e: 'Satan is not too far fetched for you"... The christian satan? Which one? Sha'hai-tan? The prosecutorial adversary? Lucifer? What makes you so sure I subscribe to any such anthropromorphic notion? I do understand why and how they vary.
Part of your initial reply of: "How's his Satanic symbol-flashing ex-wife doing these days?" led me to the assumption that you subscribe to some sort anthropromorphic notion of this character.
The LARPing of sitchin has some very interesting characteristics, one of them being what is referred to scientists as 'Junk DNA' which is that 90% of human DNA is inactive, which is very interesting. Its almost as if a more advanced species created humans in their image using their DNA in a laboratory, however switched off the majority of the functions of that DNA. Further to this the missing link so often discussed, is not a small step from one species to the next, it is a number of steps missing from one species to the next, which lends more credibility to this story, that there was an event that took place that created this giant change in DNA. Then there is evidence of humans mining gold in the cradle of human kind in South Africa pre 100K BC: https://newsrescue.com/ancient-200000bc-human-metropolis-found-in-africa/
We have plenty of overlapping stories intentionally designed to create confusion, however due to the intricacies of these stories, and how they all link to each other in some esoteric way, and how effectively we have been manipulated by the 'powers that be' sometimes makes me think that this is not the first time that this has been done to a planet or species like ours, lending more weight to the THEORY that we might actually be being manipulated by a more advanced species.
So satan is not too far fetched for you but the reptilian species is way out there ? Sounds like you got this all figured out ?
If satan and the fallen angels (nephilim) wanted to be seen as shape shifting reptilians, im pretty sure thats what they would be seen as. Im also pretty certain that its within their capabilities to shape shift and portray any form of themselves to anyone, and different forms to different people. So basically if they wanted you to see them as flesh eating reptiles, thats how you would see them.
Interesting that the welsh flag has a dragon on it, and that prince charles' title is the prince of wales. What is even more interesting is that prince charles is a descendant of Count Dracula (you can look this up) - now we have 2 human blood thirsty species linked to the King in waiting - where there is smoke, as the saying goes.
More related weirdness - the alpha romeo logo is of a dragon eating a human being as well, and even the vatican has reptilian architecture, one of the halls being a giant snake head (the body in italy and the head in the vatican state iirc). The entrance's to the square mile of london (the separate country, much like the vatican) also has dragon statues on all entries to it. They really did put in a lot of effort here for an elaborate international hoax, spanning centuries.
Heck even the Annunaki could be portraying themselves as the nephilim adding another layer(s) of confusion, to this wildly confusing hidden history of Earth and homo sapiens.
I love this part, especially considering that the US government is exclusively run p3dos, and that half the population support them and their woke grooming policies, this is now irony in its purest form
Does that include men in shithole countries like places in Africa and Asia/Middle East?
Ok so lets look at things directly related to DJT or things he has done or said.
- DJT says he is the father of the vaccine: https://www.bitchute.com/video/VTP3OFEsY3mT/ - interesting to note it took 9 months to complete
- DJT moves funding directly to Emperor Gates' Gavi (Vaccine) Alliance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pV1U9s3vJ0 (so everyone can agree Emperor Gates is one of devil's right hand men but its okay for DJT to directly fund him cos that is not what he meant to do, or he is playing 5D chess or some other wild excuse like that)
- MAGA 5th and highest degree of the church of Satan: https://www.churchofsatan.com/hierarchy/
When it comes to Simpsons and heavy metal magazine, I am sure you have heard of predictive programming - except its not if it involves DJT
The Fluoride deception: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBZRb-73tLc
Why is there a warning on toothpaste? (Google search) Acute Poisoning
If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately.” The FDA requires this warning because children who swallow too much fluoride toothpaste can suffer acute poisoning, even death
The 25 years (in 2016) that tie DJT to Wilbur Ross (Former head of ROTHSCHILD inc bankruptcy advising team)
Trump saved from bankruptcy by the Rothschilds in the early 90's
President Donald Trump — as Foretold in a 1990 Heavy Metal Story!
J Kushner buys 666 5th Avenue for a record breaking $1.8 Billion (6+6+6) - Symbolism will be their downfall
Its all a show - ALL of it - DJT presidency was even predicted on the Simpsons
Its actually evidence of 'Terrain Theory' as apposed to 'Germ theory'
Its worth looking into, you should see the number of hoops that need to be jumped through in order to 'isolate' a 'virus'
And the military has been and is currently being purged of patriots - when do we start to think of plan B - like seriously ?
The amount of mental gymnastics is astounding really it is
Antarctica is closer to certain places than those places are to to USA for example, however these places still go to USA but not Antarctica, your point is not a very good one. And not 1 place on earth takes a week to fly to either.
There is also the Antarctic treaty - signed in the name of Nature Conservation - yeah right
you are not allowed to ask 'those' types of questions here
So 2 paths to the same destination, so we are totally screwed.
Its then up to us to make sure we vote on none of the above, and abolish the current system, say no to their new proposed system and then implement our own new system / government which we are well within our rights to do....
I somehow doubt peaceful protest will get the job done
This video does bring a little hope for us:
Zero comments on Putin's Vaccine mandates or him using military to enforce the new NWO rules.
The vaccine and vaccine passport is the NWO's entire plan - THIS is what they have been working towards all along..... NOTHING else matters right now.
If they get this right its over for all of us. If the passport comes into effect then the world turns into China in a few years, and the real squeeze will start.
History and real facts that you are so keen to show me, will be completely wiped from everywhere in a few short years and will be meaningless and forgotten, except in their own literature, privy to a few eyes only.
Trump also *kicked out the central bankers, not sure if it had any affect on the man on the street : https://michaeltellinger.com/boe-bank-of-england-is-running-scared/
Any leader/president going along with this plan and enforcing it (especially with military), are showing us their hand .... everything up until now has been theatrics priming the world for this event.
Why would Putin kick out the central bankers but then implement their master plan ?
This is do or die for us and for them - and right now they have the upper hand
Yes aware of all those facts.
Were you aware that Russia has been the 'enemy' of the USA since the cold war ? Its double edged sword....
Putin *might have kicked the central bankers - but he is definitely on board with the *plan to depopulate the world
In light of this, it appears that he *might be controlled opposition:
Russia - armed soldiers enforce indoor mask wearing: https://twitter.com/G_P_L_M/status/1461637440184090625
Want to skip the vaccine in Russia? You could be suspended from work
Its not that they necessarily hate Russia, what they do need however is for normal people to always have a consistent military threat looming over their heads, which is part of the constant fear campaign and since now they are trying to butter up China, Russia is it
Its working 100% as expected
Because they dont all stand together - just like us peasants
They are year month time stamped, if they were all reported late as per your suggestion, they would not all be different months, they would all be the (late) month they were captured before print
They are year month time stamped, if they were all reported late as per your suggestion, they would not all be different months, they would all be the (late) month they were captured
French waiving white flags was a NWO psy-op, they have always been this way
Its dubbed the 'Totalitarian Tiptoe' - this starts now "for home/ hotel quarantine for travellers and the like" but in 5/10 yrs mandatory across the world - mark my words, unless there is a mass revolt and enough people wake up in time
There is no need to take this so personally really, no one is blaming this on you, its just your psycho government implementing the NWO's plans for a big pay day