It would be as telling as the 14mil Dem voters that didn’t vote this time around if it was true. I mean she stole bidens money to begin with.
Could be! I read that theory, did she run just to run then? Katie Hobbs is a dummy. But so is Kina Toetec of Oregon. They cheated there as well. First state with smartmatoc machines. Makes you wonder..
Does anyone have sauce for this?
Makes you wonder if these were coded voting machines or specific races. Or maybe just known counties that that had massive amounts of cheating. Which was just allowed to be done correctly. Maybe why Arizona took so long trying to find a water main to bust, so they could re map the software. Hard to do when people are watching so closely. Doesn’t explain Kari lake though. Someone told me, I know nothing about this, that Kari told the guy she ran against that she wasn’t going to run and people were salty about the lying. Don’t know though and can’t confirm.
They tried to cheat again. ?
HOW DARE YOU! In a whiny little girls voice.
Sorry, I assumed the gender. That "PERSON" has a red hat. Still obviously a Trump supporter. Duh/
FAKE NEWS! That guy has a red hat, he is obviously not a democrat.
Revelation 3:9 "Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you."
Only 27 states? Why not all of them? Hmmm...
I laughed when i saw this the first time.
Excuse my ignorance.. who pays the payout? The other share holder? A run on the market, selling of your shares, should happen now/ when prices are high.
My question for her would be, "wouldn't paper ballots be more secure? Other countries do that and get similar numbers counted the same day."
A box of chocolates and a bunch of running.
A link to this perhaps?
KEK! They probably have a blood cancer or aids.
the shifts of shills?
Kamala HATES Chimos. She has been such a great prosecutor on this exact topic. Just look into her record!
Dude I shop there. HA. My kids sing "Gross me outlet, Barfing market" on the way to pick out food they are going to eat. Chill.
She must own a grocery outlet. “Gross me outlet, barfing market.”
Or just “Gross out” by the ones who still buy from them.
Heavenly Father, I pray that your will be done here on earth during these elections, as it is in Heaven. We need guidance and direction. We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We love you and your decided plans for our future. In Jesus name. Amen.
Saying this on a social would get your door kicked in by the fbi under Biden. If you said it about him or Harris. Do we have free speech under Biden still? Or is it one sided? FBI are you ready to be gutted institutionally?