I'll keep listening to him. My BS radar was piqued, but I guess it could be the use of a noise gate too.
You guys that 1.5x it are pretty hard core, 😄 you guys might like that Micro Machines Guy's podcast, he covers a whole 2 hours worth of material in a 4 minute show, I have no Idea what it about tho
58% of voter records in Arizona showed that those people do not exist in Social Security database.
I've wanted to call in to Mark Levin or the like and ask why, if upon citizenship you're issued a SSN, and if you can tie each one to a living/dead/age/eligible person, then why can't the voting require a SSN. Itd be easy(ier) to comb through totals.But I think we know voting has been kept sloppy on purpose.
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