The Rumble app is kinnnnnda garbage. Sorry not trying to be hater it does get better and better with most uodates in my experience. They're working hard to make it great!
But it's not great yet it's just functional. Consider it a beta app.
This kinda app is one of the most difficult types to get working with no bugs AND all the features you'd expect in a modern video app for a phone if any performance level and across several versions of Android and iOS.
I get this bug sometimes. Sometimes it works fine. It's a little inconsistent.
But honestly I'm pretty impressed because two months it was completely unusable for me:
... Videos would bug out like that after only 5 minutes almost every time. Videos would stop playing if you put the app on the background. It wouldn't remember your place EVER if you left the screen.
... now? All of those features work. 80% of the time admittedly it's not perfect.
But I'm pretty impressed with their efforts tj make this a great app.
Try documenting the bug if you can and submitting a bug report. Otherwise I have a feeling they're already working on this one given their consistent progress so far and given how common this particular bug is. I would imagine it's already on their priority issues board.
You should also read his alternate opinion. He did not sign on to the majority. He wrote his own opinion that was completely contrary to his draft opinion, narrowing it to oblivion as usual and claiming this isn't a constitutional issue.
He can fuck right off. I'm glad he voted correctly. But I think he only did it so it wasn't completely obvious he was the leaker.
Fuck John Roberts
HE'S the leaker. His alternate opinion compared to his leaked draft just as much confirms it and at the very least is gross as hell.
John Roberts going around right after the opinion was released saying "the court went to far, this is too much of a legal jolt to the system".
Don't get me wrong I'm glad he voted correctly. He's just a smarmy asshole and I don't trust him.
Fuck John Roberts
If you're referring to an olllld thread like when closer to when this whole site started .... you're telling me something I didn't know about!
I was referring to a thread from maybe a week ago. I'll see if I can find an old one, though doubtful I'm not that great at search.
While you are absolutely correct and we need to treat them with frankly a lot of sympathy ...
I also know that THE REASON I woke up, is because I suffered significant real consequences from believing the stupid shit I believed that I had no idea where even affecting my life so directly.
I feel immensely aweful for the vaxxed. But I also know if there aren't consequences up to and including death, many people will find a way to stay asleep.
I'm not going to shove it in their faces and laugh at them. Not at all.
I'm going to give them the full brundt of how stupid and evil their behavior was or they'll do very little to nothing to treat themselves and act similarly in future situations that require them to consider other people's perspectives.
You have to care enough to be frank enough for them to feel the full weight or they'll just say "yeah you might be right" and then not change at all as their is no emotional foundation that keeps them thinking straight and prevents them from straying into any ol' belief their friends tell them too.
It's takes a serious emotional strength to resist not thinking for yourself.
And that emotional strength only comes when you fully emotionally experience the evil you committed and know it to be wrong.
While I agree that is in fact what that means ...
It's not certain that is the meaning totally.
No outside comms PROBABLY means no one else is Q.
But "no outside comms" doesn't EXACTLY mean "no one else is Q" either.
I don't know. It was PARTIALLY a joke. But not entirely. It looks EXACTLY like him. Search around there are a few good threads on it with facial analysis and deltas.
Check it out our ol' friend Gregg Phillips appears in this post too ;-)
also he mentions declass of FISA 1 and FISA 2
Check it out our ol' friend Gregg Phillips appears in this post too ;-)
fuckin' lol bit hot headed today huh buddy
his quote DID actually address the claim he made
if you can figure out how to read maybe you can figure out what you missed
maybe we should deport YOU? you haven't contributed anything beyond telling people "you're wrong" while providing NO information or proof of your own - sounds like a handshake
True The Vote said the announcement is today, yesterday. It's some kinda deal between them and a Sheriff's org.
Where's the True The Vote Sheriff's deal announcement Gregg Phillips has been hyping as "coming Tuesday" for like idk a week now ....
Has it been posted yet?
lol maybe a troll usually sorry must've been too helpful on accident haha
The crowdsource is where we come in :-)
They will provide the data keystones.
Anons will provide the analysis.
We'll link this new shit with EVERYTHING we've learned thus far. That's the fusion center. That's us too. The army of digital information warfare soldiers. That's the crowdsource.
I think we're about to learn the meaning of future proves past.
N. C. S. W. I. C.
My partner has a business that will be difficult to rebuild when we move cities. If we moved now and ANYTHING went wrong ... we'd be FUCKED.
And while I am a risk taker and to me that sounds like "okay, it's a risk but this is important let's make it happen" ... he is not this way, he's a newly awakened libfuckretard and while he doesn't think any of the brainwashed shit anymore, he still thinks LIKE he does.
Like anyone coming out of a cult, it might take a few YEARS for them to be capable of rational thought regularly and automatically. Right now he's just at the stage where he knows he was brainwashed and he even knows the facts of what really happened. But getting him to see he's still thinking the same WAY he was before, can sometimes be a real challenge - a challenge that frankly will be the ultimate success or downfall of our relationship.
So we're just saving our pennies and taking our time to decide what new city we'd most likely really like.
He's rooting for Austin. I get it. It's hip. Lots of music stuff which is his business, he's a piano teacher.
I'm thinking Houston or maybe Memphis or Nashville. I'm not totally opposed to Austin, at the end of the day it's still Texas, but it also doesn't make any fucking sense to move TO a city that's not super different than the one I'm trying to get away from.
