axrevolutionai 5 points ago +6 / -1

Cuck, I never liked him and now I feel vindicated

Little try hard larper should have stayed home playing video games or sleeping with his GF not play pretend militia

axrevolutionai 0 points ago +2 / -2

She is, plenty of people have been stripped of their actual ethnicity by TPTB. The Indian kush mountains were actually the Caucasus. Same thing happened with Hispanics, where they used to get caucasian on their birth certificates and were raised as such. That is why older American Hispanics are all educated and nice people versus gen Z kids who glorify the cartels and think of whites as "colonizers"

Caucasian is referring to a ancestral, regional ethno origin not skin color. But if you have ever seen Desi (or Latin or that matter) nudes you'd probably have an easier time seeing them as "caucasian" because they can all be pretty light skinned under clothes

axrevolutionai 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think Trump is playing a dangerous game making this about Kamala's ethnicity

I realize this could be a gambit to expose DEI and the true racism of the democrat establishment


axrevolutionai 3 points ago +3 / -0

Problem is one drop rule is pretty much still the way normies think. Look at Hispanics, all are mixed European stock and Amerindian, but they are braimwashed into seeing whites as "colonizers" and identifying "brown" just like blacks. There is no pride in the richness of the Spanish, French, German, and even Irish culture and heritage that shaped the entirety of Latin America and its people. And frankly why Latin America is even a developed world

So yeah, normies instantly identify with the "lowest" when mixed. And this is why normies give so easily into skin color tribalism and racism.

axrevolutionai 3 points ago +3 / -0

I do not think Eva is the greatest but it did mark a shift in the industry, for the better. I would definitely pick Slayers and Utena over It.

Big difference to me is no parents are taking their kids to see End of Eva screenings whereas they absolutely do take them to see Deadpool, either because the kids beg for it or the parents just do not care.

axrevolutionai 16 points ago +17 / -1

It is woke in its own way.

Remember when superheroes were all aspirational? Motivational? Modern morality tales? And always guaranteed to be family friendly entertainment for all ages?

This era is completely different. The Joker and Harley Quinn are more revered than Batman and Wonder Woman. Deadpool is crass and irreverant. Millions of people thought "Thanos was right" Logan is hailed as the best superhero movie period and it is depressing, nihilist garbage.

I am a superhero guy. I love comics, cartoons, anime, you name it. Yet I do not watch most of these new movies because I know they will not meet my gold standard, Christopher Reeve's Superman.

One set of movies did meet that mark for me and those were the original X-men movies. To this day, I do not understand the hatred for Last Stand. It is a thought provoking and well crafted alternative to the Dark Phoenix saga and if you had named it, "What if the X-Men had never made contact with the Shi'ar?" Maybe comic book nerds might had been more receptive.

"Hold this line" is one of the most poetic and grounded final battles in superhero films and it was at a fraction of the budget used for Endgame's last setpiece. You watch it and it is hard to believe it is a 2005 film. The whole trilogy, honestly, is cerebral yet entertaining and has all the elements of a good Xmen story...

Anyways, rant over

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

These sports hardly get any airtime so if you enjoy any niche sport watch it

But I would avoid basketball, soccer, etc

Very little chances to watch track, gymnastics, etc

axrevolutionai 7 points ago +7 / -0

So there is a lot of astroturfing on social media about women in the Olympics and uniforms

This lines up with my belief the cabal is using both liberals and conservatives to lead to Sharia law in America

We need to stay vigilant

axrevolutionai 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like his message, just not his flow. My first real rap exposure before I really got into the midwest stuff was Liquid Swords (Gza) so my standards have always been a little too high

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0


I really am blown away Jennings mentioned Q. I will have to check his catalog.

axrevolutionai 0 points ago +1 / -1

So would you have any rappers who you think are on Q? Not like Tom McDonald..more like some hardcore rap. Does not need to be horrorcore, just spitters.

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was one track that gave me hope..

It was a skit on an ep (Enterfear)

"What happened, ma'am? They came in shooting and taking food Who's they, ma'am? The Technicians! What kind of technicians? The fucking Technicians, I don't know Uh, the Technicians are the underground group that refuses to take the vaccines and the ID chips, sir Oh, got it Mam is anybody hurt? Did they hurt anyone? No they just took food and stole this guy's produce truck"

But then Tech went and got the damn shot so he could tour?

axrevolutionai 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did you see tech put out an ep called

siQnaling the siQly

Gives me hope he is on Q in secret

axrevolutionai 1 point ago +1 / -0

eliminate beef and certain shellfish. Chicken, salmon, tuna, shrimp, and occassional pork. Goal is to reduce inflamation without.

You are right, sheep and goat dairy will be easier. does he have a trader joe's?

axrevolutionai 4 points ago +4 / -0

Chino XL died? Wow. No way

I know him from working with Tech N9ne


Wwg1wga fren.

axrevolutionai 1 point ago +1 / -0

Best thing he can do is prioritize LISS cardio over everything. Liss cardio produces results independent of weight and can reverse heart disease. So we look at two metrics over BMI, which are nutrition and RHR/vo2.

So his weight will never be where someone might want it, but his actual health can be equivalent to that of someone in a normal BMI range.

Because of his hormonal profile, I would suggest eliminating TMAO in the diet and switching to a2 dairy or sheep/goat everything for milk, cheese, yogurt, etc

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

D3 is a synthetic hormone and I stopped taking it because it has a lot of drawbacks. If you are light to medium skin of any ethnicity, 15 minutes of peak sun daily is all you need, honestly even getting it on twice or so a week will keep normal levels stable

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope that Jesus will relax a little and do a little bitch slapping. I want him to have the biggest grin on His chin, "my dumb stupid silly children, lol" as he corrects anyone He needs to including us

axrevolutionai 5 points ago +5 / -0

Slow it down to .5x and look at his mouth and expressions

I'm aH Christian.

It is a hard aHH not a soft aaa

Just his New Yorker accent popping through.

The hand to his heart and smile confirms It.

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

Clothing line was covered here years ago for

And it is pretty benign. If the parents are into streetwear fashion, the baby clothes match that aesthetic spot on. Especially because a lot of hypebeast brands don't do infant clothes, the brand has a niche.

For what it is worth, the new rules are pretty strict on drugs and trans competitors. So the actual olympic events themselves are as unwoke as they have been lately.

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is that an actual GAW girl or a stock image?

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