As I told my friend, I have many pictures that tineye can't find either. They're just not feet from the president of the United States, on marine one, and behind the iron wall of North Korea.
George has been delivering proofs like Q.
I'm 32 and the guy I was recalling is 37. Huge Trump supporter. He's not lying, he just thinks he knows more than he does.
The biggest pain is the cognitive dissonance. I could show him the first Q posts from 2017... I could show him the less than ten three civilians post... and he will echo back to me 2019 when HE started posting. Practically an NPC. ?
My biggest concern with bad info is that we will be judged by the wildest claims.
I'm about to have my first child and I will be following an alternative vaccination plan from the CDC over concerns for adjuvant. However, if I mention this to ANYONE besides a holistic medicine doctor, I am a crazy conspiracy theorist who is anti-vaxx... still getting their kid vaxxed?
Most people are only intelligent enough to understand a dichotomy. It's either DNA altering designed to reprogram us or it's the safest thing ever made. The large Grey area inbetween is unfathomable.
Unfortunately, my Trump friends are know-it-alls. This is how every conversation plays out.
Them: "Bro, I know Q, I've known Q long before you."
Me: "Was the donald ever on reddit?"
Them: "What? No! Fuck reddit. Why would be there. Listen, I've been following Q since the beginning with his first post in 2019. It's a psy op. He's never said anything verifiable, ever."
Me: "You should read the book of Q proofs."
Them: "Oh I have, I know it all man and there is nothing in there."
Triggering cognitive dissonance in them will either go unnoticed, angers them (causing reflection at a later time), or is the holy grail and their awakening moment.
It's that last one that is thr most fun because it opens up a much deeper conversation with them where minds really start to change.
The one time you get that response alone makes all the others worth it. :)
The thing is that liberals believe they are intellectually and morally superior to everyone else.
They also believe in the greater good.
So if they know best and their modus operandi is the greater good, then they know what's best for everyone.
Their goal with government is to take control so everyone has to do it their way, which they believe is the best outcome. They believe I forced vaccinations because they get vaccinated and unless the government mandates it, people are too stupid to get it.
Remember, this is the party that believes they are the saviors of non-whites who are too dumb to know how to vote and don't have internet access while calling everyone else racist.
In my worldview, I'm an atheist. I can happily co-exist with Ron Paul because I believe he has a right to his religion because I have a right to mine, and vice versa. We respect each other's right to sovereignty.
That basic agreement isn't an option in liberals worldview. It's their way or our way. To see this in action, try explaining to a socialist how you have zero problems with voluntary collectivism (non-government mandated social cooperation). They only believe in the false dichotomy that the government enforces it with violence or they can't do it.
These people are really dumb.
That's how my conversations always go, because I'm a libertarian.
There are some people who simply think with an authoritarian view. If they use phrases liken "Can we just," "Can we please stop," "Why such and such non important thing is a problem," they almost certainly say the words "there should be a law for that" daily.
Back when I used to be able to be friends with liberals, this one liberal couple came to sushi night, and they never did because it's too expensive. The other 5 couples at the table, myself included, are wealthy, right leaning people. One couple already ate but came for some sake. We used to do this weekly so the joint knew all of us by name and knew to split up separate checks. So liberal boy and his girl order up $240 between the two of them when a typical bill is only $60 a person. When the check comes, he throws a hissy fit about thr separate checks and tells the poor waitress to go being back one bill. Couple that already ate and had a $16 bill for one bottle of sake is like wtf, but homie is not letting up and tells us that's our fault we didn't order more and if you're not going to eat you shouldn't come to dinner. Honestly, none of us ever care about the bill and it's not uncommon for one of us to not have our wallet (wearing board shorts) so we ask the waitress if she could bring back a check for the 10 who ate and keep the other tab separate. She does and the liberal keeps complaining how unfair this is that their bill isn't going to be split as low. So the next time we invited them out, we put them in the couples position purposely inviting them out after seeing on social they had already gone to dinner. They joined for drinks, and we threw a hissy fit that it wasn't fair if they don't split the check with us (this time a steakhouse with $80 plates) and got the exact OPPOSITE argument hahaha. We never hung out with them again.
Sorry for the book... but there are just some people who are so selfish and deluded, that they will hold double standards and never see this argument. They want all the freedom in the world while wanting to lock everyone else up. Weather it's politics or dinner, they act in the same, hypocritical way. They're the 6% that are unsaveable.
Didn't realize Jen Psaki was on here telling me to "circle back".
I'm still hopeful for March 4th, but unless there is a hail mary on Feb 19th, that ain't it, so what else is there?
Biggest hopium for March 4th is that Trump hotel in DC is 3x the price on the 3rd and the 4th... why?
If I end up without a job and my life destroyed because the plan took too long, no, I will not be saying thank you. I will be saying fuck you.
Lots of proofs that whoever is behind it is connected. Yes those proofs are up for debate, but they're still dropping tons of hints.
The recent blue box and key. The geo tags from Trump tower and mar-a-lago, the press flying on VTOL military craft, the leaked secret documents, the affiliation with George and JFK, HELLO GEORGR Q post with 3 year delta. Tons of promising stuff.
I believe there is a plan but I'm not sure I agree with it.
Eventually, there's going to be nothing left to save. And yes yes I know the Q posts about being patient and it doesn't happen on our timeline, but for fuck sakes, many of us are having our lives wrecked in the process. I've recently become the subject of a political witch hunt at work, citing multiple HR complaints from fellow employees:
I started working from home two weeks before it was mandated. I was called a conspiracy theorists and racist against Chinese people.
Calling in with a Webcam, I was reported by a Chinese lady for having a white nationalist symbol on my wall. That symbol? I have an American flag canvas behind my chair at my home office...
I've also declined their flu shots every year and they recorded that I requested a single dose flu shot (what they give pregnant women) and was rejected... so they have me down as an anti vaxxer.
So now, they are "cleansing the organization of right wing extremism" and I am the target. I'm probably going to lose over a hundred thousand in income this year due to limited impact. I'm finding myself moonlighting nights working 80 hour weeks so I can have a future.
If "Q comes through" in 3 years, I will not being saying thank you, I will be saying fuck you. It's too late.
I don't feel bad for people who post propaganda and use public shaming to further their own stupidity. R.I.P.