Does it require a higher count than 50 votes? What is to prevent Camal from tiebreaking?
Decent video regarding the 'ruling'.,-throws-out-texas:a
my thoughts exactly
Would be better to send over to reddit than PW, those guys need help not more doomsayers.
Money is probably going to be sent to the CIA or the cabal lackeys. They'll blow a couple million dollars and end up making less of these 'suits' than was projected.
Mods are probably getting sick of this stuff. Idiots threw a hissy fit over the George 'ban' and got one of the 'former' mods ousted - or mod infighting. Honestly doesn't bode well for the site if it continues down this trajectory.
Either to show us 1/100 of what a mod deals with every day or the mods are self-destructing and we're bearing witness to it.
One of the few things I disagree or dislike with Trump with, every president should be pro-2nd amendment.
Any chance that this is related to the NY AG having access to Trump's tax returns about 2 weeks ago?
It'll be killed by Governor Blackface.
Soon it'll be to restrict certain type of flags...
I don't think any of the people that stabbed Trump in the back showed up, right? Conservatives aren't a violent bunch (...yet) but these RINOs have to afraid of showing their faces to their supposed voter base in person.
I can understand the circular motion but the little dash would throw me off - that is assuming Q isn't true.
Fair point but if it is proven to be true later on or the girl is killed, the judge should lose his job or be jailed at a minimum.
He died in 2017 if anyone is curious but I'm sure this is still relevant to why there are a lot of propagandists to this day.
Probably a government / cabal entity behind the hacking - the freaks are just scapegoats.
From Feb 13th. Not a cutting edge statement.
Trump won by a lot.
Figured this would be a good place to remind everyone. =)
South Park had some pretty based moments so it'll be a wait and see from me.
Grounds for secession.
I like it but heard the military were slow on updating those things.
Joke or subtle jab, either way I think someone is going to be added to the Clinton count because of it.
Not everyone, unfortunately but this will be great wake up on this false flag.
If the charges are not fabricated - get that POS out of there and into prison.
Could've been drinking a shit ton of wine before he got on TV.