Good heavens, she’s waaay too old to be dressed like that.
On the other hand, it will be easy to see that she’s a bleach blonde…
Words from my dear departed mother, “ thanks be to God”.
It is interdasting that it is the same day of the week as 11.22/1963…
How is this a bad thing?
Kash showing his “sanpaku eyes”.
Why not call it what it really is:
CPUSA - Communist Party of the USA…
Good thing I’ve lost 35 pounds since 12/2019!
Thank you. I try to make everyone around me a little bit smarter. Some here don't appreciate that. I'm a bit of a spelling and grammar autist despite my geekish education and career.
It's a legal term of art that I've picked up somewhere in the last sixty years.
It should have been “estopped”, I fixed the typo.
He hasn’t been sentenced and any conviction is estopped while appeals are in progress.
Does Congress have control over security clearances? I thought they were in the purview of the executive branch.
None of mine had any input from the legislative branch, only the FBI.
That ham planet calls RFK Jr. unhealthy?
While the majority of MAGA people are Christians, I believe we welcome all creeds and colors who truly love this nation and her people and believe in conservative principles.
I doubt that it is resistant to EMP and/or high-speed pellet impacts...
The P9S was pretty terrific too. A guy I worked with years ago has two, with consecutive serial numbers.
“Chocked”? I thought basic literacy was important for media work?
Like a certain ethnic group, the wigs will fit better.
I’m betting that these “persons” already have their hair hats on hand.
They do it because their masters tell them to. It’s the “big lie” propaganda technique. Obama made propaganda legal in 2013.
They need to be totally destroyed .
You say that as though it is a bad thing…
“No retreat, no surrender, no quarter, no prisoners and no one gets left behind”…
ancroidubh’s rules of partisan warfare.
No, but their security clearances can be revoked and the ability to hold a clearance is a “bona fide occupational qualification” (BFOQ).
But how many of them are dead?
“The world wonders.”
Each time we had a gov’t shutdown in the past, nothing very much actually changed. If Elon can get rid of 80% of gov’t employees, past history demonstrates that nothing much will change.
When entire cabinet-level agencies are defunded and disappear, the union contracts will too, the same as a corporate bankruptcy and dissolution.
Sometimes we lose people we love…
Well, the first tenet of propaganda is “the big lie”…