I have NO idea. That was my point but it prob got lost in long my comment was lol
Even when I ask them they don't have much of a reason other than "other people are"
It's just so strange that many of these people are THE SAME EXACT people that were complaining about them still being required just two months ago.
I kinda wonder if it has anything to do with the upcoming riots re Roe v Wade.
This is the case in Portland. I work at a retail store. Two months ago? Almost all the masks were finally off!
Now they're 60% back!?
... yeah yeah I KNOW it's Portland this town is FUCKED but just weird the masks are making such a major comeback for no apparent reason - if they were spinning more Monkeypox fear or whatever maybe it would make sense. But when I ask the maskers why they're wearing a mask again suddenly after a few months if not ... "I don't know everyone else is"
... Goddamnit ...
I even know someone who's ANTI-MASK and has been against the mandates and now that the mandates are finally over ! ...
They WERE optional. But it was his event and he was handing them out so it shouldn't take big brains to figure out socially most people will put it on.
I told him it was one of the most hypocritical things I've ever seen someone do. Motherfucker basically said "I'm just trying not to be an asshole I just wanted to make them available! I didn't make anyone wear it!?"... Well you're kinda a two-face so ... avoiding being an asshole by compromising your other values ... is dumb and evil.
You whined about the masks for the last two years. And then encouraged everyone to keep up their behavior.
I reminded him what the suicide rate is for teens right now and told him everytime you hand a parent a mask and tell them it's okay if they want to wear one, you're encouraging that parent that they're alright to mask their kids - something he's previously agreed was sick.
He took the criticism fairly well considering how harsh it was. But the guilt of standing up for himself will always outweigh his guilt over compromising the truth. And he'll avoid the one he's most guilty about.
And that describes most maskers I know here.
My partner was vaxxed. Experienced severe symptoms exactly as described in this document (for him it was mostly the MCAS-like cluster symptoms).
It's been about a year now since he got the first two shots. He was jussssstttt starting to wake up from being a normie and the vaccine injury has pushed him over the edge after being totally unable to receive any medical help or even sympathy from mainstream doctors.
No booster thank God.
Anyway. Symptoms were MOST severe for first 3 months. SLIGHTLY reduced over next 3 months likely due to FLCCC interventions which I convinced him to try at that time.
He's basically symptom free now or at least very good at hiding it by now. His Paterson cytokine test also shows much lower inflammation markers. Though these numbers are still slightly elevated above normal. Don't have them on me.
--- side rant ---
I have ALOT of friends who've gotten the clotshot.
First the number of people I know experiencing symptoms who haven't told ANYONE but me is SKY HIGH.
Most aren't doing anything about the symptoms except worrying.
Those who DO SOMETHING about it usually improve.
Those who stay home and do nothing deteriorate. Those who get a booster ... die or quickly get much worse if they're already experiencing symptoms and then get a booster.
The short term effects are BAD. But what scares me is what happens over the next 5-10 years.
Just because we've mostly managed your symptoms, doesn't mean a major pathology hasn't developed.
ESPECIALLY for the people not doing anything to mitigate the damage done to themselves.
I can't tell you how many vaxxed I know that are suffering who are SO DEPRESSED about this whole situation that they're doing NOTHING about their health almost telling me they just wish they'd die then face the music they made a STUPID decision and now must seek help from people they previously maligned.
They'll complain all day long about how the medical establishment is so evil that it won't even listen to them ... and then instead of doing ANY of the things from the FLCCC report I give them they just make another appointment with another mainstream specialist and complain AGAIN they're not being helped.
All I can do is keep giving them the document ...
Upcote this man to the top!
Thank you for your inspiration and insight fren
"no mechanism for that" is exactly what the dems said after we said we wanted a court to hear the evidence of voter fraud
and then we had our asses dismissed every time we tried to show that was INCORRECT
this is also incorrect
special elections are NOT a new concept
"there is no mechanism for that" (at least in terms of Kash's meaning of the phrase) is either ...
1 sort of true disinformation (ie no mechanism that handles this EXACT situation, so technically true) said maybe? as a distraction or part of an irregular warfare campaign against the blackhats
2 plain disinformation (ie there is either a. a mechanism, or b. an event that somehow leads to this outcome - Trump president before 2024)
3 basically true (regardless of if there's a 'mechanism' or not the plan really is wait until 2024)
Man people are butthurt by your comments.
I don't get it. I'm not completely on board with what you're saying but it's not worth down brigading every comment you make in the thread either.
Most people seem to be upset you're asking who Q is? Or looking to unmask. Or calling us Q fags lol yeah I don't like that but it's been upvoted like mad before so I don't blame you for thinking people would like it - but I wouldn't keep trying until it strikes.
Anyway the idea of getting mad about unmasking Q is FUCKING DUMB.
There's NO FUCKING WAY an operation THIS IMPORTANT would have a vulnerability to getting doxxed. And if it was vulnerable to doxxing/unmasking, you'd think it's because we're SUPPOSED to find out.
What did Q tell us to do more than ANYTHING ... ? Seek the truth.
I don't think it's that important of a question so that's why I'm not really in agreement necessarily. I'm not sure it matters THAT much who Q is. Obviously it matters. It's just less important than the content imo.
But I don't understand the butthurt over asking the question either.