ZeroDeltaTango 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks OP! This was a super entertaining 9 minutes that I would have missed otherwise!

I love Gutfeld because he's consistently insightful and hilarious - I never miss it now that Trump is back (had to skip the 4 years where they just accepted the fraudulent 2020 election as totally legit because Fox). He has funny guests too, whom he also lightly roasts because he's an insult comic who's insecure because of his height, which he freely admits, so I'm not cutting him down (!) in any way.

Paraphrasing MSM turd: "Oh, the joke that Asians are bad drivers is soooo racist! I can't even!" But is it? I would bet Gutfeld could tell that same joke to a big room of nothing but English-speaking Asians and Americans of Asian ancestry, and he'd get a round of hearty laughter there too. None of them would go home and cry over it.

It isn't "RAYSISSED!" to note that this or that group does something a certain way. That isn't the same as saying "Those individuals are genetically deficient due to their race, and thus it is OK to discriminate against or harm them", which is IMHO the sole legitimate definition of racism (on its merits and not just because it's my own definition :). It's merely saying "I've observed that many bad drivers happen to belong to this ethnic group" or "I've observed that many people of this group are bad drivers, can't we please ALL laugh about that and feel good together". Laughter is universal.

Roasts are popular because the person being roasted also laughs at the jokes—and they are being viciously attacked way worse than just saying "Asians could drive more carefully, or they tend to take a lot of photographs, or they're smart at math and generally respect their elders and create strong families."

Gutfeld's roasting of this NPR NPC is super enjoyable. Anyone reading this should not hesitate to give it a go if you haven't yet!

ZeroDeltaTango 10 points ago +10 / -0

I'm not gonna ask you about the Frazzled.rip video on your laptop—which caused hardened NYC cops viewing it to leave the room crying and vomiting and later get murdered one after another—I mean "commit suicide", wink wink—because hey that's just a wacky conspiracy theory.

Bet-David skewered that sick perverted child-torturing fuck named "Wiener" (you can't make this shit up) from eye socket to bunghole and roasted him alive, leaving him sputtering. One of, if not THE most repellent "human being" alive.

ZeroDeltaTango 4 points ago +5 / -1

I hear they can bring in illegal aliens from Central and South America, who will do the kind of farm jobs whites won't do!

ZeroDeltaTango 7 points ago +7 / -0

Love how the left keeps wringing their hands over Elon having "access" to personal info on people. Hello? He literally co-founded PayPal and Spacex, currently holds a security clearance so high that the clearance type itself is classified. And since he's the world's richest man in the past 700 years, he's without motivation to steal. Pretty sure if you were actually looking for a trustworthy individual you've found him. If you were just looking for another billionaire to envy and hate, then you found that instead.

Live by the hate, die by the hate.

ZeroDeltaTango 10 points ago +10 / -0

We are not privy to perhaps 80% of the information those in the know and part of the plan have...

This. Or maybe closer to 90%.

The way I like to say it is: Everything we know, Trump and the white hats also know, plus ten times more.

So with each new shocking, mind-numbingly horrific piece of info that comes our way about what the demons of the deep state have been doing, we can always relax in that comforting knowledge. "Trump's got a plan for this."

ZeroDeltaTango 2 points ago +2 / -0

Candidate for Best Post of Year so far

Super high quality - logic over emotion - no ad hominem attacks even against doomers - well reasoned - concise

We've all (or most) found ourselves at some point being hit with a little 'Come ON already, let's roll the movie credits, why did Q keep saying next week and next several days, couldn't we at least have SOME faint wispy whiff of justice after seven years, there has to be at least one swamp demon who could face some consequences please.' All hopeful and positive emotions at their root, sure, but tinged with anxiety (which is just fear in disguise).

This post grounds anons in twin overriding, eternal truths:




ZeroDeltaTango 1 point ago +1 / -0

Flag Code: When it's on a stage or with other flags, the US flag is always displayed "on the right—its OWN right."

Heheheh....suck it leftards

ZeroDeltaTango 3 points ago +3 / -0

Make a list of all the people supporting this Evil. They will be hanging in the Town Squares soon enough.

Not soon enough for us. We've not yet seen sufficient evidence that Homo sapiens as a species is mentally equipped to prevent a relatively tiny few of its members from gradually slaughtering and enslaving the rest.

Need more popcorn!

ZeroDeltaTango 4 points ago +4 / -0

What happened or didn't happen will be insignificant if the 2020 steal is not exposed. That must be resolved or we can't win in the end.

This is the 800-pound gorilla humping the elephant in the room.

If the eerie dead silence about the fact that there is overwhelming absolute proof 2020 was stolen continues,...the Republic won't.

So I bet Trump fixes it.

ZeroDeltaTango 3 points ago +3 / -0

He needs to experience what soldiers experience who are shot and killed in the war.

Maybe then he will learn his place. In hell.

ZeroDeltaTango 5 points ago +5 / -0

No matter how much you think you hate the mainstream media, it isn't anywhere near enough.

Fact 1: Donald Trump's supporters on January 6th marched peacefully to the Capitol and exercised four of the five God-given human rights enshrined in the First Amendment to our Constitution: freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, freedom to petition the government for redress of grievances, and free expression of religious belief.

Fact 2: All of their Constitutional rights were violated by the seditious conspiracy perpetrated against them by rogue government agents conducting an insurrection against the United States and and a violent coup d'état on live TV.

ZeroDeltaTango 2 points ago +2 / -0

We all knew Trump really killed 'em last night, but this is ridiculous

ZeroDeltaTango 2 points ago +2 / -0


A month is too much time for shenanigans

One-day voting IMHO sounds cool but would be REAL voter suppression - our voting population is now many times larger than it was when one-day voting worked

Make it a weekend plus a Monday national holiday for voting, so working folks have virtually no excuses or legit schedule conflicts that would prevent voting

Remove the barriers to maximal voter turnout

ZeroDeltaTango 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your conclusion does not follow from the premise, but it's OK, have a great day anon

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