what’s abnormal about the fuel or the hazmat containers.

Zappbradigan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Industrial accidents tickle my autism. The root cause almost always ends up being cost cutting done by the company/companies involved, but it was a foreign crew so maybe. I just like to remind people that things like this DO occur without any grand conspiracy required, just human incompetence. I’m waiting for much, much more info before I could say this was intentional, but that’s just me.

Zappbradigan 5 points ago +5 / -0

The guy making this claim has one Twitter follower and links to a private telegram. You”ve posted a malicious link based on a very obviously fake headline that has no source or video. It’s all so tiring

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +3 / -2

Large ships have collisions fairly often, and they’ve hit bridges before. This ship had a collision in 2016. Are all ship collisions from hacking? Or only the ones we want to be?

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

If this is a serious post, velocity. If the girders of the bridge collapsed downward at 500 mph then yes, I’d expect them to have more of a “cut” but they certainly didn’t collapse at anywhere near such a speed.

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. I’ve never heard the built like a modern day icebreaker thing, it was riveted, which would not be a great design for icebreaking. Only have to tear open the rivets and water will flow.

Zappbradigan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not only that, remember the narrative on this site is built upon years of garbage posts from bad sources and a lot of it seems to be solidified into canon around here. You can’t even begin to argue with people when every point they have is from a well that is long poisoned.

Zappbradigan 5 points ago +7 / -2

You are projecting. If you can’t see girls in sports uniforms without calling them whores you need to take a step back. Stop watching porn.

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actual medical pulse oximeters connected to a dedicated monitor have a waveform, this tells you directly if it’s a good reading. If it’s a bad wave form, you aren’t getting a good reading, change fingers probes use an ear lobe etc etc. point being this is a known issue and is addressed and assessed any time it’s in use.

Zappbradigan 0 points ago +1 / -1

I’d like to point out the chart presented is an appalling visual aid and most middle schoolers could tell you that. Unless you’re intentionally misrepresenting data but cmon. The chart doesn’t include ages or anything. So taking this at face value it’s across all doses. That’s 998 “reported” not yet verified cases, out of 670,000,000 administered doses in the US and would include all the elderly who ever got it. Fear porn on the vax will never not sell clicks and generate ad revenue for all time I’m convinced of that much for certain.

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then I’m sorry I wasted my time. It’s weird that nobody genuinely wants to hear how things work on the inside of an industry that’s so tenaciously hated here. I do miss my blackout drunk medic ama’s on 4chan. Good luck god speed

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Certainly there is an uptick, and the lockdowns ending a huge amount of preventative care and causing months or years long backups to see specialists etc. people didn’t get their heart scans or their cancer found in time etc etc etc. my colleagues and I have come to the conclusion it’s just everything at once. OD’s and suicides are a huge portion of “died suddenly” stories, as that’s historically been a more polite way of saying what actually happens in an obituary post, always bugs me that people latch onto that one phrase so strongly, 🤷‍♂️

Zappbradigan 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s an unfortunate thing, if you’re in the camp that believes Covid is real, who’s to say the effects aren’t from that? Just because people don’t test doesn’t mean they haven’t been infected(unless you’re a full shut-in, you have at least once)Or a combination? People are more obese and sedentary and we’ve been watching the effects unfold for several decades,most people that I’ve seen “die suddenly” in their 30’s 40’s 50’s etc are very overweight, in my own anecdotal experience that’s just how it’s been and it’s getting worse and was regardless of covid and the vax

Zappbradigan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Plenty of people in the medical community do, lots of people retired early or switched careers over the entire shit show, we also had our masks off any time management wasn’t around when Covid was at its peak in 2020. The vitriol and hate directed at the doctors and nurses and not purely the administrators of healthcare systems and insurance companies who are genuine psychopaths, and often have 0 experience treating patients. Its a pushed narrative imo, deflecting blame and infighting to lower level front line medical staff who don’t decide shit about how anything works. Nurses being dragged into the street and getting their heads shaved while they continue being fuckheads getting rich elsewhere as the healthcare system collapses is a win for them, I hope everyone here realizes this some day.

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