biglyboi 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very true... Reminds me of the book Confessions of an Economic Hitman

Looking at you Halliburton

biglyboi 4 points ago +4 / -0

Omg. It's almost like insurance fraud. Like with 9/11. Demo the buildings, collect the massive insurance payouts. Silverstein insured the Twin Towers for a ton of money against terrorism not long before the attacks. The firm that insured them quickly sold the policies on to other insurance companies so it wouldn't be exposed to such a huge payout.

So BCG and gang do a controlled demolition on a company and get a huge payday with shorts. Dirty.

biglyboi 4 points ago +5 / -1

I doubt it's comms ... More likely just laying groundwork for midterm lockdowns

biglyboi 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, probably another red herring. Whereas 5g could potentially affect many people continuously as soon as installed...

biglyboi 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks like a younger Soros. Before his eye balls had dropped

biglyboi 8 points ago +8 / -0

It would kind of make sense. My idealism says "Why not just tell the truth? Tell people it's poison, show your sources, you have a duty to be upfront with people." But that obviously assumes such a thing is possible and effective. We saw over the years how hobbled the Trump admin was with traitors in its midst, and how the media was able to twist reality and convince a lot of people Trump was literally Hitler. So maybe the straight shooting approach wouldn't actually have saved more lives in the end?

biglyboi 2 points ago +2 / -0

The IRS operates one of the biggest frauds there is. They know that income tax, as most people think of it (a direct & unapportioned tax), is prohibited by the Constitution. Which is why in the actual code it's all smoke and mirrors to obscure what is actually a constitutional tax. Yes, the "income tax" is constitutional -- it just doesn't apply to the vast majority of income. You probably don't owe them a dime, legally. But the IRS does everything they can to deceive people to continue the racket.


biglyboi 1 point ago +1 / -0

Read this a couple months ago and was very intrigued because it seems to overlap a lot with what I had read in Cracking the Code and the author's website www.losthorizons.com

by IAmOne
biglyboi 9 points ago +9 / -0

If you read the book The Invisible Rainbow, it appears likely that the illness that first started it was actually radio wave sickness due to the huge increase in RF use for WWI. Then the vaccines came around and caused more harm than good.

Same with today and 5g perhaps?

biglyboi 3 points ago +3 / -0


The "income tax" truth, for those who wish to embark on this journey. Just be sure you're up for it because probably no accountant or lawyer will ever see things this way. You'll be on your own.

by 369Q
biglyboi 9 points ago +9 / -0

He called for the assassination of Lindsey Graham? Now we're getting somewhere!

biglyboi 7 points ago +7 / -0

Translation: when an attack is staged, fall in with the narrative we give you because Russia Man Bad

biglyboi 2 points ago +2 / -0

Basically, this crisis stems from Ukraine being deeply divided. The west is mainly Ukrainian, the east is mainly Russian, and they vote that way. Further:

  1. The US promotes "democracy" around the world, toppling regimes and installing leaders that will be pro west. This is a threat to Russia.
  2. NATO expansion is a threat to Russia.
  3. EU expansion is a threat to Russia.

Russia has made it clear that putting Ukraine on the western side of the ledger in the global balance of power is an absolute no-go. Just like we would be apoplectic if China set up shop in Canada and Mexico.

Despite Ukraine NOT being of vital interest to the US, and it IS of vital interest to Russia, we keep poking the bear.

There's more in the video, good stuff. He's possibly a little naive on some topics, like thinking Obama and others are just 21st century people who can't comprehend why Russia would have an issue with their actions. There's more going on under the surface that he doesn't catch. He also doesn't go into much detail about the protests against which he said the Ukraine govt overreacted, if you want more on that watch Ukraine on Fire. But otherwise a good talk.

biglyboi 8 points ago +8 / -0

If she's got an apple, then she's got a banana.

biglyboi 8 points ago +9 / -1

I saw a post claiming that a user was banned for saying White Lives Matter. Seems probably fake/trolling but I'm interested to see how robust the free speech is on Truth Social once more people are allowed in.

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