Nazi isn't a good word to use in these times,
If I can use retard he can use nazi.
If musk can show this actually harmed him in someway I'd be surprised.
We've come full circle all the way around to "the language police."
They didn't need infiltration. This is how "five eyes" works. isreal is just the black bag side of their entire operation. we gave them whatever they wanted.
The KGB infiltrated the CIA. A lot. And man... they were really good at it.
The records are all cataloged. They do have identification numbers but they are not serial. Not only that but the ARRB determination on every single record is also cataloged. They did all of this on a mainframe system back in the 90s. It's actually the result of a pretty decent effort to retrieve from all the agencies and then store all the documents centrally at that time.
Then all this goes over to "the archivist" at NARA. They keep confidential material until it's allowed to be published or it explicitly expires. Some of the material is digitized and some is not. Some is available online and some is not.
With some credentials and a referral you can get physical access to NARA in DC. You can ask the staff librarians and archivists to retrieve material for you. These are documents and other physical records. You can get the "magic bullet" and examine it if you like.
James DiEugenio, Paul Bleau and Andrew Iler do a lot of youtube videos and cover the more interesting aspects. As to the truth, we know that elements of the CIA indirectly conspired to facilitate the assassination of JFK for the purposes of blaming Russia and Cuba so that we could start a war. LBJ saw through that shit and gave them Vietnam instead.
The real story in the documents is the coverup. For decades. People who knew. People who should have said something. People who actively worked to cover up the truth and prevent justice in the murder of an elected and well liked President. One who was ending foreign wars and dumb colonialism.
The roots go through the CIA and into several powerful private individuals and businesses operating throughout the world. The story begins with a CIA molehunt that was handled badly and was allowed to rise to this level through sheer incompetence and total governmental capture by the CIA.
It's so huge no one can grasp the scope.
Sorry to break it to you kids, but the Transhumanists have taken over, Bobby's already got a baby sitter. MAHA is dead on the vine.
The federal government will never help you with this mission. You have to do it yourselves.
Yea, we don't send up spares or additional supplies, we send just enough food for the mission and that's it. Any problems? Like delays or lost or spoiled food? People immediately starve.
Or.. NASA is just better at planning things than you are..
Public school.
The false left/right dichotomy they present you afterwards.
If your parents aren't clued in you will be easily absorbed by the system.
They spend trillions to make this pipeline work.