ZeroDeltaTango -1 points ago +2 / -3

Nothing to see here

Trump uses needless Initial Caps all the time for "emphasis" - part of his unique writing style

ZeroDeltaTango 3 points ago +3 / -0

If it was serious enough to warrant the issue being fixed by flying back to London then it was serious enough to land immediately.

Common sense

ZeroDeltaTango 2 points ago +2 / -0

The idea of an income tax is something the Founders found reprehensible and immoral.

The 16th Amendment was never LEGALLY ratified (look it up, statists). The unthinkably abusive confiscation-and-intimidation scheme is completely unconstitutional, like most of the fedgov.

ZeroDeltaTango 4 points ago +4 / -0

And more cars like THOSE

Be still my beating heart

ZeroDeltaTango 1 point ago +1 / -0

On the other hand, maybe it's to soften the reality that we're not alone so people won't freak.

At this point if there are still people who would "freak" at learning the mundane, common knowledge that we're not alone, then those people are freaks who need to just go ahead and freak. Everyone else already gets it.

The "no evidence of aliens or UFOs" crowd sounds no different from the "no evidence of election fraud", "no evidence of Nazi atrocities", or "no evidence we walked on the moon" crowd. No matter how much evidence you show them, the answer is always the same: no evidence. Wheeeee! ;p

ZeroDeltaTango 2 points ago +2 / -0

Definitely the first one.

Remember, Big Govt uses two main vectors of attack against the people under its control:




These two work flawlessly hand in hand. They are used in tandem to create a situation of GROUP PERIL where "WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER"...then govt alone gets to suggest and implement its "solutions", which always boil down to punishing the people for the situation (e.g., global warming is your fault for breathing and eating).

You deliberately create scarcity of food and/or water, or "life-saving drugs"...and the people become gripped with FEAR and will OBEY when ordered to behave a certain way—or else THEY are endangering the whole group.

The govt is the one endangering the whole group...but they are experts at instilling guilt within the populace that it's all their fault.

Same way child rapists always make it the child's fault. And the kid BELIEVES it. Just like the population in a "We're All In This Together" (WAITT) scenario.

ZeroDeltaTango 1 point ago +1 / -0

The vastness of space does not make it more likely that we would find other life forms.

But the vastness of space makes it much more likely that there will BE other life forms to find...or to find US.

ZeroDeltaTango 2 points ago +2 / -0

208 - 207

For it to be that close

Tells you everything you need to know about how corrupt those assholes are

ZeroDeltaTango 2 points ago +2 / -0

Drop in the bucket - for every 3 tons seized, 30 tons get to the destination

Your daily reminder that The Drug War is a colossal, spectacular failure that has wasted billion$ and ruined countless more lives than it has saved

The key is to reduce demand, not supply

ZeroDeltaTango 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL it's still not even clear whether Trump posted all this, with the images and Q drop and everything, or just the three words 'Right on schedule'


I'm guessing probably the latter....guess it doesn't matter too much

ZeroDeltaTango 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump keeps saying November 5th will be important

Understatement of the century

ZeroDeltaTango 23 points ago +25 / -2

So in other words, the softcore communist cabal puppet is.....


ZeroDeltaTango 4 points ago +4 / -0

This stuff keeps coming out about the 2020 election being proven fraudulent after all...drip drip drip

To the surprise of no one, the conspiracy theorists are right yet again

ZeroDeltaTango 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I'm going to croak I want the Make a Wish Foundation to set me up in a room alone for 5 minutes with one of these pedophiles who think children are sexy.

Five minutes. That's all I ask. Because that's all I'll need.

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